Giving our power away is something most of us have been doing since we were born. We just had no idea that’s what was happening.
We were born into a world and started getting told what to do think and act very quickly. I mean we have to learn things somehow. So our parents, family and friends do there best to guide us as we grow.
Little did we know that what others were being taught by there parents, family and friends may have been different than what we were being taught. That’s because our parents were taught by there parents and someone else was taught be there parents who were taught be their parents.
Sounds pretty normal so far. Except for the fact that we believed most everything to being true. Of course we did. For the most part you want to believe your parents family and friends would only give you the correct information, and they probably did as far as they knew, but, where or who did they get the information from?
We just naturally assume that what we are being told is true for the most part, as long as they seem like trusted sources (parents, family, friends, teachers, tv, news, books ...) etc...
As we get older we start to see some things were just someone’s story or we really just don’t feel it resonate. So we let go of those stories only to build a new version from someone or something else.
This is were it can get very interesting.
As you can see all of what we believe or believed has been given to us from an outside source. From someone else’s point of view, field of vision, or from someone else’s own agenda.
Being that we are all so unique from one another, we hold a slight to a very different view of things from one another. Meaning when we go to regurgitate things, they will come out with our own beliefs being interjected in some way shape or form. Energy will be associated in some way and we will most likely speak it to someone else with our belief attached.
We all know how stories change from person to person so we can see that other people’s beliefs are just that. They are other people’s beliefs!
It is up to US to receive and believe that truth, taking information from outside of ourselves without using our gut and intuition to asses truth from stories. I can say most of my life starting from when I can remember I adopted everyone else’s stories, I truly believed everyone. I have blind trust to everyone and everything. I was honest and (Assumed) everyone else was too, when regurgitated, I was met with all kinds of people’s judgments and ridicule. this is when I started not trusting people telling me their opinions and how I should think and feel. Also when I started felling like I was (stupid) and really started going into my mind making up stories about myself and why I would believe all these things. I just started building up walls, triggers, beliefs and all kinds of stories for myself.
What I didn’t realized was I was giving my power away to absolutely everyone and everything!
I had (Assumed) that all information came from outside of us. It just seemed to make sense to my mind at the time. We get told everything and decide how we feel about it and then even if it rubs us totally the wrong way inside, we just keep it and believe we are wrong inside, believing the outside source as true.
Wow!! That had me for most of my entire life. Just seemed to be what it was. I felt we were some sort of slaves on this planet. I felt like you had to be a yes man/women to get anywhere in life And that Just rubbed me the wrong way all thru life. So I caught this, only to be beaten down again by what I now know as the Ego. The Ego of others and the Ego self.
Always looking outside myself because that is what we are taught from birth. To listen and learn externally “Anything coming from the inside is craziness” these people are crazy, talking to themselves, thinking for themselves.
Wow, was I way off!!!! WAY OFF!!
Society is built with all kinds of social programming having us look outside of ourselves our entire lives giving our power away to almost anything and everything. Believing it knows best or better rendering ourselves powerless. Leaving us to keep searching outside of ourselves for absolutely everything and anything. This has kept most of us in an illusion believing we are not powerful and don't already have the answers inside ourselves. By taking everything from outside, we are blocking our selves from looking inside ('giving our power away') How can anyone outside yourself truly know you and whats best for you? Seriously ask yourself that?
NOBODY ELSE knows You better than YOU. We just believe they do because we have been taught to look for everything outside of ourselves since birth! This has been blocking us from healing ourselves on a level most cant even comprehend at this moment as we gave our power away believing everyone outside knew us better than we did. This is why so many of us hold all kinds of energetic blockages in our bodies from childhood. This is why when we are sad or depressed or whatever, we look to someone or something else believing it/they has the answer. Always skipping the person that does and has always had the answers. YOU!
The most POWERFUL thing I have realized in my existence is that “the only way out is in” meaning, the only way to break out of the chains or prison of life that we have created for ourselves is to go inside, deep inside ourselves. All the experiences and emotions we hid from, didn’t want to see, feel or here. To trust ourselves, our feelings and emotions, Remember our True Power and Take our Power Back.
This is were everything is and has been our entire existence!!
This is where all the answers you have been looking for are!
This is one of the most painful places to go as this is where we were taught to bury everything and hide it deep inside.
Hearing these words I'm writing can be fearful in the beginning as they will trigger you, they will trigger because we have been giving our power away since birth. This can hurt to find out as it breaks everything we were "taught" fed as children. This energy is calling to been seen, healed and remembered.
We created all of the experiences in our life, so we are the only ones that can heal them.
This is our job, our Responsibility, nobody is coming to do it for us. Nobody else can heal experiences WE created for ourselves in order to learn, grow and remember.
This life is 100% OUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY!!! Which is why its important to Take Our Power Back!
If you are feeling the call to dive deeper and start doing some deep self healing, I have written a powerful 55 page Healing Guide/Book that takes you on a beautiful Journey Of Self Discovery, it's called "Take Your Life Back". This Guide is "FREE" to anyone feeling guided to do some deep self healing. This guide is also a Powerful Awakening Guide. Thru your awakening journey you will see the only road to personal freedom and Awakening fully is from the inside out! If you feel called and would like an absolu
tely 'FREE" copy click on the link to below and start your Journey of Self Discovery.
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This is so immensely helpful! Thank you Jeromie!