I wrote this back in 2018 after Ascending My Consciousness and merging with my higher self beginning to hold a 6D Embodiment, feeling POWERFULLY GUIDED from WITHIN me to share my unique journey so the others could find there way through as we are mean to do to ACTIVATE a HIGHER PATH/PROCESSES not being shared in mainstream which is the ego release process. Then realizing the old ways/modalities/beliefs of how Awakening works would only bring a person to 4D Embodiment not being able to fully Step into/anchor/embody 5D because the ego matrix control must be FULLY RELEASED to begin Ascending our consciousness, which is why I was deeply guided to share my path through to releasing my ego to Activate the coding/remembering of the higher path stored INSIDE YOU. Truly the higher path can only be accessed through Activating the coding found deep within eaches DNA. I created/wrote different sections speaking to different pieces of information I unlocked WITHIN MYSELF through Consciously Resolving ALL my deep trauma/density/dysfunctional energy/painful memories/victim stories/identities/programming/conditioning/indoctrination held within me. I realized we must bring ourselves through a MASSIVE PURIFICATION PROCESS not being shared in mainstream and it became my highest mission to bring this higher path through for all to access.. if your new to Awakening or have been awakening for many years this guide will open up a higher/deeper/more expansive journey and processes/tools/rememberings from deep within you. 50 pages of guidance to activate within you... although I have now finished my Ascension process and shared a much more detailed and clear path in my newer guidebook, this is still going to activate many deeper truth/expanded awareness into a journey ONLY found WITHIN through deep daily inner work, the more you break through your traumas/density which is your ego the more you unlock the true process, but first we are activated by someone else by receiving their journey..
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