Sharing from my own journey/experience/embodiment/realizations for those it assists/supports.
We are in VERY POWERFUL times to say the least, frequencies consistently rising now daily in BIG WAYS which can become very intense very quickly if not seeing/feeling/choosing the energy/realm/frequency we are functioning from in every choice/breath/thought/action/step.
Common themes I’m feeling playing out/looping/repeating for many I’m working with are Lack/Victim/Fear/Judgement/Blame/Guilt which all ties into Lack of Self Love/Lack of Self Worth/Self Respect and are all in themselves pieces/fragments of the ego control matrix that doesn’t want to lose its power/control WE GAVE IT.
Many will be seeing/feeling/experiencing their loops/DEEPLY BURIED/HELD 3D beliefs/identities ego programs MUCH MORE intensely being PUSHED/NUDGED DEEPER into the process as their Soul/Higher Self/Universe are saying “its time”… and also getting pushed/SQUEEZED into seeing/feeling/opening up/ACTIVATING the MUCH DEEPER ego density/programming/limiting beliefs/judgments/shame/blame/guilt/jealousy/greed/lack/stored emotions/disempowered victim stories… that now have to be FULLY Resolved/Dissolved and Taken Responsibility for to complete the Awakening procrss.
Some just beginning to get an understanding of the pieces/fragments of the ego matrix and some being pushed MUCH DEEPER INTO the HEAVY density/dysfunction/EGO programming to really begin to FEEL what the ego really is/how it works/how it directs/what’s it’s true function is… which can start as being taken to the floor through a MASSIVE Contracted experience which ACTIVATES the NEW phase as happened for me.
For me the massive triggered experience/contraction/opening/activation pulled up all the deeply buried/held ego programming that had to be worked through/resolved/dissolved FIRST to keep moving through the ego release phase. These were the deep self deprecating limiting beliefs/identities/victim stories/dysfunctional ego programs/emotions that were binding my soul to repetitively experiencing lower 3/4D over and over and kept playing out over and over in this phase until I FULLY RESOLVED/DISSOLVED and had TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY FOR them because they ARE the core of the EGO MATRIX.
Because these are the DEEPEST/HEAVIEST pieces of density/dysfunction a person holds, when they come up it can feel SO BIG, the disempowered/victim stories seem SO REAL… this is because it’s your DEEPEST DYSFUNCTION HELD INSIDE, it’s your 3D ego matrix, it’s the fragments of the density YOU CREATED and now have to work through at the HIGHEST LEVELS using ALL YOUR CONSCIOUS TOOLS/GUIDANCE to break through. Yet it’s so big and deep that a person sometimes gets very caught up in it all and chooses to go deep into playing in it all like it’s REAL for a while, yet it’s all made up victim stories/beliefs/programming we’ve UNKNOWINGLY CREATED through unknowingly taking in/on an entire reality of manipulation to keep us lost/confused/asleep/out of alignment. This is the BIG STUFF that has to be worked through in order to begin working on the even DEEPER victim/judgement/shame/blame/guilt/fears not even seen yet.
The biggest thing that helped me get through this phase and all my DEEPEST/HEAVIEST dysfunction was when I realize that the stored emotions/victim stories/painful memories/hurt/sadness that kept surfacing, repeating and looping endlessly were coming up like they just happened which is where my 3/4D human human aspect began to freak out because it all felt so real like it’s happening again. What I soon realized was that ALL MY dysfunction/traumas/painful memories… ALWAYS came up like it just happened or was actually happening now/in present which it obviously wasn’t, so eventually instead of running/pushing away/avoiding I chose to walk STRAIGHT INTO the painful memory/held experience/explosive emotions/ RESISTANCE and that’s when I realized it was all coming up so intensely like that simply because that’s the way I buried/stored it within me as UNRESOLVED which became DENSITY. This was also a beautiful opening into REMEMBERING that we live in a quantum reality and time is a human construct/control piece. If we bury an experience unresolved it will ALWAYS be felt as if it’s happening now because it is, it’s just sitting there waiting to be resolved since the moment it all happened, but it’s up to us to WALK INTO THE FIRE that we created and realize it’s DONE/OVER not really happening in the now moment which made it all
A LOT easier to start to work through. I just had to push off the immediate auto pilot reactions/programs of running/avoiding/hiding/going small and POWERFULLY CHOOSE to STAND IN MY POWER and then begin the Resolving/Dissolving process and Taking Responsibility for my creations.
Before this stage/phase was what I call “pre ego” phase, it’s the phase I mentioned earlier where peeps are beginning to take in and learn the different fragments of the ego matrix. it’s the phase I’ve noticed many believe they’ve now somehow released/almost released their ego due to beginning to see/feel/catch themselves and others in ego and/or simply because they’ve been Awake for 5,10,20,30 + years… yet it’s SO MUCH BIGGER than this.
Ego being the core fragments of fear/judgement/victim/shame/blame/guilt/lack/control/separation/jealousy/power over others/greed/better than… Yet, it’s important to realize just because a person started to see/feel/catch the ego sometimes for a year or couple/few/many years doesn’t AT ALL mean they have begun or completed the true Release/Surrender/death phase, just means they are starting to acknowledge it so they are READY for when the BIG/BEAUTIFUL/POWERFUL/BEYOND HUMBLING Release/Surrender/death phase truly begins. This is why I named the previous phase “pre ego” as the ego phase is BIG and many just get lost feeling they’ve somehow released it which keeps them lost unknowingly looping with a TON MORE HIGHER CONSCIOUS WORK TO DO.
You’ll notice that mainstream versions of ego or the “dictionary” versions are WAYYYYY OFF/HEAVILY MANIPULATED and missing ALL the true core fragments of the ego which greatly adds to the confusion. This is why we coded the journey/path/Remembering’s of it all into our DNA, so that once ready and ALL IN working through our DEEP density we would ACTIVATE the coding FROM WITHIN, the more we consciously Resolve/Dissolve the more of the journey that unlocks/is remembered. It’s EPIC, yet you won’t find any of this by following old ways/modalities/paths/beliefs, this is an ENTIRELY different journey that has never been done before as we are doing it.
From my experience so far, a person won’t ever deeply understand what ego is until it gets dropped head first into its deepest ego programming held within that the person usually doesn’t even know is there/held inside because it’s buried sooo deep. The ego phase is a tricky one, that’s why I call the opening phase “pre ego” is because your getting a PREVIEW of the ego fragments your about to get slammed into for years to come, and will soon become a VERY PHYSICAL process not many have chosen to walk through as it’s SO BIG and requires being ripped to the actual core of our dysfunction/density/trauma/ego programming and everything we believe happened TO US in life (victim stories), all the disempowered victim stories/identities/trauma/self deprecating behaviors we hold deep within blaming/shaming/guilting/judging self and others… it’s just wayyyyyyy beyond what the human mind can fathom.
So without knowing what the ego truly is or having some sort of higher understanding, one can get stuck looping with no understanding in deep pits of victim feeling our world is crumbling/collapsing, which it is but the human doesn’t understand it’s meant to happen as part of the deeper process. This is why from my perspective we are gifted a “pre ego” phase to get ready for what’s to come. This is why I share about the higher ego processes through almost every post/activation/guidance/support I share, because if one doesn’t see/feel/know there’s a deeper process it can get very INTENSE to say the least as is for many these days.
The other piece to remember is that it usually takes being TRIGGERED to begin seeing/feeling the deep ego programming. For me back when I was coming through this powerful phase it was being triggered by everyone around me through them just being themselves, yet something they would say would Activate/trigger/pull up a fragment of lack/victim//blame/guilt/fear stories inside me, or I’d say something to someone coming from my deep
Lack/victim/fear programming and it would push SOMEONE ELSE to have a EXPERIENCE with me which would end up in me being super triggered/upset/angry/shaming/blaming/guilting/judging THEM for triggering WHAT I HELD INSIDE MYSELF AS DYSFUNCTION (which is just choosing to be victim to an experience)… INSTEAD of seeing/feeling/REMEMBERING from DEEP WITHIN that every single time I was getting triggered it was ME that MAGNETIZED it all into my reality so I could REALIZE it was ALL INSIDE ME, the triggers where my own creation/density/dysfunction/beliefs now being ACTIVATED through a physical experience with a person. Sometimes in the beginning I would get caught up for days weeks trying to “figure out” WHY the person said what they said OR did what they did missing the point it was all my own stuff I was feeling triggered by, if I didn’t hold dysfunction inside then I wouldn’t be getting triggered, so I would blame them instead of choosing to LOOK WITHIN to see my own dysfunction and Resolve/Take Responsibly for MY OWN ENERGY.
It took me a bit to REALIZE that my Soul/Universe/Higher Self was now running the show and I was now going to see/feel/know what I hold inside through triggered interactions with self and others until a bit later down the road when I began to realize I could start looking within and asking to pull up my dysfunction, however I found that most of my stuff came out through interaction with others that caused me to feel triggered. The trigger/triggered energy/feeling became my KEY of knowing that I held something UNRESOLVED WITHIN. Once I began to take on this new approach is when my game changed HUGE, this is when I began taking time/space to go DEEP WITHIN and begin a beautiful/powerful process of Resolving/Dissolving the density/traumas/beliefs/identities/disempowered victim stories/ego AS IT ALL CAME UP, which becomes Self Mastery.
The point being it took me a bit to realize that I was moving into a MUCH DEEPER/INTENSE/VERY PHYSICAL process to truly begin my ego release/surrender/death phase. I truly felt as though I was going backwards for a bit until I realized I was purposefully being contracted to the floor and then some to see/feel/acknowledge it all to work through.
Some of the deeper victim stories/beliefs pieces I got stuck in for almost the entire phase (years) until the very end when I finally was able to admit I CREATED IT ALL, WAS ALL MY OWN and NOBODY ELSES, everyone being guided into my life/reality to TRIGGER/SHOW ME what I HELD INSIDE… then getting what felt like pushed into the FIRE (my own living hell) by my universe head first into those deepest victim pieces on repeat/consuming my reality/VERY UNCOMFORTABLE until I just COULDN’T/WOULDN’T take it anymore and finally ALLOWED MYSELF to Take Responsibility for EVERY SINGLE choice/action/belief/Identity/programming/conditioning/indoctrination and ALL EGO FRAGMENTS as they came up, never ever avoiding/shaming/blaming/guilting/judging ANYONE outside me EVER AGAIN…
That’s when I finally began to truly SEE/FEEL THE LIGHT of my own soul…
It’s important to remember this ego part of the journey takes years and is meant to. The more we work through the more comes up and just keeps on going (for years) until CLEARED. A BIG realization I had later in that part of my journey was that I dragged some pieces of blame/judgement/victim out and that was my choice. I could have acknowledged sooner but I didn’t with some and now the journey became NOT judging myself for how “long it took” me to move through which can become a vicious/self deprecating loop in itself to watch for.
The toughest part in the beginning was getting triggered HUGE and standing in my own POWER acknowledging in the moment it was ALL MINE, not going the old route of just reacting/avoiding/shaming/blaming/judging/victim… once I was able to hold/integrate/anchor/embody that Truth for myself within was when everything shifted HUGE and I stopped getting stuck in what felt like endless loops/pits of my own inner “hell”, realizing I WAS THE ENDLESS LOOP…
Then comes the testing part of it all where we are faced with it all when contracted/low/emotional/tired/“busy”… this is when the Mastery work begins. Now getting tested with what you’ve resolved/dissolved to see if you will still keep choosing/playing in it, which you’d be surprised how easily it is to fall back in even after working through them (their are many layers to work through). This is when we now have to DISSOLVE any attachment to falling back into the old ways/energies/patterns on auto pilot which is another program/layer in itself. So now we are resolving/dissolving the auto pilot/reactions that we didn’t even know existed which is how we rewrite our DNA through Self Mastery.
There are so many beautiful/powerful pieces to the ego phases, it’s the most humbling passageway and truly the beginning of a very DEEP PURIFICATION process for years to come..
Felt to share as support/assistance now feeling many getting pushed much deeper into different parts of their ego processes that can get tricky/confusing/very emotional/explosive if not always choosing to be in Pure Presence and Observing every single choice/action/thought/trigger/emotion/inner feeling/reaction/response always Aware of where we are functioning from within.
In Deep Respect/Love/Appreciation for choosing the road less traveled, choosing the DEEP inner work and never giving up. I LOVE YOU..💎💖