Integration, vision, voice, choice, strength, action, unify
These are the energies coming to me for July.
Let’s start by taking a look back at June.
June was the opening of eclipse season 🌚🌝opening with a powerful conjunction of a full moon lunar eclipse. Eclipses are extremely powerful with pushing/forcing up deeply buried individual and collective energy. The focus of June and the first eclipse was to bring individual and collective victim energy up and out to be seen. Ancestral karma (victim energy), thousands of years of individual and collective separation stories , judgment, holy wars, all kinds of victim stories we chose to take on from human past and others, savior complex - people believing they can make up for thousands of years of human separation, hate, anger, oppression, suppression. These are just a few and it’s all victim/ego coming up to be seen and felt.
As a human collective there is so much unconscious victim energy buried inside each and every one of us until we make the choice to start consciously clearing and rebuilding. Our planet (Gaia) has taken it upon herself to force this energy to the surface for all of humanity at the same time as a collective. These are massive collective shifts that are meant to keep us all moving forward and clearing as a collective. Gone are the days of staying completely unconscious to our buried dysfunctional energy as It’s holding all of us and the planet back until we do something about it. This is why our beautiful Earth Mother made it happen for us. If not we would be lost for another thousand years... this energy is so deep and unconscious that it takes linear time to facilitate and push up and realign, Which is exactly how this is happening.
Lunar Eclipse #1 beginning of June was the opener for this massive energetic push up of ancestral karmic timelines and victim energy. This opened up by pushing everyone into a contracted state to allow the unconscious to rise to the surface. This is when things got really heated beginning of the month. This had everyone up in arms and basically pulling out all kinds of ancestral and individual victim stories past and present. The energy was intense to say the least. Even driving seemed to be a really big one, a lot of rage and victim energy (ego) coming out in people driving, you will have felt it everywhere you go in some way shape or form.
This all kept pushing up and up until the second mega powerful solar eclipse 🌚🌞that was also perfectly aligned with a new moon and solstice. Wow, Wow , Wow, was this ever a powerful transit to feel. As this second passage came along it forced us to start to feel and see our own victim energy and stories. It’s like everything got pushed up hard yet it was unconscious so it kept coming out in different situations more and more until the second eclipse opened up and allowed us to see what had been coming out. It was like people were running around unconsciously running amuck and had no idea until the second Eclipse brought it all into focus (vision).
Now fast forward to present.....
We are sitting on the cusp of the third and final Lunar Eclipse and full moon of this series July 4/5. This eclipse will bring everything into focus that came up over the last month and months if we choose to see/feel it, choosing to ignore anything will bring it back up twice as hard until we acknowledge it (loop). This is where Action comes in, acting on what we see to consciously realign rather than choose the old ways (avoiding) that no longer work.
This has been a beautiful progression since January, everything being brought into our awareness to be seen and felt in sequence. Being brought up in a sort of progression so we don’t explode all at once seeing and feeling all of our unconsciousness we have created and built throughout our lives and past lives etc.... if we look back we can see/feel that this process is very elegantly choreographed to bring us all through together as a collective working as one, reminding us of unity consciousness. Reminding us that we were never separate, it was only corrupted belief systems and learned behaviors that brought us into the depths of unconsciousness. Now being guided to find our way back to Unity working as one releasing our own individual stories of separation. Remembering that as we each release our own separation stories individually this ripples out through the collective helping each one of our brothers and sisters find there way to unity through our embodiment of our truth. Ultimately remembering separation was, is and always has been a choice.
July will be a month of integrating everything that has been brought to the surface over the last month and even since January (Vision).
Integration meaning taking all this new information of who we were and what we created and then acting on it, bringing the formerly unconscious behaviour beliefs and stories into view so we can consciously realign and move forward with ease and grace. In truth we are being taught to remember who/what we truly are (energy), that we are responsible for our own action and energy and we are responsible for bringing our own selves into alignment consciously.
Collectively we are being pushed to find our voices and being forced to make new choices as we are seeing and feeling more and more that things aren’t as they have seemed. We will be pushed to speak up for ourselves and what we truly believe individually and collectively. This means us remembering to trust our inner voice and intuition over everything else, this is were strength comes in. We must stand strong in our beliefs when they come from our hearts, if it doesn’t feel “good” or “rite” then check in on that feeling. Trust yourself, your voice and your choice. Be gentle with yourself as you remember to trust you over others. Many of us have given our power and voice away believing it didn’t matter.
Well I’m here to tell you it does matter!!
Your voice has always mattered, we chose to forget this along the way and things got out of hand but here we are, in the most powerful times in existence being given the opportunity to take our inner power back and remember that we are all here for the same purpose. To awaken to remembering we are here to ascend the human condition = ego/separation one by one bringing ourselves back into unity consciousness by Remembering Our Power Within.
Always remember,
You have a CHOICE!
You have a VOICE!
You are STRONG!
You are LOVED!
Most of all YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!💯💯💯💯💯
Integration is key to conscious growth and moving though and into the next phase. Be gentle with yourself and your process yet be strong in your steps forward, using your vision and trusting your voice and choice unifying individually and collectively. We are the shift, bringing this forth through each one of our unified, embodied and wide open hearts. 💜
For guidance, Look back at my previous posts as they are all guiding you to consciously clear, release and realign and will always have a powerful effect every time they are read. They are meant to be read over and over each time activating and bringing to the surface what needs to be seen. 🔮
All in all July feels a bit lighter than June in the sense that we can now take deep breath and look at what came, integrate and begin to take action how ever feels appropriate. We got given A LOT, now it’s about what we do with it😉
Be gentle, compassionate and patient with yourselves as you traverse these potent energies, It will all come out in ways you NEVER expected, it’s the only way!!
In deep gratitude and sacred respect, I Love and Honor each and every one of you journeys!
Thank you for your continued support❤️🥰😘