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2025 a period of GREAT CHANGE/COLLECTIVE AWAKENING/UP LEVELLING brining in a NEW GOLDEN AGE for all to experience…✨✨✨

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

We are currently transitioning through the BIGGEST/MOST POWERFUL/EXPANSIVE energetic corridor/passageway I’ve ever felt/experienced by far….!!!


Old unconscious 3D Inner worlds/outer worlds/realities collapsing in on themselves as humanity gets further PUSHED/ACTIVATED/LED into a NEW GOLDEN AGE built upon PEACE/LOVE/TRUTH/PURITY/INTEGRITY/SACRED RESPECT for ALL. ❤️

These are very POWERFUL TIMES OF GREAT CHANGE we are now walking into, the MASS COLLECTIVE HUMAN AWAKENING is now being pushed into HIGH GEAR to knock the rest out of their “chosen amnesia/ignorance”of ignoring the bigger picture AVOIDING LOOKING at what’s really going on all across our earth in these ULTRA POWERFUL TIMES, it’s go time!!!

Time for all to now participate wether they like it or not, the soul is now pushing everyone through, nobody gets to just sit in the corner with their head in the sand any longer. Those days are FINALLY OVER, souls will no longer allow the human to avoid the bigger picture anymore. This will present differently for each human as everyone is in a different part of their journey or just literally being pushed/“forced” awake now.

As the outside world keeps collapsing it forces the inner world/limiting beliefs/traumas/density/dysfunction/ego programming  carried housed and held within the energy body to surface to be consciously dealt with/worked through/resolved/dissolved. Yet many don’t even realize they are awakening or even know what that truly means.  So it can get very confusing/chaotic/emotional for many that have been avoiding life at the highest levels.

These souls require support as they get knocked out of their false reality, not to be ridiculed for not wanting to see/feel/know. Important piece to share is that it doesn’t matter if someone is just coming out of avoiding everything or not, they are here to Awaken and go through their journey too. We are all waking each other home doing this TOGETHER and many didn’t want to acknowledge reality for what it was or they felt they couldn’t handle it (I was one of them before I woke up too)…

Remember there was a point that we were all lost in the illusion too, there is no “wrong or right”, it’s all an illusion of separation. The biggest thing is that they are all gonna get pushed through now. Some will hold onto the ignorance right to the very end and that’s ok. It will get very uncomfortable in their inner reality until they finally LET GO which is how it works. It’s all about being open to support with a WIDE OPEN HEART and no judgement remembering every living being is our brother and sister in ONENESS, we just split off into billions of unique souls/fractals so we could experience everything uniquely.

BIG SHIFTS coming for ALL in so many ways to ACTIVATE new levels of conscious awareness too, these activations open up NEW HIGHER TIMELINES to be experienced. For this to happen it means each soul will be faced with lots of what I call OPPORTUNITIES to clear out the old timelines. We clear the old density/dysfunction by collapsing our old beliefs in on themselves so to speak by creating/holding/anchoring NEW HIGHER PATHWAYS, when faced/challenged with the old programs/beliefs/traumas/memories/painful experiences/conditioning/identities, instead of just being our old self we choose to STAND UP to our old unconscious self/ways:patterns. In truth All old ways/patterns/beliefs are unconscious because they were created/taken in/built from the unconscious 3D world/reality where everything has been purposefully manipulated to stifle human awakening/conscious growth.

By stand up I mean waking into the old fears/traumas/pain/sadness… then TAKING CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY for carrying these unresolved memories/emotions/stories/energy through our life, realizing that nothing was ever really happening TO YOU but rather FOR YOU, now opening up the past experience to see/feel even deeper where the real truth of the growth experience is to be seen/felt/remembered.  This is called resolving/dissolving our past/re writing our DNA…

As we grow in consciousness we naturally bring consciousness to everything we do/say/be/are as this is how we ELEVATE our frequency/vibration and consciousness. The more we consciously choose to work through our buried past density/trauma/emotions/beliefs/fears/shame/blame/guilt/judgements of self/others which is all ego in itself, the more we are closing out old timelines which opens up NEW HIGHER TIMELINES to open up.

If your past is coming up on repeat it’s ALL a part of your awakening!!!

A TRUE CONSCIOUS AWAKENING is to consciously Resolve/Dissolve/Clear/Align ALL trauma/sadness/ past stories of pain and suffering/shame/blame/guilt/jealousy/anger/fear/judgement/control… ALL DENSITY/THE ENIRE EGO MATRIX must be released to begin Ascending your consciousness and then down the road Ascending the physical body.

Many have taken in a false belief through mainstream that an Awakening just “HAPPENS”  for someone and they just have to become a better person, yet that’s NOT AT ALL how this goes. That’s just the very beginning of an awakening leading into and preparing the soul to get ripped to the core by releasing the ego which is not being talked about in mainstream AT ALL. Actually, humanity has been given a VERY limited description of what ego truly is which makes things a lot more confusing very much on purpose and why many are stuck looping in 4D.

I share in almost all my writing about what the ego truly is and what it takes to release/surrender it’s control WE UNKNOWINGLY GAVE IT.

If you’ve been looping in all kinds of old stories/painful memories/traumas and they just won’t stop and only getting much more intense, it’s because there is a bigger process to undertake in order to consciously release the density SO ITS TRULY RESOLVED/DISSOLVED otherwise everything just keeps looping forever until its TRULY RESOLVED through a conscious process/processes, then you’ll get tested with it all multiple times through daily life by your soul/universe for years to see if you’ll fall back into the old beliefs/ways. Each memory/trauma/story must be worked through and seen/felt for what it truly was/why it truly happened/how and why it was magnetized into the persons reality for a “growth experience”.

This is why I share the information I do, because I realized along my journey that the true path through a CONSCIOUS AWAKENING is not found out in the mainstream or ancient texts/knowledge, it’s ONLY found coded within the DNA or shared through someone that has already Ascended like myself, shared through EXPERIENCING the FULL JOURNEY.

A spiritual awakening as I have shared in other posts is just a mainstream version of a MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER JOURNEY which is why so many that feel they have been awake for many years (some 10/20/30/40 years) are now being faced with all their DEEPEST trauma/density/ego/dysfunction/separation, they haven’t yet resolved/dissolved the EGO MATRIX and that’s the BIGGEST MISSING PIECE to the spiritual awakening being shared, it misses the Biggest piece Of the journey because everyone sharing “spiritual awakening” information had/has not yet fully a awakened or they wouldn’t share the lower path. This is not a judgment in any way, but rather a higher truth/guidance/activation to be shared to open up a much more CONSCIOUS/EXPANSIVE journey/process.

A conscious Awakening requires a human to go much DEEPER than they will ever want to go, it requires MUCH MORE DEDICATED WORK in the areas ALL AVOID at all costs being the inner world, where ALL THE BIG DEEP TRAUMAS/“PAINFUL MEMORIES/stories/experiences are held, that one Place humanity was FEARED to look and ACKNOWLEDGE and especially TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for.

Releasing the ego IS a TRUE AWAKENING, it’s a BIG JOURNEY and requires going ALL IN on the journey 24/7, no more convenience of any kind, no more material life, no more hanging out with people out of “obligation” and just shooting the “sh!t”, no more playing in and feeding the 3D illusion in ANY way/shape/form, no more eating crappy processed foods, no life stimulants or self indulgence, no more hording/spending $ unconsciously, not caring about our body or how we speak/act to self/others, no more unconscious anything….

Yes, it’s a BIG CHOICE to truly go ALL IN, yet many are now being pushed by their soul/higher self/universe head first into it all as it’s the only way through to begin to see/feel/anchor into holding 5D as a reality.

Then there are another 7 dimensions of embodiment we ANCHOR/EMBODY which takes MANY years of FULL ON DEDICATION to self  and the process as it presents itself. Once a person chooses to go ALL IN, the soul now becomes the guide.. it’s soooooo BEAUTIFUL/POWERFUL/PROFOUND and rips us to the core of our being so we can finally RELEASE the ENTIRE 3D manipulation matrix once and for all and begin the BEAUTIFUL Ascension process.

This is how we CREATE A NEW EARTH, it stars within each human, as each soul releases the 3D illusion fully they now begin creating/living a New Earth reality built from the HIGHEST LOVE/TRUTH/RESPECT/PURITY/INTEGRITY.

This year 2025, is the END of the old world/darkness/illusion, YAYYYYYY!

Yet it’s now up to each individual to release the 3D ego matrix/illusion/reality to experience New Earth which is a daily inward process 24/7, until the process is complete and a soul is ascended they are holding the old 3D reality in place.

Once I realized this in my own journey, I did EVERYTHING in my power to get out of the OLD ILLUSION. I was always just looking for a way OUT of all the pain and suffering, not realizing it was up to ME to change it all from WITHIN, nobody coming to fix it all for me, realizing it’s impossible for anyone else to resolve/fix/“heal” OUR OWN past choices/beliefs/traumas/experiences. There is NO SILVER BULLET that fixes our past for us, ITS ALL UP TO US and we are ALL MORE THAN CAPABLE, truthfully it’s the reason we are all even alive in this earth reality… TO AWAKEN then ASCENDING BACK HOME to QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS…🧬💕

As the outer world keeps collapsing the TRUTH is revealed for all to see/feel/REMEMBER, EVERYTHING OLD HAS TO COLLAPSE for a NEW WORLD to be BORN, WE ARE THE CHANGE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING/SEARCHING FOR, it ALL starts WITHIN each of us..!!

I share tons of gifted/free guidance on my website and social media for all to find their way HOME/REMEMBER as well as have HIGHER GUIDANCE/MENTORING/PRIVATE MEMBERS AREA/TOOLS available for those wanting to go ALL IN on their journey and take all to the NEXT CONSCIOUS LEVELS…

I LOVE/HONOUR and RESPECT you ALL for ALL you are and your choice to work on yourselves, it takes courage to walk the road less travelled…🥰

REMEMBER every UNconscious/CONSCIOUS choice/act/thought MATTERS, it’s all creating/magnetizing your daily reality and what/how you experience it.  Start to intentionally bring CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS/PURE PRESENCE/OBSERVATION/CARE/SACREDNESS into every breath/act/choice and you’ll start creating an ENTIRELY NEW REALITY.



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