The Quantum Guidance contained in this REMEMBERshop was created to Guide you through your Entire journey of REMEMBERING as simply as possible. It is not a course that lasts a few weeks, this is a TRUE journey of REMEMBERING that YOU hold all the answers to your entire existence and BEYOND within your own self... you just require they KEYS/GUIDANCE to open the portals of Remembering.
Inside are all the Tools Rememberings and Quantum Activation's that brought me through my Powerful Journey of Awakening and Ascension. Yes, we are meant to Ascend our Consciousness first by RELEASING our Ego and then Ascending our physical bodies. This process takes YEARS to complete as we are releasing the control of our ego mind and taking back our Lives and Reality from the corrupted manipulation of the Matrix we have been UNKNOWINGLY living within our entire lives. As the Matrix/Reality of illusions/manipulations keeps unravelling before our eyes we have a choice to shift out of the lower 3D reality/Amnesia by choosing to do the inner work OR stay plugged into it all as it crumbles to the ground waiting for someone to come save us which is NEVER going to happen.
This is a FREE WILL Earth reality meaning we are meant to "SAVE" ourselves by Awakening and RELEASING the matrix of manipulation we have taken on as our reality then Ascending back to our natural state of Quantum Consciousness. There is NO certificate that will take you through this journey. Certificates/Diplomas are built to suite the ego and have nothing to do with consciousness.
What do I mean by breaking down the Matrix and Remembering the Way Home?
Matrix = 3D life/reality/unconsciousness/amnesia/asleep
The matrix being made up of a subset of programs/programming like a computer, these programs are our core beliefs/identities of how life/reality works, including our “history” as a species and all information (math/science/medical/religion/race…) force fed to us at school, through everyday life and unknowingly from our parents, caregivers and all humans we interact with. All humans holding there own unique programs/beliefs based upon the core programming/conditioning/manipulation/information we've all taken in as what we call REALITY, through our own unique way of seeing, based upon how we have taken all the information/indoctrination in and how we hold it inside ourselves (our own unique beliefs). These core beliefs/programs/illusions of reality ARE the Matrix (a spiderweb of manipulation).
We each take the information/manipulation in by believing it all as truth without question which then becomes our own unique truth/beliefs/matrix. When we are faced with a question, we look into our mind/matrix/ego and we wait for an answer based from the information we have been force fed/taken on as the truth.
As we Awaken we begin to SEE/FEEL/REALIZE that the Matrix is actually a massive collection of lies/illusion/disinformation manipulated backwards from the actual TRUTH for thousands of 'years' to suite the needs of a small few bent on world domination and enslaving humanity.
If you are Awake then you have already begun to see/feel this for yourself now wondering “how do I get myself out of this Matrix built from manipulation/corruption/conditioning… or what some call “hell on earth”
First is to acknowledge it’s actually happening and all of humanity has bought into it since before the creation of “time”. We are born, we get TAUGHT about life/reality and it all begins…., we die, we are reborn and again we are taught the newest version of the Matrix/illusion, wash rinse repeat….
When I speak of Breaking Down the matrix I am speaking to acknowledging that we have taken on the matrix manipulation as our reality and now want to Find/Feel/Remember our way OUT of all the lies and manipulation to reveal the actual TRUTH of our Existence.
Next question becomes “what IS the TRUTH and where/how do we find it….?
Better yet, How do we Trust it when we find it, how do we know this new information is the Real Truth of our existence…?
This is the BEST most AWESOME/POWERFUL part of it all…
ALL the information, ALL the TRUTH we search for, everything about who we truly are as humans, why we are actually living and breathing here in this Earth Reality, the answers to the Universe and everything in Existence is Coded In our DNA, neatly packed and waiting to be Opened/Activated/Remembered. Each living being fully coded with ALL of existence for each to find/feel/remember as each begins to Awaken, eventually opening up this coding within our DNA and Remembering the Way Home. HOME being Ascending our Consciousness and physical body back to our natural Expanded state of Oneness/Purity/Love/Quantum Consciousness where ego/corruption/manipulation DOES NOT and CANNOT exist.
Each one of us connecting back to our DNA/ONENESS Activating/Remembering our own Truth from WITHIN.
For this journey we only require to be guided back into our own self to find OUR own truth. A guide such as myself that has already come through, Ascending back to Oneness/Purity as a living Embodiment of Love, guiding/sharing/uplifting/supporting through my/their own unique experiences of our own journeys that brought us through. Each soul when eventually ready to do the inner work being guided to an Ascended Master/Wayshower/Ascension Guide that they resonate with, meaning there journeys/paths/experiences to Awaken/Ascend will be very similar so as to be able to trust/relate to the guidance/experiences being shared. As Wayshowers that Guide/Support/Assist we are simply sharing our unique journey through simplicity BREAKING DOWN the programs/programming/illusions/conditioning/indoctrination/manipulation/beliefs of the Matrix/Life/Reality.
The journey takes many years to unravel/see/feel/release/resolve/dissolve//clear/remember, so as Guides/Wayshowers we share our way through to those that feel called to stand in their Power and begin the journey of REMEMBERING. This involves breaking down the ego, the ego being what holds the matrix together and Expanding back into our Highest Heart through Releasing the control of the ego, then beginning to create/materialize/Embody your New Earth Quantum Existence.
I have taken my entire journey and broken it down into 100 pages as an Awakening/Ascension guidebook, each section breaks down the matrix of illusion/core programming that all other programs are created from. Yes , humans build programs/beliefs without even noticing and eventually as we Awaken our soul says it’s time to CLEAR it all away as all of the Programming is what blocks the human from Activating the coding/remembering held within the DNA.
Our DNA/TRUTH being the KEY/WAY OUT of the false Matrix/illusion….
As an example, Fear is a program, it’s not a real emotion, it’s actually a program created from a learned behaviour, meaning we took it on by watching/feeling/listening to others, being TOLD it is a natural emotion/reaction. Then being pushed into/through constant FEAR scenarios in life/reality missing the bigger point that fear is ALWAYS manufactured by humans to keep CONTROL of humans. We simply took it on as children and it became a new programmed way of reacting instead of walking into it and seeing the real truth that it’s an ILLUSION.
My mission is to make this information as affordable as possible while honouring the energy transfer of my life journey being shared back to you in a simple and easy to follow guide meant to be used for your entire journey. I've taken the "WORK" out of workshop and replaced it with REMEMBER as we are Remembering Our Way Back Home through our DNA, not taking on new belief systems that have nothing to do with Consciousness or the TRUE journey of REMEMBERING.
One can take a thousand courses with a certificate dangling at the end of the course, almost NONE of those courses are guiding you to find the answers within your own self through connecting back into your most Sacred Truth, you're DNA. Instead they are doing quite the opposite filling you with more and more jargon that has nothing to do with your Awakening or Ascension, which is the True Journey HOME as you will come to Remember.
Consciousness doesn't hand out certificates, it is a CHOICE to look WITHIN, TRUST and REMEMBER...
This is a digital download and can be printed at staples or a local printing company as well as stored on all your devices, having the information accessible at all times to bring you back when we are lost, confused, forget, upset, angry and triggered... which becomes A LOT as you move into the ego release/surrender (dark knight of the soul) phase of the journey. (the printed copy becomes the work book)
For now I am not using PayPal or any of the payment options offered through this website as they do not align with my soul, for more information or to purchase please reach out via email or by filling out the contact page above.