Let’s dive in and deconstruct Fear, what it is, where it comes from and how to dissolve and release it from our existence.
What is Fear?
Fear itself is an energy as is everything in existence, all energy holds a vibration, things are either felt as a lower vibration (doesn’t feel good) or a higher vibration (feels good). Fear and Love being complete polar opposites, Love being the highest vibrational energy we can choose to experience while fear being the lowest vibrational energy we can choose to experience, I say choose because sitting in fear is a choice, it’s all about how we choose to view an experience and where we choose to allow ourself to play energetically. We may feel that fear is a natural response therefore a normal reaction, feeling or energy, yet fear at its root is actually a learned behaviour we take on as children and build upon through life.
Children are born Fearless, they do what they want and we as adults watch in awe wishing we were fearless like them, not realizing that we will actually be instilling this foreign energy into the child through our own fearful actions/reactions, “monkey see monkey do” = learned behaviour. Children actually have no understanding or experience of fear until they view it through someone else’s actions and expressions, feeling it through them and then taking it on (learned behaviour) as a way to respond to a similar situation or energy. Our kids take in EVERYTHING, especially through a parent or someone close to them, they feel through empathy and believe that’s the reaction to have in that certain situation, it then gets built upon as the child develops through life and there own experiences without any true understanding. Instead of understanding the energy, it gets unconsciously used and thrown around as a reaction to different situations in life, it’s important to note that fear is Reaction and not a natural Response. Fear is a reaction because it is a learned (unnatural) behaviour, we React when we have Chosen to be unconscious and not take responsibility for a situation and why it’s truly happening. Responding means we are excepting the experience in front of us, we acknowledge it is happening FOR US in the moment as EVERYTHING is ALWAYS happening for us, we allow ourselves to observe our own feelings and we respond consciously through a Choice to want to understand.
Fear = learned behaviour = reaction = choice
How did humanity pick up this learned behaviour as a species?
The energy of fear has been being programmed and conditioned into humanity since the beginning of “time” and by no accident. It was understood way back that fear was one of the best methods or tactics used for control and to control a mass population. When you can hold someone or a group of people in a high state of fear, that person or persons will always give away there personal power (inner guidance/feeling) and do anything they are asked to get out of the experience.
Why, because being forced into feeling fear is extremely Uncomfortable, key word being “forced”, forced = Ego and ego never feels good, being ego forced to do anything especially forced to be in a state of fear goes completely against our natural state as humans, we were born from the highest most pure frequency of Love and forced into learning the most un natural feeling of fear through outside experiences.
Also important to remember that fear is an energy we either create within ourselves or an energy (story) we take on from outside ourselves as fear is Always a choice.
Fear attracts more fear as love attracts more love, it’s the law of attraction or as I call it the law of energy. Quite simply put, what you put out, you get back. Let’s use the example of a dog, a person already pre programmed with a fear of dogs comes near a dog and guess what happens, of course the dog is barking and being aggressive, the human is now going into the regularly scheduled and programmed fear as usual because they feel the dog is the issue, they feel it’s happening TO THEM as it always does, they feel dogs just don’t like them or they just don’t like dogs and the dog is getting more confused and therefore more aggressive, seems like a normal situation yet they are missing the entire reason it’s happening FOR THEM. Animals just like bees and humans are all made of energy, we feel each other and we respond or react to a situation or experience from our current level of consciousness or unconsciousness.
Why would someone hold fear to a dog they had never seen or met before?
Could it be because that person had a previous experience in life that didn’t go so well with a dog, or could it be a learned behaviour from a parent, grandparent, tv, movie, friend or family earlier on in life, either way the reason the fear is there is because that original fearful experience was never delt with in the moment. When we choose to react to a situation we push away the experience missing the entire point of Why it’s actually happening, in turn unconsciously asking it to come back later in life to experience until we learn from it.
Truthfully every single experience in life is Always happening for our highest growth, meaning if we are present enough and choose to observe then we will see why everything is happening and never have carry it forward.
Point is, the person wasn’t born with a fear of dogs, the fear was Created and carried forward because instead of dealing with what prompted or triggered the feeling of fear in the moment and learning (conscious growth), the experience was reacted to with the feeling of fear, pushed away and buried for another experience with no real understanding of why, yet the feeling of fear will now come up every time there is a dog around until the person actually chooses to deal with the fear itself.
Ever wonder why bees follow you and seem to get aggressive when you swat them away?
Because your in fear of them, they are confused as to why you are being aggressive with them for no reason other than pre conditioned and programmed fear. If we look at it quite simply, we are outside in the bees house, out of no where the bee comes over to check us out because that’s how interaction happens. They fly over with the intention of seeing who we are and just checking us out, I mean we are in their house so to speak, so like other species they just want to check out our energy, say hi and move along just like dogs and just like humans. We all get interested when people or things come into our space, it’s actually quite normal. it’s a choice to create a story believing the person place, thing or bee is coming to sting us for no reason at all, this is what actually attracts the person place or thing TO US wondering why we hold such aggressive energy towards it or them. Its also a choice to allow an experience to happen as it should, having no need to be bringing a past experience of unchecked fear to a new experience. When we keep Choosing to be in the fear rather than dealing with the the fear itself, we are choosing to become the victim to the situation, choosing to be the victim means we are NOT taking responsibility for energy we have called to ourselves for an experience, it’s that simple. This is earth school and every single experience has meaning and is meant for our individual and collective growth. Unfortunately most of us have never been taught this in life, instead being conditioned very well that everything is out to get us or happening to us (victim).
We are fearful when we don’t understand something,
Is it a fear of speaking to people, or fear of our own voice and speaking our truth.
Is it a fear of the dark or is it just that we can’t see and don’t know what’s there, so the mind creates scenarios and stories that seem fearful but aren’t actually true or happening. It starts as a snowball of an “idea” not truth, which turns into an avalanche of lies and ultimately pulling up the uncomfortable feeling of fear. Our mind “creates” the fear itself because we choose not to take responsibility for what’s happening in front of us, missing the point that our energy attracts energy. If we are fearful we will attract more fearful situations until we realize we created or took on the fear, so we must dive in and dismantle it. Fear just doesn’t fly away, leave on its own or or just disappear. It will be there and repeat through situations in life until we decide to break through what we have allowed, chosen and created for ourselves as an experience. WE are the master creators of our own reality’s, OUR energy calls everything (experiences) to us energetically to experience what our soul needs to see until we consciously shift through the experience to a higher understanding and truth.
So now we are Remembering fear isn’t real, fear is either created or taken on from the outside as a learned behaviour. We know energy calls experiences back to us until we decide to shift and take responsibility for what we call into our own reality (law of energy or attraction) for OUR growth. We know we have a choice to be fearful or a choice to consciously except and allow an experience for the purpose of our higher growth as well as those around us, a choice to just take a good look at what is coming in the moment for us and consciously chose how to respond rather than react.
How do we release and dissolve the fears?
Releasing and dissolving fear is a simple as walking into it, being willing to remember and take responsibility for creating it or taking it on in the first place, then CHOOSING to let it go and If it comes up again in life we look at it as a bit of a soul test to see if we will stand tall or fall back in.
For instance, if an experience is happening and you feel fear coming up, do your best not to go into the old way of CHOOSING to be fearful, there is always a choice point and if you are present you will feel and see it as it’s manifesting or triggering. The energy might be very big and overwhelming, it’s important to stand in your power and truly choose to change. Sometimes we miss it and are already knee deep in it, no worries, just jump back in and find your way, don’t give up and if you do, DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF, this is counter intuitive to the process.
To recap; You feel it coming up, you choose to shift, you allow yourself to feel the fear asking yourself “why would I be fearful of this situation and how/why did I create or take it on (take responsibility for its creation), then choose to release it and never go back. It’s really quite astonishing that all we’ve ever really had to do is face our fears and walk into them, take responsibility for its creation and then CHOOSE to never fall into that fear again.
The True key 🗝 to fear is Trusting our inner TRUTH (feeling/intuition/heart) over the lies of the fear. Your inner Truth ALWAYS has the answers, it’s a journey and daily practice to remember to start trusting our own feelings over the mountains of lies being thrown at us. The more we trust our own selves, truth and what feels good, the less fear we experience in life, eventually getting to a place where fear is no longer experienced and therefore ceases to exist within.
in deep gratitude, I am honored to share this sacred journey with you all. 🤍❤️🤍