This is a fun one as SO MUCH is now opening up and presenting itself to/for Collective Humanity’s Awakening/Ascension process. I will share in another post about this being an individual and collective process as all are in different pieces/phases/stages with some not even realizing they are Awakening or in a Deep process, yet ALL coming through collectively just not at the same time.
The last few days have been presenting as very deep sleeps. Waking up foggy/groggy, eyes feeling like they don’t want to open and still in a dreamy state for hours upon getting out of bed. Lots of deep dreaming and for Emily lots of weird dreams that don’t make sense to this reality. This is because we are going through a template wipe or what we can can call “clearing old timelines”.
This is being facilitated by so many different interactions going on within us and outside/above us.
For ONE, the sun is active the last few days releasing what they call Filament Eruptions, these are beautiful ejections of PLASMA energy that are so PURE/BEAUTIFUL/EXQUISITE. They produce Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) from our sun (Solaris) and no matter if directed towards Earth (Gaia) or not, go straight inside the human Energy/Light Body/field putting a laser beam on the programming/conditioning/beliefs/identities/ego keeping the human stuck in lower frequency/vibration/experiences.
SECOND, there are specific “planetary” alignments ACTIVATING bigger process as well. Each planet having its own field, when these fields interact they instigate/activate Energetic Processes to happen in all areas of our inner/outer reality. We are all connected and just like a human entering another humans field, there is an interaction and that interaction is pushing up ALL that must be cleared from our own structure/energy body so we can come back into alignment. This will also be what prompts world events/escalations/truths to be revealed thorough being MEGA BLASTED by these POWERFUL ejections/PURITY CODES/FREQUENCIES.
These ULTRA PURE FREQUENCIES go straight in and PUSH UP/REVEAL the biggest blocks to us moving forward into our next “timelines/templates”.
Timeline being a template of things we must accomplish/rise out of/resolve/dissolve in order to move further through our journeys and higher up in our dimensional embodiment. As an example, 4D has its own templates and comes with many stages of growth built into it, each stage having its own set of old timelines/beliefs/density/experiences/dysfunctional energy to RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/CLEAR/ALIGN that’s keeping the human out of balance. The template holds ALL the keys/codes to HIGHER timelines and those keys are received as we Resolve/Dissolve all the dysfunction/density/trauma/beliefs/programming/conditioning being presented to work through in our daily life/reality.
As we consciously/willingly choose to look at/acknowledge and work through the opportunities/dysfunctional energy/density presenting themselves we are REWRITING our DNA, removing the old timelines and ACTIVATING the unlocking of HIGHER TIMELINES to be experienced. Always releasing lower timelines/beliefs/energy that was being held DEEPLY in the EnergyBody and had to be consciously released/dissolved so we can RISE in frequency. As we rise in frequency we are raising our vibration as they are one in the same. This call’s forward much more Beautiful EXPANDED experiences/interactions/openings into our new reality.
The more we work through, the more we are becoming PURE INSIDE, PURITY being what is required to begin to see/feel/REMEMBER the codes/frequencies/templates/visions of our New Earth Existence, because the purity FORCES up EVERYTHING not PURE within that’s blocking the next phase of growth . New Earth not being a physical place but rather an EMBODIMENT that comes through the RELEASE of the Awakening process leading into our Ascension process. Awakening being where we are clearing out ALL the lower dysfunctional energy/ego/victim/judgement/shame/blame/guilt/jealousy/control/fear that binds us to endless 3/4D growth experiences/“hell on earth”. These clearings allow us to RISE UP in FREQUENCY/VIBRATION by becoming lighter energetically, which is the release of DENSITY. Not physical weight but energetic weight we cary until consciously released.
Ascending being the release of the ego control as just mentioned and now Ascending our Consciousness to a MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY/EMBODIMENT where we are now beginning to SEE/FEEL/BUILD/CREATE our NEW EARTH REALITY from TRUTH/LOVE/ONENESS/PURITY/QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS in service to Humanity. Service to Humanity being doing your daily 24/7 inner work to MASTER YOUR REALITY. Which is now the release/reconciliation of all programming/conditioning/manipulation/words/beliefs taken in on since birth that still haven’t been fully worked through REMEMBERING there are MANY stages to releasing. We may have felt we worked through everything by this point but this is far from the truth.
You’ll notice that through your entire journey you are working through LAYERS and LAYERS of buried trauma/victim. After 5D the release of the ego you are now through the big victim/ego parts of the experiences yet they will now keep REsurfacing to see/feel other layers still holding an attraction to getting caught up in the old story/experience.. this is what I call MASTERY PHASE. There is ALWAYS many layers to each buried trauma/victim story and we get tested/contracted randomly when least expected so we can see/feel we still hold an attachment TO the old story. Usually we get pulled into the old story for a bit then eventually realize we built a 3D PROGRAM to fall into it all as soon as it came up into our head. The old process begins and our new role is to be so PRESENT that we are able to OBSERVE ourselves falling into the old pattern. Part of the thing with traumas/victim stories is that we built programmed reactions to them, we normally got caught up in the lower story and just ended up playing out/looping the entire experience in our heads or avoiding it which is what kept us HOLDING the story. Our new role is to CATCH it and RELEASE it BEFORE we start playing in the old story realizing we must CUT OFF all attractions/attachments/pulls to wanting to play in it anymore, realizing that every second we allow ourselves to even look at the old story we are allowing it to be REAL AGAIN. Now realizing that we CREATE GROWTH EXPERIENCES by ALLOWING ourselves to play out old low vibe victim stores as the victim AGAIN, yet we’ve already worked through the lower layers of victim. Now we are being TESTED to see if we still want to play there, and let me just share that by this point in the journey. The choice to PLAY IN/ENTERTAIN an old victim story will be PAINFUL to experience because you’ve raised your vibration/frequency so much that it physically feels painful to play in low vibe victim energy ANYMORE. Which is how we pull ourselves through MASTERY PHASE, it doesn’t feel good, we then REMEMBER/REALIZE we got caught up in old ways/patterns and do everything to come out of it.
Mastery phase being the phase we get tested with EVERYTHING… which goes from 6D until 10D Embodiment. Mastering EVERY SINGLE THING/EXPERIENCE/BELIEF/UNCONSCIOUS CHOICE/TEMPTATION/STIMULANT/PROGRAMMING/CONDITIONING/MANIPULATION we ever held/took on since birth. The entire lower 3D human experience/reality being the BUILDING of the lower 3D inner/outer matrix and now the entire Ascension process being the DISMANTLING/DECONSTRUCTION/MASTERING our way OUT of EVERYTHING WE CREATED. It’s SUCH a POWERFUL JOURNEY and when done we hold NOTHING, not ONE SIGLE REMNANT of our lower reality, it’s all now reconciled and used as GUIDANCE for others along the journey as is/was ALWAYS meant to be. This being how we ACTIVATE/OPEN UP/REMEMBER/CREATE/BRING FORWARD/EMBODY our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE while REWRITING our DNA.
WE ARE NEW EARTH, the pathways HOME laying dormant in our DNA until ACTIVATED by us CHOOSING to go ALL IN on our journeys TRUSTING the FEELINGS/INNER KNOWINGS WITHIN, diving in and WILLINGLY CHOOSING to do the daily inner work 24/7 pulling ourselves higher and higher, LISTENING/FEELING/TRUSTING the GUIDANCE FROM WITHIN that might make no actual “sense” to the lower mind/ego. We TRUST, we keep going, we NEVER GIVE IN and NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER STOP….. because when we do, it just doesn’t feel good… which pushes us FURTHER and FURTHER into our process as is meant to. Our UNIVERSE guiding us HOME through PUSHING US us in directions/places/experiences our lower self would have NEVER EVER chosen to go to BREAK FREE of the 3D ILLUSION.
And EVERYONE alive in this Earth Reality/Experience being here to REMEMBER THEIR WAY HOME TOO…
Surrendering to the process in any given moment is the KEY to seeing/feeling things on a deeper level within. CHOOSING to look at EVERYTHING coming up and HONOURING that it is OUR role to CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE will make it all MUCH MUCH EASIER.
The lower human Aspect of ourselves loves to put up a fight, so I suggest becoming BIGGER than your lower human and start directing your own reality as you are meant to. It will only get easier once you TAKE THE RAINS and stop letting your old ways/patterns/beliefs/identities/victim stories create your reality through endless growth experiences.
There is a POWER DEEP INSIDE that must be REACHED FOR through struggle. Once we find that POWER we NEVER EVER LET GO until we forget and are PUSHED/SQUEEZED into the corner again until we REMEMBER, it’s a push/pull, REMEMBER/Forget, REMEMBER forget until we HAVE ENOUGH and begin doing ANYTHING to stay in that POWER. We do still forget because we get contracted bigger and bigger the more conscious we get, yet it becomes easier and easier to REMEMBER the more and more we FORCE OURSELVES through the old CHOICE to be low and play in low experiences.
You’ve ALL GOT THIS, it’s written/CODED in your DNA, your UNIVERSE will push you through, nobody is being left behind. Everything a soul requires to push them through there journeys WILL HAPPEN to PUSH THEM THROUGH there journey. It’s all about how uncomfortable it has to get before the human CHOOSES to listen.
Ps I'm feeling that the current planetary alignments are ushering in a very matter of fact/getter done/all in/masculine Energy which I don't see fading away anytime soon. It is lighting a fire under everyone's butts so to speak to clear away/work through/align all that has been being avoided/put on the back burner in all areas of life. You'll feel a BIG pull to get it all out of your way... it's a BEAUTIFUL push to get things moving and keep everyone's journey in flow wether they know it or not...
This is a WILD RIDE and we built it this way…😉
Will ALL make sense the more you come through your journey opening up HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. 💖✨🧬✨💎✨🤍