The unconscious lower mind/ego will NEVER EVER, EVER STOP trying to control/dictate/direct our reality/choices/decisions/beliefs…
The only thing it knows is what we UNknowingly directed/allowed/asked it to do as a children through taking in/on the programming/conditioning/manipulation of “life” which is to make decisions/“think”/figure things out” for us… It is a product of the 3D illusion/outer matrix/reality, it only knows unconsciousness and it WILL do everything in its power to keep us in 3D/4D because that’s all it knows, it cannot see/feel/understand/exist in higher consciousness because it’s entire role/function is the polar opposite of Consciousness being Unconsciousness. It directs us based off all the manipulation/conditioning programming we filled it with since birth. We asked it/trusted it to give us the answers and make decisions our entire life and that’s what it’s role has become. Therefore it won’t just give up, it will do everything in its power to keep control and keep directing our lives.
Our mission once Awakened and going All IN on our journeys now becomes to RELEASE the mind/ego control realizing they are the BLOCK to Quantum Universal Consciousness/Embodying our New Earth Existence/Oneness..
Once we RELEASE the control of the lower mind/ego and TAKE OUR POWER BACK we are now functioning from Quantum/Universal Consciousness.
Therefore if we aren’t choosing to be Present, Observing where we are functioning from Energetically/WHATS going on in the mind in every breath, inside/outside in our sleeping/awake states then we are letting the mind/ego Direct/Dictate OUR reality. Yet Higher Consciousness doesn’t give its power away, it chooses to DIRECT/CREATE/MATERIALIZE its OWN BEAUTIFUL/PURE REALITY from/through Higher Heart Consciousness.
When we are CHOOSING to be AWARE of ourselves we are able to catch ourselves playing in the mind/ ego programs/conditioning, this allows us to see/feel how the mind/ego is ALWAYS keeping us lost/confused playing in loops of low vibe repetitive nonsense. In Truth our highest mission is to RELEASE the control of the lower mind/ego which allows us to see/feel/remember through our Universal/Quantum Heart/Consciousness/DNA so WE can each individually be the DIRECTORS of our own Reality/Consciousness as we are meant to be.
Eventually we get to a point as we are Mastering ourselves that EVERY time we aren’t paying attention/being aware/present/observing ourselves, the mind sees we are not paying attention and it literally jumps in and pulls us into old patterns/dysfunction/beliefs/programs because that’s all it knows.
This will immediately feel as if in a “contracted state”, and truthfully it is because you’ve chosen to go low and ENTERTAIN/LISTEN to the lower mind nonsense as usual without catching it through the choice point, which will ALWAYS magnetize a new Growth Experience. You may not realize but you are now creating/allowing yourself to feel “contracted” until you CHOOSE to See/Feel/Become AWARE that you’ve CHOSEN/sunken very low all to play in the old mind/ego programs, which will not feel “good” at all.
Because we weren’t paying attention the mind took control and began directing the show/reality until we are made aware or CHOOSE to be aware that we’ve dropped our frequency and now magnetizing similar energy into our reality. If we don’t see/feel we dropped our frequency we get “dragged through the mud” so to speak energetically until we CHOOSE to STOP playing in low vibes/patterns/old/ways/programs/beliefs/identities… remembering the lower 3D/4D human is conditioned to choose pain and suffering as its default when it doesn’t want to put the effort in/Take Responsibility.
We are SO POWERFUL yet when we aren’t CHOOSING to be aware of ourselves, which must become a “24/7” process sleeping/awake, we are choosing/allowing our energy to drop in order to have GROWTH EXPERIENCES which become very uncomfortable until we catch ourself and PULL OURSELVES UP/OUT of it all. It’s a push pull to “force” us to PAY ATTENTION and take/make more conscious action/choices so we can eventually Take Our Power/Life/Reality Back. I’m using the word force here because the lower human aspect DOES NOT WANT TO COME THROUGH (be conscious/responsible for itself 24/7), it will do anything it can to stay unconscious always reverting back to default programming choosing endless loops of pain/suffering/victim. Eventually the experiences become more frequent/painful/uncomfortable until the human finally has ENOUGH and will do ANYTHING not to go that low anymore…
MASTERY requires every ounce of ourselves to be FULLY AWARE of ourselves at ALL TIMES, no breaks. This is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of how 3D/4D works where the human gives its power away to the mind and stays checked OUT/SEPARATED from itself as much as possible.
As the days go on the Energetics/FREQUENCIES flooding our fields/reality/Gaia WILL keep intensifying which means humanity will be being faced with MORE and MORE of their dysfunction/density/programming to see/feel/resolve/dissolve/clear/align. These Frequencies are SOOOOO PURE that they dive/laser straight in on ANYTHING holding us back/keeping us low/lost/confused pushing it up into our reality/daily life until we choose to Take Responsibility and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT by acknowledging and then choosing to consciously work through it from a higher place/space within. These Frequencies are very MATTER OF FACT, they are requiring us ALL to STEP IT UP in ALL areas of our lives. They are requiring us to STAY FOCUSED on our higher MISSION of ASCENSION and in this there are NO BREAKS anymore.
It’s not as “tough” as it sounds because “tough” is a program we created to AVOID, it just requires CHOOSING to Pay Attention/Be Aware ALWAYS, inside ourselves and outside ourselves which is very new to the human. The mind will say “oh my goodness, I DON’T WANT TO…”.
Well, that’s another mind program blocking you from stepping it up. We have to “force” ourselves for a bit (using words to make a point) to push through the 3D/4D laziness/avoidance programs until we are ALWAYS paying attention to ourselves, our energy/reality/interactions/thoughts at all times without even knowing. We want to flip the script by becoming the DIRECTOR of our own reality not allowing our lower ego/mind to direct for us ANYMORE…
One way takes us to higher consciousness and the other takes us as low as we can go magnetizing growth experiences until we choose to be aware/assess and SHIFT.
Every word, Every breath, Every Action creating/magnetizing either low vibes GROWTH experiences or Higher Consciousness/Purity/Truth/Love/Awesomeness, it’s up to us to choose where we want to function from in every breath and then do EVERYTHING in our power to HOLD the Higher Frequencies through Conscious Choices/Actions.
Are you still being directed or are you taking the rains and CREATING an ENTIRELY NEW BEAUTIFUL/GORGEOUS/LIMITLESS/ABUNDANT New Earth Existence built from LOVE/TRUTH/PURITY…
REMEMBERING EVERY MOMENT is a POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY to CHOOSE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, the more energy/consciousness/determination we put into our process the more we make BIG shifts within.
It’s all about REMEMBERING we are BIGGER/STRONGER/MORE POWERFUL than ALL the mind/ego programming/conditioning/manipulation because WE Allowed it into OUR reality, WE created all the disempowered stories/beliefs/identities which means WE are FAR MORE POWERFUL than ALL OF IT, we are the DIRECTORS of our own reality, it’s OURS nobody else’s, WE are the Master Creators..!!
Turning the mind OFF and catching the ego programs/conditioning/manipulation is the KEY 🗝 to becoming the DIRECTOR of our OWN Reality. This happens through the dedicated CHOICE/DECISION to be PRESENT/AWARE and OBSERVE OURSELVES in every breath/thought/action/experience…
I know this can “seem tough” sometimes but it’s all a perception/choice to see/feel/REMEMBER from our Highest Consciousness/Heart/TRUTH, Remembeting everything being presented is a POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY being put before us BECAUSE we ARE READY..!
Ps… I haven’t been super present and sharing much the last couple months as I’ve been VERY DEEP in my own template/integration/coding process and getting the farm going for the season, honouring my process as is required, resting/connection/anchoring mixed with MEGA TONS of Gaia time🌱✨🐝😍. Feeling a BEautiful lift lately and now beginning to write again in spurts, also putting a lot into upgrading/aligning a guide book I wrote last year so I will share as is appropriate in flow with my process. 🤍