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Embracing all the AWESOMENESS….

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

The SOULar Flares just keep on popping like a popcorn machine over the last 2 weeks. So many M flares with a few almost hitting X flare strength. 🧬✨

But just the other day we received two powerful  X Flares as seen in the SolarHam video attached…🤩

With many more on the way!

It’s a purification phase…,💎 these flares coupled with cosmic alignments/star gates and this POTENT 8/8 Lions Gate portal are digging deep to push up the density/dysfunction needing to be resolved/dissolved so each can elevate their frequency.

I’m noticing many being bombarded with their deep programs/programmes behaviours/old ways/patterns all day everyday, yet if not being present/aware of their energy level they are not seeing they are actually playing IN the programs. Then wondering why feeling so heavy/confused/sleepy…

We have been in a Purification/Purging phase for a bit now, it’s going to keep intensifying as the days go on as this is HOW humanity gets pushed further and further into their process that most don’t even realize is happening. Yet it is, and its presenting differently as eaches soul journey requires.

This is when I would guide all to begin if not already, really taking some time/space as you get up in the morning to assess your energy/thoughts rolling through your heads, make some intentions to catch yourself and be PRESENT/AWARE/OBSERVE your energy level and when programs/patterns/old ways are popping up to be resolved/dissolved.

Intentions became my biggest tool when moving through this phase of my own journey. The more in made/used intentions to catch myself the more I caught myself, the more I chooses to work through them in the moment they came up without avoiding, the clearer more aligned I became/felt. It’s a glorious and powerful choice to want to truly be FREE of all the baggage. Yet it is a CHOICE, and sometimes the lower human aspect DOESNT want to do the work.

It’s up to you to BREAK that old way/pattern/program by becoming BIGGER than the old choice to go low and just go on auto pilot. BIG SHIFTS happen when we walk into what we are avoiding.

We are shining LIGHT into our darkness when choosing to see it all, we illuminate all that no longer resonates and we take some space to honour our process. We push 3D life aside and we say to our soul “LETS DO THIS”. We don’t avoid because we KNOW all this does is make it all more uncomfortable. If we we catch ourselves lost/confused and deep in programs we honour the process, don’t judge ourselves but instead be so grateful/appreciative that we just caught ourselves then choosing to work through it all in the moment.

This is how we keep our light shining and heart open. By looking at it all as a Beautiful HUMBLING PROCESS, a process meant to show us all pieces/fragments of ourselves that we created from low vibes and allow us the OPPORTUNITY to FREE ourselves of it all by CHOOSING to WALK INTO IT ALL.

We ARE THE CHANGE but it only happens when we are truly invested in our process.

The outside world will keep escalating as is meant to. We  can focus on it and get all caught up in it which drags our vibe/frequency down… OR we can face it like a LION/LIONESS and BLAST OUR HEARTS WIDE OPEN WANTING CHOOSING TO HONOUR a process WE CHOSE REMEMBERING it’s ALL happening for our HIGHEST GOOD as a species. We may not yet remember we chose it but we all sure did or we wouldn’t be here living in this Earth Reality right now in these ULTRA POWERFUL times of GREAT CHANGE, the MASS COLLECTIVE AWAKENING/ASCENSION of HUMANITY…!!!

Focusing on the outside world will keep you lost in uncomfortable pain and suffering, while focusing on your inside world and making shifts working though our stuff will bring us FREEDOM, TRUE FREEDOM.  FREEDOM only being TRULY FOUND/REMEMBERED by RELEASING ALL the lower density/dysfunction/programs/conditioning/manipulation we are filled with.

Remember it’s all going to keep intensifying internally to show you what wants to and needs to be worked through resolved/dissolved.

It’s up to you to choose the old ways of pain and suffering OR the New Pathway of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS.

Ps... I have added a quick video Activation of our Beautuful Sun Releasing the latest two X Flares to Receive/Expand/Inspire....😍

I LOVE YOU ALL, In DEEP RESPECT for ALL your hard work and willingness to DO the BIGGER work. 💖☀️🧬🌈

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