Action, progress, clarity, profound truths exposed, tides have shifted, release the shackles, expanded awareness, voice and choice now starting to lead the way (throat chakra). These are the themes that are coming to me for the month of June
Wow, I am excited for this month!!
We are starting with a 🌚 lunar eclipse and full moon🌝, then powerfully bringing in solstice with yet another powerful 🌞 solar eclipse.
This will shake EVERYTHING to it’s core, pushing up the deeply buried unconsciousness for EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING living on our planet. This will force everything out of alignment to be seen....😁😉💯
I see/feel deep collective victim energy and programming (Ego)
being pushed up to see/feel and clear (bring to light). Fueled by fear, anger, hate, chaos, control.... just to name a few energies being tossed around the globe.
Ego does Not, Can Not and simply will Not work anymore as tools of control on this planet. It IS NOT POSSIBLE!
This may seem crazy to some but all I can say is that a massive shift has been taking place for a while now.
Many of us are and have been doing deep work to clear what no longer serves our souls and our beautiful planet. This massive movement emanating from the Heart and Truth = Love is what is shifting the tides.
There are now enough awakened souls embodying there highest truths and living these truths with every single action and breath.
This is the most powerful action we can take in these times. To awaken and follow our souls journey of self discovery.
Releasing all that no longer serves OUR own souls, releasing the old stories, beliefs, learned behaviors, old narratives we have been fed and held onto as truth for the benefit of the few.
Releasing the shame, blame and guilt stories from our lives that have shaped our identity yet no longer need to exist as they only resonate to lower vibration.
Remembering our true power as ONE collective uniting for Love, Peace, Truth and Abundance for ALL, Living free of ANY and ALL SEPARATION on any level in any way!!
Remembering separation was and is the “Human Condition” which is “EGO”.
Remembering we have been divided by this yet we have a CHOICE which path to take.
Remembering our CHOICE is our VOICE!
It is our birth rite to be feel and live free of pain, shame, blame and guilt in our lives. Holding it only holds the old ways and stories in place making life much more difficult.
The old ways are crumbling before our eyes, ego games and control no longer hold any power over Truth.
Energy dictates ALL and as you can see and feel out their, ALL the “darkness” dark agendas so to speak are being forced into the light (plain site).
You can see very clearly that Love is Leading the way. Instead of these fear games pushing us all apart as before you are seeing mass collectives pulling together and SPEAKING out for what they TRULY believe in. Standing up for what truly doesn’t feel rite anymore and standing with their brothers and sisters in unity as it should be.
These false narratives are a thing of the past and they will expose themselves like a game of dominos if your not seeing this already.
Keep your eyes peeled, hearts wide open and feel what feels rite for YOU inside.
We are allowed to feel what WE want to feel and we DO NOT have to follow anyone else’s views because we are told to or it is the way.
We all have an inner voice and inner feeling, we just have to remember it actually matters, always has and always will....
Our voice has always mattered. Doesn’t mean we need to push what we feel on anyone else. Just means we are allowed to feel what we want when we want and how we want.
It’s out time to take our power back individually and collectively standing for our own truth.
June will be explosive to say the least!
This is going to be the most POWERFUL energetic month of the year so far.
When I woke up yesterday and today feeling June and what is to come. I barely have human words. ✨✨✨✨✨✨
It is AWESOMENESSSSS x 100,000,000.......
It’s fasten your seatbelts time all day everyday now..... buckle up, open your hearts wide open and release what no longer serves your soul.
If it doesn’t feel good, take a look at at it and feel if it even fits into your life and who you are. Question what doesn’t feel rite to you on a soul level. Not what you’ve been told to feel.
In deep gratitude and sacred respect for ALL of our journeys....
I LOVE YOU!! 🌎✨❤️💯🌈🌞🌝☮️💯
Fun fact, mine and my partners birthdays fall on both eclipses this month, gonna be a fun ride.............. We can feel it already........