It is of the upmost importance as we grow/shift/evolve that we are Aware of our energy/frequency/vibration and the consciousness or unconsciousness we are functioning from. Are we speaking from our Hearts/Consciousness/Truth or are we speaking from or “heads”/mind/ego/illusions/distortions..
The only way to know is to take a moment to asses our energy/frequency. This is as simple as 1.) Making the choice, 2.) Feeling our own energy meaning thoughts/actions/reactions/words spoken and a general sense of how our body feels. Do you feel tight/reactive and short.. ok, great, next question is to ask yourself why you would be holding that state of being/energy then doing something about it (Action). You will quickly see/feel it’s something that’s not being addressed, most likely avoiding things/distortions/stories (opportunities) coming up in our consciousness/daily life for us to look at, work through/resolve/dissolve/clear/align from our field/reality.
When we avoid these GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES our body “reacts” by having us feel some sort of discomfort in the body, head or both...
A simple choice to check-in/assess/scan/FEEL our own energy field is all it takes to know where we are at energetically. Not knowing how we are FEELING or the energetics we are functioning from means we are living on auto pilot, not paying attention to opportunities presenting themselves which means we are CHOOSING to sit in LOW vibes/low energy/dysfunctional energy on purpose. This is why some say they have “bad days”, yet it’s not a bad day, the Truth is we don’t have bad days, "bad days" are a choice to NOT check in/asses ourselves continually taking Action Re-aligning ourselves back to our highest. If we avoid ANYTHING that makes us triggered/contracted/upset/angry/sad/mad/lonely… this means we are CALLING FORWARD/ATTRACTING/MAFNETIZING MORE LOW VIBE/CONTRACTED EXPERIENCES. if we CHOOSE to acknowledge what’s coming up INSIDE US we would immediately see/feel what’s wanting to be looked at and we would Take Action to Resolve/Dissolve/Clear/Align the distorted energy from our energy field.
Humanity has taken on the conditioning to RUN from everything that sparks FEELINGS or makes us FEEL anything that doesn’t “FEEL GOOD”, missing the point that EVERYTHING that doesn’t “feel good” is actually the dysfunctional energy/programming/beliefs being held inside that wants/needs to be seen/felt/acknowledged so it can be let go/resolved/dissolved brining us back to higher Alignment. The only reason anything doesn’t feel good is because we choose to see it as happening TO US/bad/sad/wrong/accident (victim/disempowered states), yet if we truly accepted that ALL was happening to SHOW us what we hold (dysfunctional energy/trauma/stories/programming/conditioning)and what needs to be released so we can be ALIGNED, we would REalize that being Aligned is as easy as CHOOSING to want to know/FEEL/acknowledge the Energy we are functioning from AT ALL TIMES then Acting to Resolve/Dissolve/clear…
It’s a CHOICE/DECISION to get into this way of BEing/DOing, the process is simply choosing to OBSERVE ourselves, our energy/stories/triggers at all times. Getting into a daily routine/practice/choice/decision of assessing our energy levels is KEY to our Higher growth and opening up our Flow of Abundance.. If we are avoiding things inside or outside this means we are in lack of wanting to see/feel/know/stay highest aligned and connected which blocks our flow of abundance, it also means we aren't Loving ourselves.
In simplicity it is a CHOICE/DECISION to See/Feel/Know/Stay Aligned and connected. it’s such a POWERFUL Action/Choice/Remembering and ultimately requires us to CARE about ourselves, LOVE ourselves TRULY wanting to SHIFT/GROW/EXPAND into our HIGHEST most BEautiful HEART/SELVES from within.
Every moment is an OPPORTUNITY….
Question is, do we want to ACT on these Powerful Opportunities or allow them to drag us through the mud all day knowing we could choose to come out of it… one is a Powerful Empowered Choice and the other is the Choice to be Dis-Empowered which means feeling tight/constructed/triggered on purpose.
Ps.. Remembering that 3D unconscious humanity has unknowingly conditioned themselves to be comfortable sitting in pain and suffering (disempowered victim energy). It will take EVERYTHING you have for a while to Push/"Force" yourself to CREATE a new higher pathway… breaking the cycles/patterns/loops/programming/conditioning by REMEMBERING WE CREATED/allowed IT ALL into our reality, so YOU and ONLY YOU can break/dissolve/clear it all from your life/Reality..