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Holding our LIGHT, Living as Pure Light….✨✨✨

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Living as PURE LIGHT is the choice to see/feel/receive/respond to everything from OUR HIGHEST HEART/TRUTH/LOVE ALWAYS…

When we get knocked sideways/triggered/contracted instead of allowing ourselves to go the OLD WAY, we reach DEEP INSIDE and bring ourselves into our BEAUTIFUL HEART by stepping into the triggered energy/experience being presented. The more we face what’s coming up the more we are choosing LOVE/TRUTH/EXPANSION and holding our LIGHT/FREQUENCY/VIBRATION HIGH.

Truthfully it’s always a choice that leads us to either giving our Power/LIGHT away or STANDING IN OUR POWER, the choice point is the KEY, yet the lower human aspect never wants to see/feel the choice point because it requires TAKING RESPONSIBILITY.

Yet, we must CHOOSE to WANT to see/feel/acknowledge the Choice Point in order to actually see it. Intentions are a great way to get this going until you are able to stand firm with yourself and be present enough to catch it all.

Intentions say to our Soul/Universe that we do CARE and do WANT to catch ourselves. The next piece is pushing yourself through the old patterns/programs of not wanting to work through things in the moment. Avoiding is always going to make things more uncomfortable and ALWAYS keeps us OUT OF OUR HEART because we are AVOIDING the OPPORTUNITY being placed in front of us at a very specific time for a very specific reason. Which is ALWAYS to work through/resolve/dissolve what’s being shown or presenting as a trigger/emotions/trauma/programming/conditioning…

LIGHT is LOVE and LOVE always shines LIGHT on the darkness to illuminate what requires our conscious attention. Staying Aligned in its simplicity is the choice NOT to ignore/avoid anything at all, especially what doesn’t feel good or triggers inside..

Holding our LIGHT is as simple as LIVING from our HEARTS/TRUTH/PURITY Always, yet this requires WANTING to truly see ourselves and our Unconscious Creations as they come up.  It requires us choosing PRESENCE/OBSERVATION in every breath, it requires PATIENCE/COMPASSION and it requires LOVING OURSELVES enough that we don’t fall back into beating ourselves up for slipping or missing things, but rather pick ourselves back up the second we realize we fell WITHOUT judging/shaming/blaming ourselves.

The more we push ourselves into these new pathways over falling prey to our old ego programs/patterns/avoiding/judging the more we open our HEARTS and are building NEW CONSCIOUS PATHWAYS which in turn fills us with more LIGHT.

It’s all about our Conscious and Unconscious choices and which route wile will choose in the moment. Can we become bigger than our old ways or are we still not wanting to leave them behind.

Remembering EVERY SINGLE MOMENT is a POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY to become BIGGER than our old ways/self/patterns we sooooo want to leave behind. And also a POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY to Let our LIGHT/HEARTS Lead the way breaking through all the darkness WE unknowingly created.

REMEMBERING that the Awakening/Ascension journey IS the CHOICE to LEAVE THE OLD BEHIND so we can CREATE a PURE NEW WORLD/NEW EARTH existence WITHIN and in turn our outer world shifts too…

I LOVE YOU, I RESPECT YOU and I HONOUR Your BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL Journey. In DEEP RESPECT for all the hard work you all put in to your processes and daily life to Awaken/Ascend back HOME. 💎💖

Photo credit to Emily Millar taken in early hours of the morning at the "Ponderosa" in Pontypool Ontario Canada...☀️

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