Currently everyone on this planet is moving through some massive energies. This is coming out in all kinds of different ways pushing up and triggering collective “ancestral karma”, victim energy/identity, ego, old belief systems and thousands of “years” of separation to powerfully come up for release as a collective.
Separation is “victim = Ego”
We are only separate from one another because of our limiting beliefs, learned behaviors and years and years of social programming and suppression of speaking our truth.
Just like what’s going on in our world rite now, these same narratives have been repeated through history to keep control by keeping the masses in fear and in mass separation from one another. This is NOT our natural state!
This topic is sure to trigger many deep rooted feelings, emotions and experiences.
Before reading this post I suggest to be comfortable and take some deep conscious breaths until you feel present enough to receive this remembering. Also, having a journal or pen and paper will help greatly when things start coming up. Always good to rite things down so we don’t miss anything.
Victim energy is Ego, it runs extremely deep and we can be very unconscious to it in our lives. I am going to bring awareness to the truth of victim energy and what we can do to release the victim stories and identity we have created through our lives.
Let’s start with what victim energy is.…
This energy and or identity is a learned behaviour, It is not our natural state.
We are not born a victim, we become a victim through not using our voice, speaking our truth and trusting our true feelings in the moment.
We create a story or feel victim to or take on other people’s stories because we are not able to deal with or handle the experience in the moment and feel that it is all happening TO us rather than for us.
I will be very clear that if you believe anything or everything has been happening TO you, there is victim energy and stories to be found hiding inside your energy body.
It’s very easy to become victim to experiences and life these days as we are kept so busy that most barely have time to even relax and breath.
The most important piece I will share about victim energy is that Nothing is happening TO you, everything is happening FOR you.
I was a victim to most of my life until a couple years ago. I believed almost everything was happening to me.
The only time I didn’t was when something awesome happened. When the good stuff happened I figured it was an angel or spirit guide over my shoulder. Lol
In no way shape or form did I feel I was the cause or attracting everything in my life. The reason I had no idea is because I hadn’t remembered yet. I hadn’t remembered that we are energy beings that have a vibrational field. That we live by the law of Energy meaning the energy we put out calls back similar energy through experiences for us to consciously grow. I hadn’t remembered that I was responsible for all things happening in my life and awareness through the energy I put out via my thoughts, feelings, actions, the stories I hold and how I speak to others....
I hadn’t remembered all of this yet, so I was angry at the world, crying my eyes out with frustration and rage screaming “why is this happening to me!!!!!!” “What did I do to deserve this!!!”
I’m pretty sure most of us have said that at least once in our lives.
It’s ok to say and feel like that because we really had no idea what victim energy was or that it could go unchecked and become an identity. We didn’t know that everytime we became or created the victim story that it was becoming more and more of a defence mechanism. We started blaming everything and everyone but ourselves in some situations. Soon enough we are filled with all kinds of stories that end with something happening TO us. All of the sudden we are hanging out with people and next thing we know we are sharing our victim stories looking for support or people to identify or feel with and for us.
Now I know we have and are all having similar yet wildly different experiences. Some are very very violent or life threatening etc...
in order for me to properly and fully explain this energy and identity I have to be very clear and direct.
So you may have a lot of emotion come up and feel very triggered as this will go against what you may feel and believe. Especially if you hold a lot of “victim” stories.
Bringing awareness to the energy of victim itself is the most powerful way to begin understanding the dynamic and bring it from unconscious behaviour to consciously feeling it and recognizing it so it can then be cleared and released.
I will explain how we become the victim and create the stories that then become part of our identity as well as how we become consciously unconscious to it.
Let’s go back to when we were kids and maybe the first time or one of the first few times we got shut down. Maybe we were shutdown for sharing a view about something or even just speaking at all, doing something “wrong” or “bad”, maybe we were taken advantage of inappropriately or abused mentally of physically..... there are many ways we have been shut down through life.
So now we have been shut down once or a few times, we start getting all kinds of feelings and emotions coming up for being shut down and we either speak them out or bury them. If we speak them out sometimes we get shut down even more and even harder. Now we have more feelings and emotions coming up.
What do we do with it all?
Well, if your being shut down for speaking over and over then the natural response would be to just be quiet and not share or speak anymore. This is where and when our voice starts to close off in fear of the repercussions or judgements.... this shuts down our throat chakra.
Now if we are burying the emotions and feelings we are basically packing up the situation and pushing it away for later.
What this says to our energy body is “hey, I don’t want to or can not deal with this situation rite now, let’s bury it and save it to come back up later in our lives, through other experiences that will trigger this energy I buried into a different experience so I can see and feel I still hold it”.
That was a mouthful but that’s what’s happening energetically.
Everything and Anything we don’t deal with in the moment is being stuffed away to come back later, coming back as another experience over and over until we become conscious enough to see it’s still there and work on releasing it.
This is why we have recurring relationships, friendships etc...different partners same issues to deal with.
It will keep happening until we break the loop cycle by seeing the past stories (energy) we are carrying forward.
For me one of the reoccurring themes (stories) was my close friends always taking advantage of me.
Out of nowhere someone I considered close would steal something from me or do something very hurtful or go behind my back...
I became a victim to people close to me in life so I kept people at bay and never let anyone get to close. Only once and a while and guess what would happen. As soon as I allowed them to get closer something would happen. Same cycle repeating itself on a loop. I was becoming victim to this loop going into the “why is everyone out to get me, I’m a nice guy, would give the shirt off my back, why was this continually happening TO me?”
What I didn’t realize until much much later was that “I” had created this loop, yes ME!
I was the one not trusting people before I knew them (judgement), I was the one feeling everyone was out to rip me off or use ME (false story) based on one or two experiences, I was the one that wouldn’t Trust and Allow life to just be the way it should be, I was the one creating all the stories and pre judging and not trusting. It was all me!
Something happened to me once and I started creating the stories. It happened again and again because my energy called it back and that is how I and we created the loop. I started judging others based off of one experience that I was meant to have.
Everything is ALWAYS happening perfectly!!
I had created a victim loop and I was receiving the same people places and things to trigger this energy until the day I figured it out (remembered).
We call situations and experiences to ourselves by the buried stories (energy) we hold. It’s an energetic return. We get what, where and who we need in the exact moment we need it to trigger what needs tone seen. If we do not see it is a trigger (opportunity) we fall back into the same old victim loop and story. The stories and experiences will repeat over and over and over until we figure out it’s Us and we need to break the cycle.
We don’t have to be super tapped in spiritually to figure these out. We just have to be present enough to feel that it just doesn’t resonate and it’s time to do something about it.
That being said, as I mentioned above we can start to create a victim identity if we choose to never figure out why these things keep happening. By choose I mean we actually choose to give up and be the victim. That is and was a choice, It always has been. That’s when we have decided that everything happens to us, it’s just the way it is. We have given up and everyone should feel for us and we are always the ones being “hurt” or having “terrible” or “painful” experiences come our way.
I’m an not at all pointing fingers and saying we have done this on purpose or this was our goal to become victim. That is not at all what I’m suing here.
What I am saying is that we didn’t have all this knowledge when we created these identities. So how would we have ever known what to do in these intense situations. We wouldn’t have!
That’s the purpose of this writhing (remembering). I write these posts to guide you to remember your way back home to your true natural state of Love peace and Bliss.
That being said there are some that saw that being or playing the victim got them a bunch of extra attention or gifts or special treatment through life... this is a whole other victim identity. This one is intentional and created to fill some sort of void in life. We have all probably met someone that holds this energy. It worked once, it worked twice, maybe we aren’t getting enough attention or “feel” we are not getting enough attention or whatever. It now starts to become the identity and gets carried through life as experiences and loops until the persons whole world shakes loose and they now have to see this and start taking responsibility for what has been created.
Finally, we can take on what I will call “collective ancestral victim energy”. This has been happening for centuries all over the planet. Seeing as most humans live in the past we tend to carry this forward through our lives and children, stories and experiences, books, history...
If you look all around the world you will notice some form of ancestral karma being played out over and over for thousands of years. Comes in many forms but usually to do with 2 or more different groups of people fighting or battling in the name of what happened years ago. Holding the energy and regurgitating the old stories, keeping all of the energy in a perpetual motion never being dealt with and fueling further at the same time. Thus calling in and allowing newer generations to join in and add to the collective stories and energy of the past. Repetitively dragging things along in hopes that some sort of retribution is had?
The thing is, this is and was someone else’s story from the past.
Jumping in on other people’s hardships no matter who they are is a choice. I am in NO way saying what has been done to create these experiences is humane or rite by any means. I am saying we all have a journey. Sure we can stand for what we believe in, that is our birth rite. This is what we should be doing, we should always be standing in and speaking OUR truth from our hearts.
But there comes a point when we go from standing for what we believe in, to taking on other people’s experiences as our own, holding ourselves to others past stories and experiences like they are ours. We are empathic beings, we feel if we jump in and help it’s gonna make it all better, or we can fix it. Yet that is savior energy. It’s very important to remember we DID NOT come here to save anyone. The act of “Saving” is a low vibration, means we are victim to the life we have created.
Do you truly believe you can change the past?
Or someone else’s past experience or thousands of years of low vibrational experiences?
We came here to work on OURSELVES first, clear release and rebuild OUR own lives and experiences.
We did not come here to take on other peoples experiences and beat ourselves down for them. We did not come here to take on ancestral experiences and hardships. We did not come here to be saved. We came here to “Remember”, find OUR own way home, let go of OUR own stories and experiences that no longer serve OUR highest good.
Taking on someone else’s cause or experiences just because we are in the same family, race, religion, group or believe in it is a choice we make. Believing or feeling we can take the pain/trauma/experience away from someone, thing or situation is “EGO”. It’s savior energy. Again, we aren’t here to save anyone. We definitely are not here to jump into other people’s or collectives traumas and take them on for ourselves.
I will be very clear that the past is the past, it doesn’t exist anymore. It only exists as stories. We are here to clear and release the stories not build them or take on others, especially from things we weren’t directly involved in.
It is a choice to become victim to other people’s experiences.
Each person has to consciously clear their OWN stories experiences and energies (past/present). That’s how we clear individual and collective past and present “karmic timelines”. We CANNOT do this for ANYONE else. It is and was a choice for each individual to take it on, so it is an individual choice to let it go as each holds their own version of it.
The key is to remember that we are all ONE, we were all created equally from Love, you, me, the trees, the fish, the ocean, the birds........... you name it... we are all ONE.
There is no separation!
Separation is an individual choice!
Letting go of the separation brings us back to the remembrance of ONENESS with absolutely everything and ALL living beings.
Victim energy comes in many forms and creations. I will be very clear that everyone holds some sort of victim story or energy inside. It is one of the most deeply rooted and unconscious energetics we can hold as humans. It’s actually one of the last energies to push out as you release your ego along side judgement. Sometimes deep pieces can even hold on to come up much much later in your journey after you feel you have released it all.
I speak from experience here. 😉
I will always guide everyone to remember nothing is fixed and linear! There is NO exact way and process. We are all having a different journey individually and collectively. The minute you try to stay fixed as in only one way or this way works or is the way, you will be shown otherwise very quickly.
Now that we have started to bring awareness to victim energy and identity, let’s talk about what to do with it and how to consciously release it?
This is a powerful process and can take many attempts. It is always extremely important to be gentle and compassionate on ourselves through this. Allow patients and presence, surrender to what you do not want to see.
It’s the same process as every other, we are bringing awareness to what is out of alignment and doesn’t feel good, doesn’t resonate with us anymore. Basically we are releasing past stories. I wrote about this in a post a bit ago called “releasing the past/everything is a story” and “consciously letting go”. These 2 posts will guide you to releasing these stories that created our victim energy and identity.
Again, do your absolute best NOT to judge yourself, be extremely compassionate with yourself and your process, be aware of what’s coming up, be as present as possible so you can see feel and write things down, don’t hold anything in as it just builds up pressure and will find it’s way out the harder way, scream if you need to scream, write if you need to write, allow everything to come out, Every single feeling, emotion and vision. Allow yourself to be the victim while “releasing” the energy. In this you must be careful not to fall into the story and become the victim again. You are going in and allowing yourself to Be the victim energy so you can feel it and consciously choose to let it go. If your still getting caught up in the stories than you haven’t fully let the stories go and are still holding on to the story in some sort of way.
It can happen if your victim stories run deep.
It’s all totally ok! Everything takes time patients compassion and practice. Always be gentle with yourself, this is sacred work you are doing.
When it comes to clearing and releasing the victim stories and any story (energy) for that matter. The most important part is to eventually get to a place that you can take responsibility. You might be feeling off as you read this but let me explain.
Ultimately we are here to “Remember” that we chose to be here on this planet at this time. We remember we chose the big experiences in our lives and call forth everything else through our vibration and the energetic debris (stories) we hold inside as our identity. Everything happening as an energetic return to our vibration we hold. Victim is Ego and holds a low vibration, every time we choose to be the victim or act out the energy we have Chosen to lower our vibration. Choosing to be the victim pulls us down in to low level energy that is very draining and calls forth more low vibrational experiences. It’s very simple how this all works. We just have to keep remembering this every time we drop down into the old ways of acting out the victim role and do our best to catch, release and shift it.
When we drop back down it’s important to know that we have now dropped ourself into Ego- wounded warrior mentality. At this point we have now shut down and won’t listen to Anything because We are the victim. It’s now Me, Me, Me....The victim just wants to be the victim, they don’t see all the sides nor do they want to. They only want to be the victim and have people feel sorry for them and the story. This is the point that the wounded child takes over and wants to speak out, this is were things can get nasty so to speak. No pun intended.
Someone can be trying to give some great advice or guide the person out of the victim story with so much love and compassion. This only makes the victim even more of a victim. They feel they are not being heard, yet they are not listening to anyone or anything because they haven’t finished pouting or ranting the old story. Usually this is also where other things (past experiences not dealt with) come up and get thrown into the mix of anger, blaming, shaming and guilting. This is classic victim, one thing starts it all then a bunch of old stories get pulled in when someone tries to help rather than fall prey to the victim story.
Now it’s just a big mish mash of emotions and old stories and it’s pulling the other person into the negative energy. That person is confused and now feeling they have to engage to defend themselves from something that doesn’t even concern them.
Remember, it is exactly that. It’s a Story, NOT REAL ANYMORE. Only real in the “mind” because it hasn’t been dealt with or looked at from a higher perspective.
Yes this is a very deep topic and yes it will rip us to the core.
Yes we are also releasing karmic loops and ancestral karma, we are also releasing everything WE created in this life etc.... it’s all part of why we are here at this time on planet earth. It all comes in the form of experiences through people places and things to trigger the energy (stories) being held by us so we can see, feel, clear and consciously release.
We are taking responsibility for the energy and experiences as we have called them to us for the purpose of remembering, we remember we never had to carry them in the first place. We take responsibility for creating the stories and holding them and not dealing with them in the moment as they were occurring.
We are not taking responsibility for the person hitting us or doing the act that had us fall victim. They were just playing their part.
We are taking responsibility for creating and calling the experiences to us so we could consciously remember our way home. We are taking responsibility for our energy. Remembering we came here to live from Pure True Love that holds No Stories, No Conditions and is NOT a victim to the life they chose and choose in every breath.
Another lovely tip is to do your best to not get caught up in the old stories of shaming blaming and guilting yourself or others. We can get caught in a loop of more and more victim trying to “figure it all out”. We just need to release it. We don’t need to replay the entire situation and get angry with ourself or someone else all over again. But if this happens it’s totally ok, It’s part of the process. Never judge yourself for doing your best. Sometimes we have to fall off the horse a few times until we find our balance. Nothing is ever “wrong”. Everything is always perfect.
Remember you are a Master waking up from your amnesia you chose to have coming into your earth existence. You have already done this you are just waking up and remembering it all. You hold all of this knowledge deep inside you in your DNA and cellular memory. In your bones, your teeth, your hair......
I am here at the highest level to activate and ignite your process of remembering. This is why you are reading this.
I’m proud of you for reading through this. This is a deep energy and bringing awareness to this can greatly help us along our journey.
I see many get or getting stuck in the victim energy as it has become so comfortable and used as a shield most of our lives. Again, it’s important to remember that we didn’t know what we were creating. We didn’t know about victim energy and it’s effect on our vibration and life.
We ALL have the Power Within to bring ourselves through EVERYTHING we created!
It may not seem like it when we are rite in the middle of a breakdown as the victim energy runs deep. Eventually the old stories become exhausting and we start feeling how draining they can be. We exhaust the victim energy crying out and we start changing the game by becoming aware when we fall unconscious to the old program. This is something we must remember and I am here to powerfully guide you to the remembering. It’s not always gonna be pretty but if we don’t dive in and bring awareness then we will stay stuck in old pattens and behaviours attracting lower vibrational experiences into our lives on repeat.
It’s time to break the loops, cycles and patterns that have been on repeat and regurgitate for centuries...!!!!✅
You are the key 🗝
You’ve got this
We’ve got this
Together as ONE Tribe!!✨✨✨✨✨✨💯
In deep gratitude and respect for your journey
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!💜🤍💜🤍💜🤍💜🤍