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A Powerful phrase that can/will shift your entire Existence…

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

As we transition through these  POWERFUL Solar Gateways/Reality Shifting Frequencies It feels appropriate to share a phrase that came to me very Powerfully not long after being gifted the Opportunity to caretake/steward/anchor/align/rejuvenate/activate this BEautiful land/Gaia that we were so Perfectly guided to as we (Emily & I) were beginning a new phase of our existence together.

It was just days after moving in, I  was guided down to what we call the “fairy pond”, which has now become a gorgeous little spot to connect/reflect/align/abhor/embody and just be still while listening to the water cascade/flow into the next pond and then into the stream that feeds the lush dense abundant forest…🌱

As I stood at the edge of the pond in absolute amazement that we had actually called this BEautiful space into our existence, visions of what was to come for Emily and I kept streaming though filling and Expanding my HEART like never before, seeing/feeling that through our dedication/drive/willingness/choices/actions/embodiment we had actually CREATED this Opportunity for ourselves. The words/phrase that kept coming through were “Why is this happening FOR ME..”.

I immediately took the picture as i felt it was meant to be an activation, next came adding the phrase to the picture to create an even more powerful Activation, what came next was actually putting into words what had Activated within me to share… this was 3 linear years ago and I was just getting more comfortable with writing, I had written a short little activation at the time which was perfect yet now feeling guided to share/expand from a much more embodied state.

As humans we had/have been conditioned very well to believe there are things called accidents (which is impossible once we begin to see/feel/embody how energy flows and that everyone/thing is made of energy all working together (quantum mechanics) through people/places/things to create more experiences so we can observe and see/feel our own dysfunction and then align/resolve the energy/experience consciously from the choice to OBSERVE). The moment we unknowingly chose to accept this massive lie was the moment we gave our Power Away believing life just happened, and not just happened but happened TO US which would become a VERY disempowered choice and statement to make as we moved through our unconscious life.

In this we took on the belief of things being “bad or good, right and wrong”, which are also very disempowering as they are judgment which is Ego.

When we believe things are bad/good/right/wrong we are now putting things into categories through judging an Experience actually being put before us FOR our highest conscious growth. This is where we decide if something is happening TO US (disempowered choice) or happening FOR US (Empowered choice) which I call the choice Point. If we believe something is happening to us we are saying to ourselves that we believe random things just happen in life that we have no control over, they just happen and are either good/bad/right/wrong and we are not willing to observe ourselves to see/feel WHY these “random things” are happening.

To bring things into perspective I will ask the question..

Do you believe EVERYTHING is happening for a Reason?

When I ask this question almost everyone has answered YES, yet in the next breath/words shared after asking this question (because there soul provides an instant experience) I can show the person that they do NOT believe everything happens for a reason because as they had been speaking they started sharing how  “this happened and then that happed TO them in their life or last week, or today or as a child meaning they do not believe/embody that EVERYTHING happens PERFECTLY for a reason or they would know it happened for them and would have consciously grown from the experience or be in a process of working through it. Nothing would have happened TO them, been bad/good/wrong/right, the person would simply embody/realize they had a conscious growth experience and would Take Responsibility for creating and calling it to themselves then seeing/feeling/clearing/resolving/releasing the energy that was called forward.

One of the most Powerful embodiments of my existence was when I TRULY chose to acknowledge that every single person/place/thing/conversation/experience was happening FOR ME based on my thoughts/choices/actions/reactions/limiting beliefs and all the dysfunctional energy I held within my energy body. It’s very easy to just walk through life believing things are happening to us, it allows us to blame Everyone and Everything outside of us and not do anything about it. That’s the easy way out in the moment yet the human has no actual idea (until they choose to see) that every time they choose to blame, shame, guilt, judge (ego) they are creating a new experience for themselves down the road or in the moment so they can observe/align/clear/resolve the dysfunction they have created for themselves. The thing is, the human isn’t observing so the human is now going to call these moments/experiences a bad day, terrible/traumatic experience, wrong, wasn’t meant to happen, wrong place wrong time or an accident…, believing it’s happening to them just pushing it away/down/inside burying it in our Energy Body like everything else in life. This is just a normal day for a regular unconscious/asleep human feeling they have bad days or good days not realizing THEY are the ones creating and calling forward these experiences to themselves which becomes a very disempowered Loop of blaming while never once Taking Responsibility for the choices/actions/words (Energy), repeating over and over again through daily life until one day we decide to question ourselves as to WHY we keep going through the same loops/patterns…

When we remember we are beings made of energy and that energy flows… high vibe thoughts/actions/choices call forward more beautiful/pure/blissful moments/interactions/visions, while low vibe thoughts/actions/choices/re-actions/shaming/blaming/guilting ourselves and others call forward powerful EXPERIENCES FOR our highest growth so we can Choose to Observe.

We Remember that absolutely EVERYTHING in our lives is happening Perfectly FOR a reason or many, we are able to now look into the face of every single past/present experience/trauma and disempowered story we hold with the Truth and Power of Knowing it is and has all been placed before us by our soul/higher aspects FOR our Highest Growth. REMEMBERING that our soul/higher aspects know exactly what we can handle and work through in any given moment/experience, knowing exactly how much we can take, NEVER ever giving us more than we can deal with (our limits are far beyond what we/ego allow ourselves to believe) Although it can feel very overwhelming at times or that it’s “too much” (which is a disempowered choice/state) we choose to Remember it’s ALL happening FOR US… might not make sense in the moment, but the only way through will be to TRUST ourselves (higher truths) and choose to be Bigger than our limiting beliefs. We reach for what we cannot see/feel and we TRUST with everything that we are that we’ve got this, we find our Heart and we Reach deep inside to see/feel/remember because our truth has always been there waiting for us to acknowledge and Trust it.. Remembering the only way OUT is to go IN and listen to that beautiful voice we stopped trusting as children, our intuition/inner knowing/inner guidance system/DNA.

Remembering WE are the creators of our reality, WE are BIGGER than anything we have created, WE are the ONLY ones that can see/feel/clear/resolve/align our own dysfunction because WE ARE THE MASTERS OF OUR REALITIES…!

By choosing to integrate/hold/anchor/embody this Awareness into every single experience/choice/action we take, We are telling our soul/higher aspects that we are ready to REMEMBER and this is where things become sooooo much MORE BEautiful, new opportunities open up and we are shifting our reality like never before by choosing to Feel/Trust/Remember. We are no longer looking at things from a disempowered state in fear of random experiences truly meant for our highest growth and we are now putting our energy into consistently shifting Higher rather than creating more low vibe experiences.

It’s a Beautiful shift but does require us to consistently choose to be Present/Observe ourselves or we end up forgetting and repeating the loops. Of course this will happen, it’s how we grow, never judge yourself for missing the choice point or not catching it as this just creates the loop over again, judgement is ego and means we are not allowing ourselves to grow naturally.

Be gentle with yourself as you come through these experiences, Remember to hold compassion for yourself for having the courage and drive to be Bigger than your lower self, do not be afraid to stand up to yourself (Ego), you created it by giving your power away to it and now you are POWERFULLY choosing to take that Power Back…✨✨✨

REMEMBER, YOU are the master of your reality and YOU have ALL the tools you require to take your Life/Power/Reality back!

Ps… When I created the picture Activation It was with the intention to keep it on the phone/computer wallpaper or Lock Screen so it was always accessible when we forget which is A LOT along the journey, we Remember when expanding integrating/embodying and then we forget when contracting until we pull ourselves up and out Remembering to be Bigger than anything/everything we have created and called to ourselves FOR our highest growth. Use this pic if it resonates or create your own the blasts you back into Remembering.

I am Humbled, Honoured and VERY  Grateful to share this Activation in Deep Sacred Respect to/for All…


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