Did you know that most people allow emotions to rule their world not realizing the affect it has on their vibration/daily life/alignment/happiness, that’s why you’ll usually see people or yourself REACTING to experiences with emotions being sad/mad/angry/upset… rather then RESPONDING from a place of truly wanting to see/feel/know WHY the experience is actually happening FOR YOU/THEM. This is because emotions have been sold to humanity as a “natural spontaneous human reaction”, which is NOT AT ALL TRUE, being conditioned over time to get emotional INSTEAD of truly dealing with the experience which is what I call AVOIDING the truth/bigger picture and also is ALL coming from/being directed by the EGO.
Did you also know that EMOTIONS are apart of the EGO MATRIX, the ego matrix being what humans UNKNOWINGLY ALLOW to control their life/choices/decisions/reactions/emotions. Did you know that the ego matrix is composed of shame/blame/guilt/judgement/control/sad/mad/angry/upset/lack/separation/jealousy/fear just to name a few…
So many POWERFUL KNOWINGS Humanity is being hidden from, because if we knew the truth of our TRULE ROLE/PURPOSE here in this Earth Reality/Earth School we would all stand up and take our realities back overnight never to fall back down and FORGET, EVER AGAIN!
Way back when I was a child I can remember a time when people didn’t accept someone avoiding by being emotional, it would get called out and have to be dealt with by taking responsibility in some way shape or form or taking time to ones self until they chose to end the emotional outburst. Now days emotions are how almost every single human avoids ANYTHING and EVERYTHING like it’s a badge of honor and somehow a free pass to not have to deal with something, using the emotions as a shield to block having to see/feel the bigger picture of WHY something is happening. The problem with this is that when unknowingly using emotions as a shield for long periods of time, the person no longer deals with anything they don’t want to and the bi product of that becomes filling the energy body with MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DENSITY or what we can call DYSFUNCTIONAL ENERGY.
Not only that but the further you get into your Awakening/ascension process and still using emotions to AVOID/BLOCK/SHEILD yourself, they can become a MASSIVE WALL blocking you from seeing yourself which becomes a vicious loop of pain and suffering. The soul/Universe/higherself sees the person keeps choosing emotions to avoid seeing/feeling/listening to the higher truth guidance/why it’s happening/way out INSTEAD of pushing themselves through/ABOVE the emotional PROGRAMMING/CONDITIONING by REMEMBERING every single experience IS ONLY HAPPENING because it’s TRULY MEANT TO, remembering that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT, accidents are not possible, it’s just people not paying attention to the bigger picture being WHY EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION/EXPERIENCE is being magnetized for the ONE and ONLY TRUE PURPOSE of CONSCIOUS GROWTH…
Truly if humanity wasn’t being stifled and kept from knowing their TRUE PURPOSE/POWER//REAL REASON FOR BEING ON THIS EARTH AT THIS VERY SPECIFIC TIME we would know all this, but instead we are manipulated to believe everything is random and an accident which destroys the entire understanding of ENERGY and that all energy wants is to be in ALIGNMENT. The moment we pull our energy/frequency OUT OF ALIGNMENT through making unconscious choices based on/from manipulated information/emotions, the persons soul/universe creates/magnetizes/calls forward a new GROWTH experience with a person/place so we can acknowledge that we made unconscious choices. The GROWTH EXPERIENCES allows us the opportunity to see/feel we are out of alignment because it’s the only reason the experience is actually happening, then we bring ourselves back by TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for our unconscious choices/programs/conditioning, then building a new higher pathway/new conscious way to deal with it so we don’t make the same unconscious choice over and over. Whereas reacting and choosing to get emotional says the person just wants to keep living in uncomfortable pain and suffering by avoiding which calls the same energy/experience back as a loop over and over until the person finally chooses to know WHY it’s happening by PUSHING PAST the need to get emotional/avoid.
So many lovely people stuck in endless pain and suffering/repetitive experiences blaming/shaming/judging other people missing the point that because they consistently choose to react/get emotional instead of taking responsibility and truly looking at/wanting to know WHY something is happening/presenting, they are the actual reason for the pain and suffering they are in. This can become a very vicious and demoralizing loop that can go on for years if the person never chooses to become bigger than the choice to avoid meaning GET EMOTIONAL. It’s Important to know that many people actually CHOOSE the emotional avoidance route simply because knowing WHY won’t bring them the RETRIBUTION they feel they deserve. This is also a very vicious and demoralizing loop that the person usually blocks out and doesn’t see because once emotions are chosen the person is knee deep lost in the blind/unconscious anger/victim energy feeling they are being attacked which now becomes the victim role because they choose to believe it’s all happening TO THEM.. but NOTHING is EVER happening TO ANYONE, it’s not how energy flows, truthfully EVERY SINGLE THING/EXPERIENCE/INTERACTION is actually happening FOR SOMEONES HIGHER GROWTH. Because as mentioned earlier ENERGY ALWAYS WANTS TO BE IN ALIGNMENT, when it’s out of alignment based on unconscious choices a growth experience is magnetized, it’s that simple. We make an unconscious choice and we are then GIFTED an opportunity (growth experience) to RESOLVE the Unconsciousness which brings us back into alignment.
Yes, we humans are ENERGY beings made of energy, we each hold a unique vibration/frequency that fluctuates based on our choices/beliefs/limits/programming/conditions we hold as our belief of reality…, each unconscious choice a person makes (which is almost every choice because humanity has never been guided to remember any of this or how energy flows) magnetizes what I call CONSCIOUS GROWTH EXPERIENCES back to show the DENSITY/DYSFUNCTIONAL ENERGY being carried/housed/buried deep inside the energy body.
But without knowledge of how Energy flows/that we are made of energy/energy wants to be in alignment/cause and effect or karma for the purposes of this understanding and how this all works, humanity is chasing its tail getting EMOTIONAL feeling people are just mean/angry and “OUT TO GET THEM”, when truly it’s all of our universes/souls/higher selves working together in concert like a puppet show guiding us to REMEMBER how it all works through interaction. I use the visual of a puppet show to make a point and give a higher understanding. An unconscious choice is made and a growth experience is now created.
The 3/4D unconscious human doesn’t know this so it keeps getting emotional with anything it doesn’t like in the moment not realizing/knowing being guided to see the MUCH BIGGER MORE AWESOME EXPANSIVE PICTURE and how all TRULY WORKS/ENERGY FLOWS, realizing that once an unconscious choice is made a Growth Experience is also created/magnetized to guide the person to see themselves.
The biggest piece to take in with all this is that using/choosing/playing in EMOTIONS will ALWAYS KEEP YOU LOST MISSING THE BIGGER PICTURE, ALWAYS…
Whereas STOPING/CATCHING YOURSELF from choosing/being emotional will OPEN UP the BIGGER PICTURE and the OPPORTUNITY to work through/RESOLVE what ever came up to be RESOLVED.
Emotions WILL ALWAYS keep a person VERY STUCK in UNCOMFORTABLE LOOPS of PAIN and SUFFERING, if you want to break through the uncomfortable/painful loops of sadness/anger you’ve got to become BIGGER than your emotions by STOPPING YOURSELF FROM CHOOSING THEM which is what I call the choice point. We ALWAYS have a split second when an experience comes to us where we can CHOOSE either emotions and avoiding OR to CONTROL OURSELVES pushing the emotions to the side and TRULY locking at WHY the specific experience is presenting FOR US, meaning WANTING to BREAK THROUGH the old ways/beliefs/patterns…
Catching ourselves in the beginning means working on PRESENCE and OBSERVATION, becoming so self aware that we can see/feel the processes going on inside that we never ever even noticed before because we lived on auto pilot. The more PRESENT we are the more we are able to OBSERVE ourselves internally. We choose to WANT TO KNOW what’s going on iNside of us AT ALL TIMES because the moment we aren’t paying attention is the moment the ego sneaks back in and then back into avoiding. Ego LOVES TO AVOID ANYTHING CONSCIOUS, it’s ALL IT KNOWS because it is the 3D matrix.
Very important to REMEMBER that we truly do CREATE OUR OWN REALITIES through our unconscious beliefs/choices/programming/conditioning we hold, we are literally MASTER CREATORS, it’s just that 99.999% of the human population is stuck in an ILLUSION/false low vibe reality that has UNKNOWINGLY been handed to them as REAL LIFE without question. So all they know until opening up their Awakening/Ascension process is what they were told/taught/programmed/conditioned to believe.
Watch your words, put CARE/CONSCIOUSNESS/PRESENCE/PATIENCE/OBSERVATION into your choices, push past the NEED to get emotional, keep yourself in alignment, always want to know WHY an experience is happening, choose to be BIGGER than your old ways/patterns/stories and REMEMBER that NOTHING IS EVER AN ACCIDENT, EVERYTHING is ALWAYS happening FOR EVERYONE not TO ANYONE and you’ll be well on your way to seeing/feeling THE BIGGER PICTURE and BREAKING THROUGH instead of BREAKING DOWN.
We are walking through the BIGGEST ENERGETICS I have EVER felt, it will keep amping up energetically to push/pull the masses DEEPER and DEEPER into their Awakening/Ascension process as is meant to be, because if humanity had the choice they would UNKNOWINGLY choose to stay lost in the uncomfortable pain and suffering because it’s all they know, so we must be pushed through the gates by consistently raising the frequencies which forces us to go deeper inward….
Immense Love and Respect to ALL, this is not an easy journey and not meant to be. It’s meant to rip us to the actual core of our being so we can CONSCIOUSLY CREATE a NEW EARTH REALITY through RESOLVING/DISSOLVING/RELEASING the old manipulated 3/4D FALSE REALITY.
I LOVE YOU……!!!!🌈🧬💎💕