It’s a powerful word isn’t it!
Just seeing the word gives me the feels all over...😍
What is True love vs conditional Love?
Love is a feeling, it’s a vibration, it’s an energy and the Absolute Most Powerful Force in the Universe💯
How does saying the word Love feel to you?
Love is a power packed word and for many it holds all kinds of stories, feelings, fears, emotion, conditions, judgements etc.
love is a word that can be confusing and fearful to some before they truly feel and remember the truth of this powerful energy.
To be quite literal Love is the most Powerful force or frequency that exist. As everything actually exists in purity through the vibration love.
The word love has been played with over time and as we dive deeper and deeper into separation it began turning into a conditional feeling or emotion.
By conditional I mean we hold conditions to even using or speaking the word.
I’m sure we’ve all held back in a relationship and not let the words “I love you come out to soon”. To soon! That just feels funny to say.
What would make it “to soon” to to say I love you to someone or thing? It would be a condition. We place conditions on almost everything as humans.
“If I say I love you and they don’t say it back. Well, I’m gonna feel embarrassed and unloved if I don’t feel it reciprocated.”
That is a condition. I myself can remember the fear of being in a relationship and saying the First I Love You. Who is going to say it first, do they or will they truly mean it, or are they just saying it because I did and they feel pressured. Now it’s a guessing game. Do they really love me? Then something happens in the relationship. It could be anything really but it somehow has us questioning if they love us. Does any of this seem or feel familiar?
Or if there is a break up or someone does/says something that hurts your feelings or whatever it is. All of the sudden there is this feeling of “well, they don’t love me or they wouldn’t have said or done that to me.”
These are all conditions!
Do you truly believe love should be or can be fearful, painful, scary or pressured? Do you believe love comes and goes depending on the situation?
Do you use the word selectively?
Does the word hold condition?
Just a few examples,
If so you are living conditional love.
It’s ok, most people on the planet have been looking at it the same way. A lot of us have been programmed through life to feel and believe this is the way love is. It’s a word that holds conditions and should be used protectively when you really mean it. Somehow down the line of separation and going deeper and deeper into the depths of giving our power away to everything outside of us. We picked up learned behaviors. One of these is that love has conditions. Like the word should be held dearly with your life and only spoken if it’s truly worthy to be spoken.
This can not be farther from the truth!
This outdated perspective and understanding is what has been holding you back from experiencing True Authentic Love in your life, with no conditions, old stories and negative feeling attached. Living the outdated version of Love greatly contributes to lowering our vibration as it goes against our natural state.
When we hold conditions to love we end up creating all kinds of painful stories. Relationships are the biggest culprits for conditional love. Friendships, family, life partners etc. these experiences are the ones that carry on from relationship to relationship. Something happens in a relationship. It’s big it’s hurtful, it doesn’t get resolved from truth and love. A story gets created from one or both sides. Then this keeps happening with nothing ever really being communicated resolved cleared and released. We then take this newly buried energetic “debris” I call it and bring it into the next relationship. This ends up getting triggered in this new relationship and now your bringing your past hurt and conditions into this relationship and so on and do on. Now we have a jaded view and are reciprocating from a wounded, emotional unresolved place.
This is where most conditions of love get created. We also just pick them up as learned behaviors through life from parents, friends, tv, books, movies etc. we pick things up from anywhere outside of ourselves instead of feeling inside that something doesn’t resonate, then dealing with it in the moment. This requires communication, feeling and speaking truth to which a lot of us struggle. We carry and bury so many stories and experiences from the past, hiding and protecting them like they are a treasure and only a certain few of any can ever know. We fear speaking our feeling and truths as we may be judged for how we feel.
For me I held everything so tight and buried it so deep in fear of speaking and being judged for any reason at all. Instantly creating a story and possible victim energy cutting off any sort of release or growth in the moment.
We all know this outdated version of love in some sort of way.
Now that I have brought light to lower vibrational outdated version of the word Love. Let’s dive into the Truth, Power and Feeling of Love.
True Love holds No Conditions, EVER!
It holds no stories, no what if’s, no maybes, no fear, no scarcity, no judgements, no lack, no embarrassment....
True love is a feeling, it’s a vibration, it’s a force...
The vibration of Real True Love is what we were created from, it’s our natural state!
True love is loving everyone and everything in existence just because. There is no reason!
It’s remembering that we are all here together having different experiences, yet all here as one massive collective facilitating experiences for one another.
We don’t judge anyone else’s journey because we respect that it’s their journey to have.
I can/will and do say I Love You to every single person place and experience Always because I know it’s all in my life for me and my journey. I know that they or it is having it’s own journey and I respect honor and love that journey no matter what it looks or feels like. I know that we all chose to be here together to experience all of this magic, we just have to remember the way home through our hearts, through Real True Love.
The way home comes through your wide open heart that holds no conditions.
Holding conditions means you hold a story. It means you have stories built from experiences that dictate how, why and when you love someone or thing.
There is a freedom in loving freely! The freedom comes from remembering their was no condition in the first place, it was just an unresolved story or stories blocking us from our truth.
Some call this unconditional Love and it is.
Personally I just call it Love because I have released all conditions, stories, old versions and understanding of the world. I cleared and released the Lower vibrational separation I held inside that held me to the outdated separated version of conditional love.
Now you might be saying, great jeromie. Glad you see and feel it that way. How do we or I come to remember this feeling?
Well, it’s a simple as bringing awareness to the situation. Chances are you’ve heard bits and pieces of this understanding before and this is just a further activation/remembrance for you.
We are all born as the Pure True Essence of Love. Our experiences and the way we react or respond create the stories that then dictate or feeling about it. As we have grown through life we have had many situations and experiences that have fed into the way we feel about Love. These are the experiences that create the story which created the condition.
I hold Love for every single action and experience in my life as I know with all of my being that everything is happening perfectly for me. I know that my actions and energy call all experiences back to me as vibrational response. Therefore I take full responsibility for my life and my actions. In this I am able to feel True Love for every single thing happening because it is ultimately for my highest conscious growth and awareness. I also do not judge anyone or thing, I hold compassion and patients for all experiences no matter what it is.
I hold compassion and patients because I know that we are all in a different part of our journey and all having a journey. I respect everyone’s journeys and do not judge because to judge another is to judge Self. Again, we are all here having our own individual journeys yet collectively our journeys intermingle. Our triggers are our own triggers showing us where WE function from. The other person, place or thing is just the catalyst to show us we hold energy. Therefore I share massive gratitude and Love for the experience.
Love truly holds no conditions!
Start to feel journal and write down any conditions you hold regarding love. You may be surprised at the amount of conditions (stories) you are holding, blocking you from the True Pure Unfiltered Love you naturally are.
No thinking, no negativity, no fear, no judgement, no shame, no blame, no guilt, no scarcity, no lack, no embarrassment, no heavy emotions involved.
True Love Is Compassion, Awareness Patients, Trust, Honor, Humility, Selflessness and Respect for ourself and everything in existence!
You are Love!🤍
You were born from Love!💜
It is your birth rite to Remember this Love and find your way home through your beautiful wide open hearts, embodying this Pure True Love with all of your being. 💙
I will do another post in the future speaking to Self Love and it’s effect on our life and vibration. How shifting the way we feel about ourselves shifts the entire world around us.🔮
From my wide open heart to yours, in truth service and pure presence. 💚🧡💛
I Love, Honor and Respect each and every one of your journeys. ❤️😍💯🌍❤️