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Breaking Down The Matrix & Remembering The Way Home, a GuideBook created to Guide you through your Conscious Awakening & Ascension process...


The Quantum Guidance contained in this GuideBook or what I call a REMEMBERshop was created to Guide you through your Entire journey of Awakening AND Ascension as simply as possible. It is not a course that lasts a few weeks, this is a TRUE journey of REMEMBERING that YOU hold all the answers to your entire existence and BEYOND within your own self... you just require they KEYS/GUIDANCE/Activations to open the portals of Remembering. Inside is 150 pages all the Tools/Rememberings/Highest Quantum Guidance/Quantum Activation's that brought me through my Powerful Journey of Awakening and Ascension. Yes, we are meant to Ascend our Consciousness first by RELEASING our Ego which is a matrix of shame/blame/guilt/lack/separation/control/emotions/jealousy/judgement/victim mentalities/fears... and THEN Ascending our physical bodies through an IMMENSE and purposefully INTENSE PURIFICATION/EMBODIMENT PROCESS. This process takes YEARS to complete as we are releasing the control of our ego mind and taking back our Lives and Reality from the corrupted manipulation of the Matrix we have been UNKNOWINGLY living within our entire lives. This is a FREE WILL Earth reality meaning we are meant to "SAVE" ourselves by Awakening and RELEASING the matrix of manipulation which IS actually the "ego matrix" we have taken on as our reality then Ascending back to our natural state of Quantum Consciousness. I have created a full support system for anyone that chooses to purchase this GuidBook, you'll get unlimited lifetime access to a private community fully dedicated to supporting/guiding/assisting you through your Awakening/Ascension journey where I also post lots of new powerful guidance specifically for this that are working with The GuideBook, you will also get unlimited lifetime access to Community video support/guidance sessions where we all get together once a month and I post these calls in the private community so they can always be watched later for further support/remembering..

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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© 2024 Fueled by CosmicOxygen

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