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HELLOOOOO Beautiful Souls, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted or spoken publicly

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

WOW, what a power packed ride we are all on these days.....💯% 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

WARNING - what you are about to read may blow you wide open!!! 🤩🥳🤯

By now I’m sure everyone can feel that things are really shifting all over the planet. We are in the middle of the BIGGEST Energetic Quantum shift ever experienced on this beautiful Earth in all of our existences. That’s why this is such a POWERFUL process and why it’s truly pulling everything apart at the seems that was EVER built/created from EGO and lower vibrations meant to keep humanity from feeling finding and Remembering their true Power laying dormant within.

For me in the present moment I am soooo super excited for what we (humanity) are moving through. It’s a MASSIVE global AWAKENING we are ALL meant to experience right now, together as ONE collective. I always knew this time would come when we as the human collective would enter this mass awakening experience and I always knew deep down I had a very powerful mission to share. This mission was to consciously clear myself out and embody my highest self to be ready to be of service to my brothers and sisters as they wake up to the truth of the BIGGEST lies ever told. I’ll call it “The Great Lies of Life” just to make the point.

Follow along and I’ll get back to the Lies.

I have been taking A Lot of time to myself in the last bit as my energy dictated to really integrate, anchor and embody all of the energy we are all being Blasted with for months now. You will be feeling this as contracted and expanded states of awareness , dreams, sleeping is all over the place, eating requirements changing, lots of emotions, hot or cold flashes, past experiences and traumas coming up, explosive moments of synchronicities, fears coming to the surface, feeling victim to the world we live in..... I could go on and on but it‘s all part of the shift we are experiencing. For my partner and I it’s like every single day is a POWERFUL sacred ceremony and it’s one heck of a wild ride to say the least.

So why is all this happening and what is going on in the world, it feels absolutely crazy out there.

I’m going to be very upfront about all of this because there is no point beating around the bush anymore to say the least. IT’S GO TIME!

As I mentioned months ago in some posts and now more so than ever, we are experiencing a collective Awakening process. This means in simple terms that ALL of humanity is either being forcefully shaken awake or has already begun the process or almost or already completed their journey. Everyone is in a different phase and many are still fighting to stay asleep in fear of what may come or what is already happening. Yes, there are a lot of people CHOOSING to stay unconscious to what’s really going on, choosing to follow the mainstream narratives even though they don’t feel right, choosing to believe lies over truth just to fit in or not be judged for standing in their truth or having feelings and views against the mainstream narratives. I will be clear that everyone’s switch inside has been flipped to Awaken mode yet many are CHOOSING to go against there true gut feelings and inner truth. This is each persons own individual choice as always, just remember living in fear and unconsciousness is not energetically aligned with the Conscious Evolution we are here to experience and bring forward from within.

Without giving you to much and not enough I will open up some of what I have been embodying for many years now but finally embodying with crystal clarity to share.

Humanity has been sold a lie, not just one lie and not just two, it’s much much BIGGER and deeper than that. To put it simply most people are about to find out that other than our own experiences we have shared with people, we have been living a lie based on lies born from lies being regurgitated unconsciously as bigger lies and so on and so on for a long long time. This can seem crazy, lunatic, or my favorite made up word of all time built to throw people sideways with no true answer, “conspiracy”, yet I’m telling you this from my highest consciousness because the time is NOW and YOU are a BIG part of it. The lies are pushed and programmed through school, tv, news, fake history, fake science, misguided medicinal systems, messed up political agendas etc. To put it bluntly, we have been taught everything backwards so we would never realize/remember how powerful we are as spiritual energetic beings that came in preloaded with infinite knowledge of the universe and existence in our DNA. We just didn’t get the chance to remember this before getting filled/pushed/forced backwards with misaligned dysfunctional beliefs and knowledge meant to stifle our True Power through time.

This means that every time someone is born they are born into the preprogrammed “lies of life”. We have no idea or are EVER given any idea of how powerful we are. We were never given the push to think/feel for ourselves or allow ourselves to find our own power within with every thought act or feeling. We WERE however told exactly What to feel, think, believe as truth. We were fed/programmed/taught “knowledge” from outside ourselves rather being guided to find the true knowledge inside us, the infinite knowledge of ALL existence hiding in our DNA. Instead we were taught as our parents were taught and there parents and there parents.... going on for not just a century or two, this is where it gets overwhelmingly interesting. This has been going on for 1000’s of years.

I’m not telling you what to believe here as I always ask you to trust your own heart, gut and feeling, I am however opening up portals to the sacred knowledge in your DNA to help you remember.

Does this sound absolutely absurd right now?

If so then their plan/agenda is working perfectly.

Over the next couple weeks and months life is about to open up and more lies are about to be revealed than many people will be able to stomach. Make no mistake, it’s meant to be this way. We as humans gave our power away so deeply for so many lifetimes that this is going to be experienced to the absolute core of our beings. We will hear and see things that will pull our stomachs inside out to even conceive the reality and immensity of it all. Yet it’s perfectly happening FOR US and must be experienced this way to make a sort of lasting imprint to NEVER EVER give our power away like this again, in any lifetime. Yes I said every lifetime :). Once you begin to feel and see the immensity of the spiritual gifts and power we hold energetically you will start to understand why these sinister people don’t want us to wake up, it’s there biggest and almost only fear. Awakened Hunans standing in there full POWER......🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Here’s the quick version!

Imagine that a group of people had a sinister agenda like world domination for instance, can’t be to hard to imagine it’s in almost All Movies. Now imagine these people didn’t feed off of love or high vibrational energy (happiness, compassion, love, truth). Imagine these people with the “agenda” feed off of dark Ego energy (fear, chaos, anger, Control, power over others, judgement, separation, death...) and don’t want us all dead because they feed off our energy and fear and other things that are for another conversation. They need us alive yet not to many as they can’t control us properly which is where the Depopulation to 5 billion people agenda comes in, but that’s only a tiny piece of this diabolical plan to enslave humanity and some fun research if you choose.

Now imagine this sinister group was secretly collecting new members worldwide over time, 100’s, 1000’s of years with the goal of eventually being injected to all levels of government and places of power. Over time this allowed our lives to be secretly and systematically controlled more and more due to us giving our complete power away believing we can’t think act or do anything on our own without following specific guidelines, guidelines created by a group or collective with a deeply dark agenda. I know this is getting interesting so just bare with me until the end and formulate your own answers based on feeling and doing your own internal and external research.

These people in places of power were obviously up to no good, so how did they get there positions? This is a tough one to swallow but they presented themselves to be people they really weren’t. They acted as friends, family, teachers, mayors, lawyers, politicians, doctors, pastors, priests you name it. It’s ritualistic, ruthless and has to be as the stakes are high for all members. A high honor for the ones that enjoy this dark magic so to speak is to be able to “act” and play the role of the enemy (we the people) building friendships and trust to find out more or manipulate or whatever works for the agenda when needed.

Now collecting more new members wasn’t easy because human nature is born from Love, everything else is a LEARNED behavior picked up by CHOICE. So just asking someone to join a secret club that had aspirations of world domination, possibly killing off billions of people over time in all kinds of different ways, creating wars, crime, mental disorder, race wars and massive human separation wasn’t an easy sell. So how did they pick up so many new members to facilitate this world domination agenda? Well, these leaders/creators of the agenda also had money and A LOT of it, they eventually ended up owning money printing presses and creating things like “the federal reserve”, taxes, credit, debt, slavery, school system and then on to create things like the “American Medical Association”, WHO, CDC, inflation, loans and a financial system backed by air. Ok ok, I’ll save that stuff for you doing YOUR own research. Point is it wasn’t an easy sell to get people to buy in and become a member of this absolutely dark and sinister club looking for world domination or the “NWO” new world order as they call it. The agenda being what you’ve herd called “The Great Reset”. So they tried offering lots and lots of money, yet that wasn’t enough to have someone from keeping the secrets and having them bent on world domination, money just wasn’t enough to keep people from talking and keep them in line. They realized a bribe was much better, bribes include A LOT of money and also the unfortunate death of family, friends, children and it gets way way way way worse than you may wan to imagine.

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because we are in the moments in life were the lies are about to be revealed right in front of our eyes. We are going to systematically experience all the lies I was starting to touch on and much much more start to reveal themselves at a very fast pace.

It will start with the mainstream media and spiderweb out. I won’t name it all here as it’s a HUGE part of everyone’s journey to not just take someone’s words for something, but to actually do your own research through inward time and your own consciousness or to research via internet searches. Using a safe secure browser that does not TRACK, FACT CHECK and CENSOR like google does. Google will end up at the center of this along with Facebook and Twitter etc. It’s really BIG and happening in real time before our eyes, just have to pay attention, stop trusting the mainstream media and politically driven agendas.

We’ve got to ask ourselves at some point things like,

why would fact checking even exist?

Who created it and for what purpose?

They may say it’s for your convenience, is it? What is convenient about a one sided answer CREATED out of thin air to suite and fit the bigger agenda or narrative being pushed.

The best part is there are never any “true real facts” to back up the “fact checking”. Lol

Maybe fact checking was invented by the very same people that run the media, politics and narratives/agenda, the very same people that don’t want you to think or feel for yourself at all. Ask yourself why fact checking only exists on mainstream outlets like google,Facebook, Instagram, twitter hmmmmm, and then follow the money back to the very people that tell those companies what to do, publicize or create to push mass fear globally. Maybe these very same people think we are so stupid and love doing everything rite in front of us, basically programming us through movies and TV, propaganda sold as ”FICTION“ so we would never believe it’s true. If we did question anything then there is always that good old faithful word “conspiracy”, when in doubt confuse people and have them argue it out. It’s ridiculous but it’s happening.

Free speech is being censored and suppressed more and more by the day, socialism and Tyranny are on the rise especially here in North America, media is lying about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for a long while now. The fear machine is in full effect. How do you choose to play?

So this is the short version of what is happening and being revealed in your lives rite now wether you see/feel it or not.

If this is all new, then let it digest and FEEL what you felt. Your mind will quickly try to have you question everything but the mind is actually the issue. It is a bi-product of giving our power away and never trusting our own voice and truths from within since birth. So trust your gut and above all, do your own research. This was written to open up the portals for you to find this all within, through meditative states or what I and others call inward time. Or if that isn’t something you practice then simply doing your own research. Not asking someone else, but truly looking things up for yourself, otherwise your just giving your power away again and again missing the point of awakening and Remembering Your True Power Within.

It’s time to trust your VOICES

It’s time to trust you CHOICES

And it’s time to trust your TRUTHS!!!

This is why we are ALL here, even if you don’t yet remember just let it integrate and follow your intuition. Follow your Truth and Speak from your Heart because your voice truly does matter and always has.

Remember your Truth, Remember your Power

And most of all Remember why you are here right now in these powerful times.

It’s no accident, I know you can feel it deep inside, the feeling of GREAT CHANGE...

That change starts with YOU, you CHOOSING and CREATING new pathways from your Heart, Love, Trust, Compassion and Truth.

At the very least enjoy the systematic revealing of all the lies that have kept humanity in a perpetual state of confusion and giving away our power for thousands of years.

This will be the most powerful next few months of all of our existences and meant to reveal and release the darkness that has plagued this planet for thousands of years. It will shake us all to the very core of our beings and WE HAVE ALL GOT THIS!💯%




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