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Becoming the Observer

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Sharing my Embodied realization of Becoming the Observer as experienced through my own unique journey of Remembering…

Using this capture as this was where I began my Beautiful journey of Becoming the Observer, a tiny little hut deep in the Mountains of the Amazon Jungle…

Making big shifts in our lives requires us to change the way we operate, this means looking at everything from a higher awareness and understanding, it requires becoming “conscious” of our “unconsciousness”.

In simplicity the choice/action to Observe ourselves creates the opportunity for us to be Conscious to what we are Feeling BEFORE we react or respond to any situation or experience in our lives.

If we are not Observing ourselves in every action/breath inside/outside ourselves then we are not conscious to what we say, how we feel and how we act/react in the moment which is “unconscious”.

REMEMBERING/CHOOSING to be the Observer is a simple as allowing ourselves to be present to our inner feelings/triggers/truth/guidance viewing how we work from the outside in/inside out, so we can consciously shift and realign BEFORE speaking or acting unconsciously.

Becoming the observer is how we work in Quantum states, it is a  KEY to unlocking our Infinite Abundance codes and the way OUT of our ego based lives.

If a situation or experience “triggers” a feeling that is out of alignment or doesn’t “feel good” inside, this allows us the OPPORTUNITY to OBSERVE the feelings/emotions/reactions/conditioning coming up and then CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to realign before it comes out. If we are not consistently observing ourselves, our thoughts and actions, inside and outside in every breath we are letting the lower mind/ego run the show. This means we are unconscious and missing the point of the triggered energy (growth experience), calling it back into our field creating endless loops until we choose to Observe ourselves, Remembering If something feels out of alignment (doesn’t feel good inside) this means we have energy coming up from past/present experiences/stories/programs/conditioning to be consciously realigned/resolved/dissolved from a higher awareness.

The KEY is to Remember that ALL “triggered” energy within our own self/field/energy body is happening “for us” as a growth experience. If we aren’t taking the Opportunity to OBSERVE these emotions/triggers than they are brought back into our field as another experience/loop until we consciously make a shift.

Observing means wanting/choosing/allowing ourselves to shift/change, opening/activating the opportunity to see/feel the distorted views, opinions, stories, programs, conditioning, learned behaviors .... Observing means we actually CARE  about ourselves, our energy and embodying our highest alignment ALWAYS as we live and breath. Becoming the observer is a Choice, if we aren’t choosing to Observe ourselves in every breath, then the ego is running the show on auto pilot and all we are doing is reacting to everything instead of resolving/dissolving/clearing from our energetic field.

When making the shift to start becoming the observer we must Remember to hold Compassion and Patience for ourselves and our process. It is a process like any other, we bring new awareness to unconsciousness and now must integrate/acclimate/anchor/embody this choice/action into our daily lives. This means remembering every time we feel out of alignment/contracted/triggered, it’s an OPPORTUNITY to OBSERVE ourselves and CHOOSE to shift OUT of the lower vibrations and INTO our Hearts...

When we Choose to SEE/KNOW/OBSERVE as we live and breathe we start to FEEL our feelings and consciously asses how to RESPOND rather than “react” in any given situation/experience. Reacting is the old unconscious programmed way to go, it’s a learned behavior/conditioning that means we are NOT choosing to be conscious/observe ourselves.

Observing our outside talk and inside talk (mind chatter) is key to becoming still inside. Inside talk is just as important to observe/catch as our outside talk, our minds are literally running on auto pilot until we take our POWER BACK so it is very important to be present to how and what we are speaking of ourselves, others and everything around us as this is also calling forth our next experiences for the purpose of our growth into our magnetic field.

Our outside talk can become very unconscious and filled with a lot of lower vibrational energies, (fear, victim, shame, blame, guilt…). We speak and tell stories from our fears (projecting them to/on others), we tell ego stories based from insecurities mostly talking about ourselves and what we have/don’t have (lack/blocking abundance), share our victim stories saying “….  happened TO ME”.. looking for attention or validation. A lot of times we talk with no true purpose feeling the need to fill “empty space” not realizing we are playing in all kinds of low vibes through being unconscious and unaware of what we are saying/doing/creating on an Energetic level, which calls back more growth Experiences into our field endlessly (loops) until we Align it all through Observation.

Becoming conscious of ourselves means Remembering to take/make the time to sit in stillness (inward/sacred space) as this is our natural state where ALL is seen/felt/created. No noise, no chitter chatter, no stories, no figuring out, not nervous or uncomfortable, not trying to fill empty space by talking or keeping busy, but rather listening/feeling/watching/observing what we allow to run rampant now seeing the opportunity to resolve/dissolve/clear the dysfunction from our lives/reality.

A very big part of my journey was observing that I talked to much for no reason, feeling people trail off and loose interest in the conversation, explaining things to a point I forgot my own story, talking out of my fears and insecurities because I wasn’t comfortable around other people and mostly MYSELF. Observing what we are talking about, why we are even talking, the words we are using and the energy behind it is a big piece for conscious growth and seeing/feeling what WE are bringing/creating to/through each experience. At a point I started asking myself, “do I even need to speak rite now?”, “is it important or meaningful?”, “does it have purpose or benefit?”, or am I just going to talk to fill space, because I’m nervous or uncomfortable...

We can see/feel EVERYTHING when we are choosing to be PRESENT in the moment, allowing ourselves to OBSERVE as the observer, looking into/feeling each and every word/process happening within our energetic fields because we truly care and want to shift//remember.

When we start becoming more present, observing our conversations thoughts and actions inside and outside, feeling if people loose interest, trail off or get confused, or if we are blocking ourselves from creating/receiving by playing in programs/stories, or if we are missing the actual point of each experience/interaction because we are playing in our minds instead of being present.., we are now in a place of OPPORTUNITY to shift ourselves INTO our highest vibration, look at what we are/were talking about/thinking or the words being used then choosing to REALIGN in the moment.

As we begin to master observing ourselves we are able to feel every single thing that is out of alignment. This is going to come in handy when working through big victim energy. Victim energy can be buried VERY DEEP and loves to stay unconscious to itself. The ego WILL do its best to block us from observing it (ourself) by trying to get us wrapped in a lower story/program/illusion to keep us lost. The story could be anything, in truth everything not aligned from our highest consciousness is a story and stories are how victim energy likes to keep us confused in our loops/programs, getting stuck in the why’s/what’s, “I don’t feel this should be happening to me rite now” stories, then blaming/shaming/guilting to get out of it (the growth experience) missing the point that everything is ALWAYS happening perfectly because our Universe/soul/energy called it back to our field purposefully FOR our higher conscious growth. It’s just the victim inside that doesn’t want to believe it or allow it to be.

Observing = Conscious Choice and Growth


Reacting = Unconsciousness = I CHOOSE not to SEE/FEEL/CHANGE

Remember to be very compassionate and patient with yourself as you receive this Realization/Activation/Remembering. Observing our unconsciousness can “seem” to be a lot to take in at first but very important to remember that WE created it all, meaning we are FAR MORE POWERFUL than any of it can ever be. We unknowingly gave our power AWAY to our mind/ego and now our mission is to POWERFULLY take it back. Our biggest mission and highest purpose is to resolve ALL of the unconsciousness/dysfunctional energy we hold inside and bring it ALL into Conscious Alignment. This happens through Choosing to BE Present and Observing what we have created. Some of what we created isn’t going to be pretty and is important NOT to judge ourselves for what we built/created, Remembering we were very unconscious/3D when we unknowingly created it all.

As we begin to see/feel/release the ego this means we must now work through/resolve/dissolve ALL of the programming/dysfunction/stories/limiting beliefs WE took on/created in our entire existence as mentioned above .The ego/mind will NEVER EVER just give up control, it will ALWAYS try to drag us back into programmed reactions/emotions/triggers/stories/conditioning over feeling/seeing the TRUTH of what’s really happening FOR our highest conscious growth.

The ONLY way to break free of the ego programming is to begin to OBSERVE ourselves and take ACTION…!

Our Universe will keep calling forward more and more Growth Experiences until we Choose to PAY ATTENTION and act on our unconsciousness. Once Awake there is no turning back, we can “fight” the process as much as we like but it just makes the growth experiences BIGGER and more EXPLOSIVE in the moment, the more we avoid, the Bigger the Experience gets. This shows us that Observing ourselves and taking action IN THE MOMENT stops the experience from Escalating then allowing us the opportunity to REALIGN.

The more we choose to Observe ourselves the deeper we begin to realize WE have a CHOICE in every Experience to take the higher conscious path or the lower unconscious path, one bringing Expanded states and one creating more and more Low/Contracted experiences to play out until we are finally exhausted with being “beaten down” by our own choices or lack there of.

Remember, Observing is the KEY to our Mastery, it’s they KEY/WAY OUT of the “hell on earth” WE have created for ourselves and it is ultimately a BIG KEY to REMEMBERING…

As we Choose to OBSERVE we are RESOLVING our dysfunctional energy, Remembering the dysfunction is what BLOCKS us from OPENING/ACTIVATING our DNA/REMEMBERING/QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS…

In Deep Appreciation and Sacred Respect, I Love You…🤍✨💎✨☀️

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