This section of the website is where I share Gifted/Free Higher Quantum Guidance/Light Codes/Support/Assistance to Activate a Higher Path/journey not being shared in the mainstream as relates to a Conscious Awakening and Ascension Embodiment process, Experienced through my own person journey of Awakening, then Ascending my Consciousness and then Physical body through a Massive/Expansive/Profound/Very Humbling Purification process taking many years to complete bringing me to my current Ascended state of Embodiment/Quantum Consciousness/ONENESS, Living/Holding/Sharing/Activating the codes of New Earth for all to REMEMBER DEEP WITHIN.
It is my Highest Duty/Role in service to Humanity to share the higher path as experienced through my own unique/powerful/humbling journey back to all that are guided/seek/search for the higher path/guidance not being shared out in the mainstream. Because I’m sharing a Higher Path not easily found in mainstream it will require you to FEEL/TRUST from within on a much deeper level to break through all the mainstream confusion/manipulation/conditioning/programming, if it Lights You Up/Activates/Tingles inside, that’s your Inner Knowing coming through your Energy Body giving you the Opportunity to FEEL that it resonates deep within. It’s up to you to Hold that feeling of Truth and push past the mind/ego/manipulation trying to block you from taking in/trusting a higher path/guidance by making you not trust it because it’s not mainstream. The journey becomes TRUSTING what we FEEL from WITHIN over trusting what we are told to believe from outside by others that have not truly experienced what they speak of, energy cannot lie and our Energy Bodies are hard wired to FEEL between TRUTH and LIES, you just have to begin TRUSTING your Inner Knowing/FEELING over your mind THINKING…
I am Beyond Appreciative for your willingness to go deeper and deeper into the depths that one cannot see, yet trust/know/feel deep inside is the pathway HOME, REMEMBERING we must walk through/Resolve/Dissolve our own darkness/ego/density/dysfunction from our body FIRST so we can then live from a PURIFIED state of Conscious Embodiment.
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