Welcome to 2022 all you Beautiful souls out there…🥳
It’s time to shake off 2021 and get ready and rooted to leap forward into the most powerful year of our lives in so many ways. We have all endured great pains, trials and tribulations over the last couple years with friends, family, work, travel, connection, confusion, doing what we want when we want, rights freedoms and conveniences stripped away, sinister agendas and narratives being forced down our throats and it just kept on coming and coming… and still coming.
What began as most people trying to do their best or just “do the right thing” has turned into a 2 sided game of separation to facilitate the goal of divide and conquer. We either played or still play in the “do the right thing” pool unknowingly pushing the narrative for the sinister elites controlling it all, or we listened to our “gut feelings” and trusted our own selves that something didn’t feel right. Either way there is no right or wrong, we are all doing the best we can in life and fear pushes people to do unspeakable things they might regret later. That’s why fear is used as one of their greatest tools for control of the masses. When you know most people don’t and won’t feel or discern for themselves, all you have to do is create and push a bunch of heavy fear through a coordinated narrative or narratives, then push it out to the masses through a coordinated effort and you now have control over the many. Most people will do whatever they are told to get out of the fear or fearful situations and the few will speak up, but those tables are turning very quickly as people are now waking up out of the fear mongering agendas at the speed of light. The fear narratives and lies are now starting to break down and implode at a rapid pace and will only speed up as it goes like an avalanche gaining in momentum and force. As we wake up to all of this we naturally start to stand up to the fear mongering because we start to see what is being done and we just can’t and won’t stand for it any more.
So much has happened in the last couple years it’s tough to nail it all down, yet it doesn’t need to be. The past is the past, it’s meant to stay there. Living in the present allows us the freedom to live in the moment without carrying forward the pain of the past. Taking responsibility for who we were, what we’ve said and what we’ve done is a powerful action that releases the pain of the past. We always have a choice to hold stories/experiences/traumas from our past yet it creates pain and suffering to bring forward in our lives until we choose to release it. I personally choose to release the pain and suffering because I don’t have to carry it forward, that is all of our choice. We don’t have to wear the past as a badge, we can simply take action to never feel the pain again.
These last couple years have placed many many humans around the world in places and predicaments they could have never expected or foreseen, We can look at it all in many ways, we can hold anger frustration, sadness, depressive thoughts or anxiety to it all repetitively repeating how horrible it was or is to ourselves, or we can stop sitting in what was and look to what is. We can open up and look into our hearts, start to realize that the past has ALL happened for a reason and infinite reasons, the simplest way to explain is that our past has happened for our future.
Until the last couple years most had just been rolling around through life excepting it was all supposed to be this way, life was the way it was and is what it is kind of mentality. There were always some searching for truth but they/we were all labeled “conspiracy theorists” crack jobs, crazy… you name it, you’d get called anything and everything just to shut you up.
Now in present day 2022 two years into a pre planned “world emergency” we have literally been given front row seats to what I see as the Most Magical show on earth, I’m calling this phase “The Grand Reveal”. We have been and will be being shown in great detail, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that is sinister, evil, corrupt and born from lies that exist on this planet in every single corner of the world. This year 2022 and into 2023 We will ALL be witnessing the systematic deconstruction of the “old world”, “old earth” or “old guard” so to speak. It is and can be tough to fathom this happening as we have been so heavily programmed our entire lives for a horrible dark future. Yet we have just ventured into the most Powerful Year of Exposure to all things born from Ego, where all lies, corruption and deceit will be exposed and eradicated from this New and beautiful Earth for the world to see feel and experience as we all share a Massive Collective shift in frequency and vibration. This is the way it was always supposed to happen, there is NOTHING that is happening that shouldn’t be and I repeat, NOTHING. Everyone on this planet has ALWAYS had a Choice and free will to see and question what is going on in their own lives and existence, had the choice to feel and discern for themselves, had the choice to act on those feelings. Everything and every experience in life is meant for a persons higher growth and learning, it’s our choice to see it or not.
The ONLY way humanity as a collective would and could have ever come out of this BIG of a delusion of mass psychosis, based in a false reality, built out of alignment for the human spirit by people with ill intentions for humans other than themselves is to break it all wide open, pull it all from the hidden reaches of darkness and put it all in focus of the bright light that illuminates the universe and our souls. To put all the darkness and deception on display for ALL to see feel and experience, a Grand Reveal if you will.
When you have billions of people all being played along through a life and reality built from evil sinister systems, yet the masses didn’t know or have any understanding of it, feeling it’s all “normal” (Mass psychosis). You then have to SHOW them slowly, you can’t just TELL them about all the corruption as that’s the way we got into this mess, we just blindly believed what we were told over and over instead of listening to and trusting our gut feelings inside saying “NOOOO, this doesn’t feel good at all”, then standing up or saying something about it, not just sitting by while it all happens.
Some people are so fixed into the dark false reality built for us by the sinister ones that this must be done slowly and meticulously as it is a MASSIVE amount of information and truth about to come. It will and is meant to shatter EVERYONES realities into a trillion pieces and be felt internally at the highest levels to make an imprint on the DNA. This must happen so we as a collective NEVER EVER EVER choose to give our truth power and trust away again over OUR OWN true gut feelings and acting on them as we should.
We are all about to find out and REMEMBER how powerful we are as humans, the truth of our existence and the TRUE connection between us and this beautiful experience we call EARTH or GAIA and the UNIVERSE/MULTIVERSE. It is going to be a magic show beyond your wildest imaginations but first we must all walk through the gates of truth through being a part of (seeing and feeling)The Grand Reveal. It will still be a bit bumpy over the next few months as things really really begin to crack open beginning with the entire covid narrative breaking down, crimes against children and all kinds of “conspiracies” finally being proved as real and true.
Of course as these truth bombs come out there will be a counter narrative from the sinister side to take the eyes off the truth, this is when they will use all they have left in their limited toolbox of fears, things like War, Alien invasion, asteroid hitting earth, internet blackouts and power blackouts, false flags etc… it’s all they’ve got left and bigger than that, we must see and feel what THEY always had planned or we would never believe it to be true.
The biggest reason we are still rolling through what seems like hell on earth is because a massive amount of beautiful humans just can’t or couldn’t believe that a group of “evil people” could be so dark and sinister doing these nasty things to enslave and kill people on purpose.
Well, some of these “evil people” for lack of better terms believe they are better and more deserving to put it lightly than the beautiful humans that care for one another and live on this earth with gratitude and respect for our lives.
Now that all being said, here comes the awesome part…….
For those that are not aware or feel it yet, this is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER than the mind can comprehend. This is a Grand Awakening of ALL of humanity back to our originally intended states of fully conscious beings. Soooo, even though we are still in for a bit of a bumpy ride, it is important to know and Remember and I say Remember because all of this and what’s to come is in your DNA waiting to be seen and remembered. It is important to Remember that higher Consciousness is in FULL CONTROL of how this all goes and plays out. There will NEVER EVER EVER be a future where evil and corruption still exists and runs the Earth, it’s just not how this goes, EVER!
As the beginning was created so was the end is all I can say, your Earth has had ENOUGH and time doesn’t truly exist therefore this has already been done. ;)
Nothing can stop the truth and The Grand Reveal, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
Am I asking you to believe me and put all of your trust into my words, my goodness no!
I am guiding you to feel and trust for yourselves. Feel into your Big Beautiful hearts and find that truth hidden deep inside yourselves, it’s excited and can hardly wait to be found. If you don’t find it for yourself than you are just putting your trust outside yourself again and as before. I’m here as a guide sharing from my own highest truth and existence.
Keep on shining that light, hold that line in the sand and when you feel it’s time to stand up if you are not doing so already, just remember you are not alone. We are ALL in this together and we will All do this together as it was meant to be. Get ready for the ride of your life, don’t let yourself worry about the bumbs to come, its all part of what I call “Operation Wake Up”. This is the EndGame and meant to pop most of the rest of the sleepy ones Awake so we can finish this together as it is meant to be.
Final words for the beginning of this Powerful and Potent New Year.
You’ve got this!
We’ve got this!
Soon enough if not already you will feel and see the winds of change before your very eyes and the next thing you know we will be on the other side of what will now be told as the great stories of our collective Awaking back home to our always intended and infinitely abundant fully conscious lives living from Love, Truth, Gratitude and Peace within.
I Love you ALL, in deep gratitude for all of your sacred journeys, it’s time to come home! ❤️🌻😘