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As the Collective Human Awakening pushes forward, Let your Heart Lead the Way..

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Jan 15

A while back on a community zoom call I was sharing that humanity was about to get swatted around energetically like a cat playing with a ball….!

The cat representing Awakening and the ball representing unconscious humanity getting faced with all kinds of BIG HEAVY internal/external TRUTHS they haven’t wanted to look at/acknowledge/pay attention to/work through/believe.

Well, we have now entered the beginning of this phase on a MUCH BIGGER/DEEPER LEVEL…

It’s meant to push humanity DEEP INSIDE to begin their Awakening process that most don’t even know exists or have a very different idea/version of how its truly meant to be experienced. It will and is meant to push humanity into complete chaos INTERNALLY which is all part of the process because the 3/4D human doesn’t want to look at or resolve its disfunction/density/trauma/ego programming/conditioning/separation, truthfully not many humans/people even know what any of this is I'm speaking of from a Condciousness perspective. Most people would literally just keep avoiding dealing with anything/themselves/life/reality until the end of time if they had the choice, that’s why their Souls/Universes got involved a while back and flipped everyones Awakening switch on. Many won’t know this, they will just be FEELING everything much more DEEPLY and won’t understand why all their past traumas/dysfunctional energy/victim stories/old habits/identities/beliefs are surfacing over and over "randomly" on repeat and won’t quit, mixed in with a ton of external fears/dark truths being revealed to the mass public now on a daily basis adding to the inner chaos.

The point being that this is when humanity will get bombarded with the biggest disinformation/separation campaign EVER, even BIGGER than the last 4-8yrs. it’s meant to separate/divide humanity every which way and THEN SOME in any way possible trying to put us all against each other rather than coming together, yet most of humanity is AWAKENING and not falling for it all anymore. That being said they have more tricks/manipulation tactics to separate/divide/manipulate...

This is when it becomes important to FEEL rather than “think” and try to “figure” it all out.

If it feels off, trust your feeling/heart over your mind trying to “figure” it all out  or over what your being told to believe because the mind ONLY KNOWS CHAOS, so it will keep you lost in the chaos/manipulation/fear/programming until you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and SHUT IT DOWN, TELL IT NO and choose to FEEL the Higher Truth/Pathway from your HEART. The ego/mind only knows judgement/chaos/control/fear/shame/blame/guilt/selfishness/lack/separation/control/power over others/anger/judgement… and it will keep trying to get you lost in it all until you choose to STAND IN YOUR POWER because all the ego knows is 3D Unvonsciousness, it IS the 3D matrix.

This is when we must do our very best to stay PRESENT/AWARE of our energy/frequency and where we are functioning from energetically at all times, CHOOSING to observe our inner/outer thoughts all day everyday 24/7. It’s a HUGE part of the Awakening journey to do this anyways and as I’ve shared previously things are going to keep intensifying energetically internally AND externally for humanity daily now in BIG WAYS to keep the Collective Awakening in full swing.

Otherwise humanity just wouldn’t come through on their own accord, so the Frequencies AMPLIFY consistently and faster all the time/daily to force the masses through until they finally choose to truly go ALL IN and stop playing in anything 3/4D being old ways/patterns/dysfunctional choices/beliefs/traumas/programming/convenience/material things/manipulation..

There is A LOT of darkness in the world and inside of us that has to be brought into the light and it will be things that humans don’t want to see/feel/know, yet we have to in order to Awaken unconscious humanity from the DEEP DEEP chosen ignorance/manipulation/conditioning feeling none of it is their concern or it’s all too much to look at… truthfully it’s our collective ignorance/not caring/avoidance that allowed it all to stay in place the last thousands of years and humanity doesn’t realize they are part of WHY it’s all still in place. Yes we were lost in it all but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to ACKNOWLEDGE/TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for what we’ve all helped create/build/stay in place as our reality and then help dismantle it through OUR OWN INWARD PROCESS, Resolving all our density/dysfunction inside US Whuch changes the way we view the outside world and NO LONGER FEEDING the 3D unconscious illusion/life/reality.

We dismantle it by CHOOSING to break FREE of the illusion/narratives and working through our individual Awakening releasing the manipulated false reality we are given to live in. We dive in and begin TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for all  of our unconsciousness creations/traumas stories/identities/programming/conditioning/manipulated information we all took in believing this was the way we were meant to live. We acknowledge all the darkness we avoided or didn’t choose to see/feel and we Remember that this is the END of it all, but we ALL must END IT FROM WITHIN TOO.

The only true way out of it all being to FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF OUR HEART, letting our BIG BEAUTIFUL CONSCIOUS HEARTS LEAD THE WAY because it has ALL the answers/guidance/truth we are searching for. The unconscious mind will ALWAYS take us into a deep pit of negativity whereas our HEARTS will ALWAYS lead us to our highest TRUTH/AWARENESS/UNDERSTANDING and guide us to the most powerful higher pathways for each of our individual journeys/growth/awakening/ascension.

As the chaos builds around us/within us we choose to REMEMBER this is ALL meant to happen and ALL part of the Human Awakening Process that must be EXPERIENCED to FORCE people OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE/FALSE REALITY/IGNORANCE. When the fear comes in we PUSH IT AWAY and REMEMBER this is all meant to happen, as the manipulation gets thrown at us all we REMEMBER to ASK our HIGHER HEARTS for the  answers/truth and to TRUST our FEELINGS from DEEP within REMEMBERING our HEART/DNA/AKASH/LIVING LIBRARY holds ALL THE ANSWERS/TRUTH we require to get through our journeys because our Hearts are our portal to QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS where only PURITY/TRUTH resides, our Heart being the pathway to our DNA/Quantum Consciousness.

We REMEMBER that Our DNA is Quantum and Quantum sees/feels everything past/present/future all at once because there truly is no past or future in consciousness. Only unconscious humans living/lost in past and future as they were told to. We close our eyes and we ask for answers, we FEEL for our TRUTH and we TRUST our HEARTS to GUIDE/LEAD us to the highest pathway/understanding/truth/knowing for our own unique individual journeys.

We do our absolute best to keep ourself CENTRED and in ALIGNMENT at all times so we are able to easily connect to our hearts knowing that when we are out of alignment we are in our minds and not connected to our highest truth/heart/DNA.

It will keep escalating in the outer world to keep revealing EVERYTHING we’ve been avoiding/didn’t want to know or was hidden from humanity because it all must be brought to the LIGHT for humans consumption as part of the Collective Awakening.

The only way out is through it all and to EXPERIENCE it all so it imprints our DNA and a thousand years from now we aren’t right back into it all.   

If we don’t want to know or don’t want to see/feel things this means we are being victim to our reality, check in on this as it’s a dysfunctional ego program and then find your way to allow yourself to acknowledge it. This is how we Awaken, we must be able to look at all the pieces that kept us all in a deep dark prison as slaves to a false reality that nobody knew even existed, then Consciously align it all.

Best part is humanity is now being pushed through it as a collective not the odd person here and there anymore. This is VERY POWERFUL as we will be going through it all together meaning it’s the END OF IT ALL, we just have to push through all the manipulation that will be amplified to keep us lost/confused missing the bigger picture.


We’ve got this, we just have to experience it all as mentioned above to imprint our DNA so we NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPRN AGAIN…

WE ARE NEW EARTH, we just have to release/resolve/dissolve/clear/align the old Earth realty/beliefs from our existence to then BIRH our NEW EARTH existence FROM WITHIN.


Fasten your seatbelts and HOLD ON TIGHT, it’s about to get bumpy, the BIG rollercoaster ride of all rollercoaster rides is about to begin and your ALL READY..!!

We ARE ALL READY as can be!!

The next few months will test us at the highest levels and WE WILL TAKE OUR REALITIES BACK ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Are you ready to TAKE YOUR REALITY BACK….!!!



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