Did you know that it’s a CHOICE to be angry…
Anger/Hate are emotions and emotions (sad/mad/angry/upset/hate) are part of the ego matrix. Anger and hate being the most UNCONSCIOUS of ALL emotions.
This is because the anger comes from a deep NEED to BE VICTIM to an experience, that deep need when chosen/played in is what fuels the next level of anger being BLIND HATRED.
Hate being one of the most energetically charged LOW VIBE WORDS that takes a persons vibration straight to the toilet for lack of better words. The reason this is happening is because the person is AVOIDING WANTING to see/feel the TRUE REASON/BIGGER PICTURE/UNDERSTANDING something is presenting, they are now too deeply invested in being angry and hateful which is a DEEP AVOIDANCE PROGRAM, the avoidance now creates/magnetizes a BIGGER growth experience and also keeps the person stuck wallowing in deep dark lies/manipulated stories they are CREATING simply so they can be recklessly angry/hateful, which is a BIG ego loop.
A person feels “triggered” and in that very moment there is what I call a “CHOICE POINT”, either choose anger/hate/EMOTIONS/victim/blame/shame/judgement/victim role… to avoid WHY ITS PRESENTING/HAPPENING or choose NOT TO PLAY INTO THE TRIGGER which OPENS UP the pathway to BREAKING THROUGH the triggered energy now WANTING to SEE/FEEL/KNOW WHY THE GROWTH EXPERIENCE/INTERACTION IS HAPPENING.
The thing is, the unconscious human over time has built a DEEP NEED/AVOIDANCE PROGRAM to get angry, shaming/blaming/guilting/hating on things/experiences/people/interactions that it’s 100% MEANT TO HAVE.
Just because a person DOESN’T WANT TO EXCEPT AN EXPERIENCE placed before them doesn’t mean it’s not supposed to happen, people have just taken on the deep conditioning/programming through mass manipulation to become VICTIM to ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING they “don’t like/or want to ACKNOWLEDGE, that’s why they choose ANGER over TRUTH, It becomes an avoidance shield.
The question is… what are you getting out of being so deeply invested in low vibe anger/hate, what is the anger doing for you, is it making you happy or or taking your vibration wayyyyyy down just so you can BE ANGRY like a little kid not getting it’s way.
Whereas If a person chose to NOT get triggered at the choice point they would immediately be able to start to see/feel WHY the experience is truly happening because they are NOT AVOIDING it, now they truly want to know which becomes the powerful CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO BREAK THROUGH/RESOLVE/DISSOLVE the TRIGGER/ANGER/HATE/EGO from their reality. Remembering anger/emotions are the EGO and the triggers are actually showing you your ego, the experiences are presenting/happening so you can BREAK THROUGH YOUR EGO MATRIX PROGRAMMING
The more conscious you get and still consciously choosing anger/hate/emotions the deeper/more intense/not fun the growth experiences/loops get. Your soul/universe WILL begin your loop over again every single time you choose ego over consciousness. Once you’ve chosen the ego/emotions over the WAY OUT, the soul pulls the rug and the human now goes deeper and deeper into their anger until they get completely exhausted of being victim and can’t take how uncomfortable it is any longer. They are blaming everyone/everything outside themselves missing the point it’s THEM that’s keeping the loop going by being angry, then at the point of exhaustion the person finally begins to have ENOUGH of themselves then looking for the way out of the loop/pain and suffering.
The way out is to now TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions of choosing ego over consciousness and a NEW HIGHER PATHWAY must now be created, this says to our universe we don’t want to do this again, we want to SHIFT OUT of the low vibe loops. Yet….. if a similar trigger comes back to test (which it will) and your not ALL IN on your NEW PATHWAY, you’ll fall straight back into your loop AGAIN repeating the same anger/hate/shame/blame/guilt/judgement wash rinse repeat.. until you AGAIN get exhausted. It can become a very VICIOUS and SELF DESTRUCTIVE LOOP.
For the most part a person just doesn’t want the truth, they pretend they do but when faced with a growth experience that in actual fact is ONLY HAPPENING to give a person the OPPORTUNITY to SEE/FEEL the dysfunction/density/anger/emotions/programming/ego THEY HOLD INSIDE through a Growth experience, they do anything to avoid, so all the anger is being placed on someone/something else instead of REALIZING it’s all part of the Awakening/Ascension journey.
Just because the masses have been blocked from understanding how energy flows and that we are all here to Awaken then Ascend doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
When feeling triggered into BIG ENERGY/DENSITY/EMOTIONS that FUEL the NEED to get/be angry, I recommend to put ALL YOUR ENERGY/FOCUS into NOT ALLOWING YOURSELF to just fall into the old pattern of ego/emotion, I challenge you to REMEMBER that ALL YOUR TRIGGERS ARE YOURS and YOURS ALONE… if you get triggered it’s all UNRESOLVED ego emotion stuck/buried/held INSIDE YOU or YOU WOUDNT BE FEELING THE NEED TO REACT getting angry. The other person is just activating the trigger inside you FOR YOU, push past the need to get ANGRY and take a moment to ASSESS YOURSELF. REMEMBERING It’s your energy calling that person/situation/experience into your felid FOR YOUR HIGHEST GROWTH so you can RELEASE the ego programming/density/dysfunction.
Anger will hold a person locked in 3/4D until that person CHOOSES the HIGHER PATH of ALWAYS WANTING BREAK THROUGH rather then fall back into the comfortable old patterns of pain and suffering which is what the anger loop is, it’s just a unconscious uncomfortable loop of endlessly CHOOSING pain and suffering usually looking for some sort of RETRIBUTION which a person will NEVER EVER EVER GET because retribution is an ego game and the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what consciousness is. Even if a person says sorry it’s already been done and there is no retribution to be had when all that’s really happening is an experience is being placed before someone to give the opportunity TO RELEASE/RESOLVE/DISSOLVE the anger/ego from their reality. How would/could you ever get retribution from something that was SUPPOSED to happen FOR YOU and that you actually called/magnetized to yourself for higher conscious growth.
An awakening is the process of RELEASING the ENTIRE 3/4D ego matrix, it is impossible to get retribution from anything especially when it’s something YOU unknowingly called to yourself specifically TO SEE/FEEL what YOU hold inside.
What does anyone get out of being angry…?
The answer is a loop of pain and suffering until the person finally chooses to acknowledge that ANGER is the CHOICE TO AVOID the BIGGER TRUTH/PICTURE/UNDERSTANDING, anger is the ego and IS the block to consciousness and living in the HEART.
Feel anger coming up… STOP IT IN IT’S TRACKS by asking yourself “WHY would I want to AVOID the TRUTH”, “WHY do I need to CHOOSE anger/hate if it ALWAYS/ONLY leads to more anger/ego…”, WHAT am I getting out of being angry and avoiding the HIGHER TRUTH/GROWTH EXPERIENCE..?”
REMEMBERING the opposite to anger is TRULY wanting to know WHY something is presenting…😉
It can and will at times take EVERYTHING YOU HAVE IN YOU to STOP YOURSELF from choosing the Anger/ego/emotions and avoiding because it became a shield/security blanket/avoidance tool, yet you unknowingly created the anger/ego loops so YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for them. Your fighting past the old uncomfortable NEED/CHOICE to sit in pain and suffering AVOIDING you conscious growth. Standing up to ourselves can be intense but only if we fear OUR OWN SELF and looking at/acknowledging what WE have created.
Releasing anger/emotions/ego is the choice to be conscious as holding onto it all is the conscious choice to be unconscious…
I LOVE and APPRECIATE you all VERY DEEPLY, be gentle with yourself but also find it within your to STAND UP TO YOUR OLD SELF and what you’ve created. This is how you re-write your DNA…😉🧬💎💖