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Energetic Expansion & Contractions, what are they?

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Energy moves, shifts, bends, squeezes, forces open, merges..., the possibilities are endless as energy is infinite and does not die or cease to exist. This also means energy can Expand and Contract. We will get into what expansions and contractions actually are and why understanding when your in them is such a big opening to feeling and understanding more consciously through your journey. Why our energy can shift so High expanding our consciousness to absolute bliss, then contracting to what can feel so low, tense, constricted, sad and out of alignment.

I’m sure you’ve read about the “law of attraction” or “law of energy” already, if not I suggest reading that section first to get a better feeling of what we will be discussing in this piece.

Let’s start with the fact we are made from energy, this means everything else is made up of energy thus allowing these energies to work and play with each other. In simple terms all energy is working individually as it’s own unique frequency with its own unique purpose yet all working together as an infinite unit of ONE working to keep itself and everything else in alignment. Ultimately we are all ONE energy connected to everything in existence through our highest heart and consciousness. It is a journey to break free from all the lies we have been programmed with to remember beyond this earth and this form that we are one with the Earth, trees, animals, food, water, air, fire, the universe and everything existing in the universe. Our lower mind cannot and will never be able to compute or quantify this as it can’t be quantified or understood from lower consciousness. It’s quantum and quantum is not fixed and linear as the lower mind likes things to be.

Now that we are getting caught up on energy and oneness we can talk about why we experience expansions and contractions and why they are such powerful opportunities when felt and understood through the heart. The heart is where ALL truth is felt and comes from as the mind is where ALL chaos and confusion come from. It is important to remember that you cannot be in your heart and mind at the same time, they are two very different and apposing energies/frequencies that cannot exist in the same space at the same time so to speak.

I recommend adding a regular intention into your daily practice or morning wake up routine to release your mind into the service of your conscious wide open heart. Say it any way you like but it’s the fact that you are saying to your soul you want to make this powerful shift in your life for your highest growth. Now, that intention is in your conscious awareness all the time so it will now be something to work on integrating and embodying, meaning eventually over time and growth you will not even use your lower mind ever again, this means no more confusion, chaos, control, shame, blame, guilt, anger, needing to be right just to name a few. The lower mind (ego) came into existence as we gave our power away to taking ALL information and learning from outside of us. I’ll get into this deeper in another piece. Point here is that the lower mind/ego get in the way of Feeling through our heart. Important to start to remember the heart and mind do not work together AT ALL! The ultimate journey is to release the mind and live from and through our Highest Heart where all truth resides.

Before I knew what expansions and contractions were I just thought life happened randomly, wake up one day feeling super happy and full of joy, wake up another day sad, upset with all kinds of past or present experiences coming up on repeat consuming my mind and focus. As I started growing through my journey and really feeling more and more of these ups and downs, pushing and pulling I finally got to a point it was starting to consume me and ultimately effect my work, plans and life. I was letting it all just come and go as it did without consciously feeling and understanding what was happening and why. It was chaotic, I needed to do something about this ASAP, so I

eventually closed my eyes for inward/meditative time and I asked to feel see and understand why this was happening for me. A lot of people don’t yet remember they can simply use inward/meditative eyes closed time to ask themselves questions, then getting the answer through a vision or feeling or new understanding. For me I saw that I wasn’t being present enough to observe when and why this was happening, I also saw I was trying to feel and see this through my mind that didn’t understand. So, I made a point in my daily practice to intend to be more present and conscious to my energy, thoughts, actions, reactions, feelings and when they take a big shift up or down. This was a massive Key to feeling and seeing how this was all working.

What I came to understand through many ups and downs, some much more intense than others was that i was connected to the Earth and the Universe as I mentioned earlier. What I realized and remembered was that the sun, stars, planets and universe were shifting all the time and that I/WE are actually connected so deeply to these shifts because we are all energetically connected to each other as one. I remembered that these ups and downs I was having were actually expansions and contractions being initiated through different types of energy waves/pulses , high vibrational frequencies of photonic light coming from. These pulses were connecting to my energy body and either expanding my energy (pure bliss, profound visions, feelings...) or contracting my energy to squeeze and force up and feel/see what dysfunctional energy I held inside. Dysfunctional energy comes from not dealing with experiences in the moment, these moments become us burying/pushing away an experience because we didn’t know how to respond or speak our truth in the moment etc. so basically the experience becomes dysfunctional energy that is now stuck in your energy body and going to come up later in life over and over through other experiences until released with conscious awareness. I have spoken about this in other writings as well, for a deeper understanding go back for a refresh.

So I was now starting to understand through feeling that I was connected to everything in some way shape or form, and through this connection my and everyone else’s energy was being expanded and contracted like an accordion together as a collective. We would all just experience it differently because we are all unique from one another and in different phases of life and growth.

So why was this happening?

What I came to see was that the universe was working with not just me but every single thing in existence to help facilitate my/our highest conscious growth. This was such a wonderful and profound remembering. That being said it was a journey to embody the understanding of Contractions so I didn’t look at it all as happening TO ME (victim energy), contractions can be unpleasant at times some more than others. That’s why it’s called a Contraction, it’s the act of contracting to push/force something up and out. I would all of the sudden find myself deep in a contraction feeling sad, upset, insecure, angry wanting to blame everyone and everything but ME for how I felt and what was coming up from my past. I learned as quickly as possible to remember I was playing in victim energy, sometimes getting stuck in it for a bit until I felt it physically become to much. Then I would find my way back to this powerful remembering that it was all happening FOR ME, but how was feeling all this pain and sitting in all this suffering an opportunity or gift for me?

After many expansions and contractions and allowing myself to fall into old victim stories/experiences over and over I finally chose to look deeper into what was coming up. What I noticed was it was always pushing up some old story or experience from my past that I was actually holding a victim energy or story to. I realized that these old wounds were being pushed up FOR ME through these contracted states so I could work through and release them from a conscious awareness and perspective. This was the Key, all the contractions were actually doing me a favor and showing me the energy I held inside, I just needed to ALLOW myself to see them and take responsibility for creating them. Sometimes coming up as a past experience and sometimes coming up in real time through another person place or thing that is/was always meant to happen to pull something up through an interaction/experience triggering the dormant energy. What I was remembering through this profound opening was that we are all magical beyond measure, WOW. It’s all about allowing ourselves to go deeper inside and allowing ourselves to see feel and trust that everything is ALWAYS happening for us in infinite ways.

Now that we have brought awareness to the contracted states, let’s get into the profound beauty of Expansions...!

Expanded states are way way way more fun and easy to see feel and trust for the most part. Sometimes the visions or feelings can be new and we have never seen or felt anything like it. When an Expansion energy pushes through you will feel it as many different feelings. Expansions are meant to do the complete opposite of contractions, they are meant to expand your energy/vibration so big that you see new things through your highest heart which is your ultimate absolute truth, this is where new higher states of consciousness and expanded states of awareness are felt and seen. This is where you feel pure bliss, on top of the world, intuitive, powerful visions and understandings that seem cosmic and more universal. This is where you feel your connection to EVERYTHING conscious, your heart and body goes through massive expansions, you are opening up to newly remembered profound sacred knowledge and your spiritual gifts through your pineal gland or Third Eye Chakra, The chakra of sight into quantum and infinite consciousness. Expansions can come in, sweep you off your feet lifting you up into the clouds, the universe and beyond. You’ll definitely feel when these are happening yet it’s also a journey to know when you are actually in an expansion or just staying in alignment through a contraction.

Sometimes we can come out of an expansion and be pushed straight into a heavy contraction or vise versa, it’s important to honor this process and become aware so you don’t allow yourself to be victim to what is coming up for you. Always do your best to remember everything is happening for you and you will always be looking at things from your highest awareness, even if it doesn’t make sense. If something needs to make sense, the mind is in control, not the heart, the heart trusts and knows.

It is key as we begin to become aware of these expansions and contractions that we take some time and integrate the new information. Write it down, have inward time with the intention of integrating acclimating and embodying everything into our being.

Also as a side note, a good indicator for me that I was going through expansion and contraction was that my need for food and sleep changed drastically for the duration (day or days) of the experience. Either way I found I wasn’t very hungry and if I was it was for more clean and simple foods to digest easily, plus lots of extra water as the energy is high and because we are made up of mostly water, being hydrated really helps move the energy around easier.

This is a powerful understanding as you begin to put more focus into your journey. Bringing awareness to contractions and expansions brings clarity to our process and clarity is Key as we begin to feel and trust the unknown over the programmed low vibrational answers of the lower mind.

In deep Gratitude and sacred respect, I honor each and every one of your journeys. 🌻😊

I love you 🤍🌎❤️💨❤️🔥🤍💦

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