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Keeping your Frequency/Vibe High is a Choice…

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Keeping our Vibe/Frequency HIGH is a choice in every moment/action/interaction/experience.

If we avoid/choose not to see what I call the “choice point” then we are just allowing ego programming/conditioning to run our lives on auto pilot creating/magnetizing all kinds of GROWTH EXPERIENCES into our reality which keeps our vibration/frequency low. If we aren’t yet choosing to be PRESENT/AWARE to our choices OBSERVING what we are creating and where we are creating it from internally (unconscious/dysfunctional energy/density) then we tend to get lost/confused believing life is “horrible/sad/hard”and everything is happening TO US, missing the BIGGEST GIFT that it’s all been happening/magnetizing into our reality FOR US the entire time we’ve been alive. We’ve just been manipulated/conditioned to see it backwards so we wouldn’t REMEMBER how AWESOME/POWERFUL we are meant to be.

The choice point is the moment we CHOOSE if we will be allowing the ego/programs/old habits/conditioning to run the show without question as usual, or if we will CARE enough about our reality to WANT to see/feel/understand the OPPORTUNITY being presented. It’s all about CHOOSING to WANT to SEE/FEEL what we are allowing into our reality because we WANT TO BE IN HIGHER ALIGNMENT.

Staying High vibe means CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING to PAY ATTENTION to our inside mind chatter/repetitive nonsense/manipulation being put forth by the ego/mind, it means taking action to catch yourself and shut down the negative low vibe chatter playing out endlessly which is what keeps our frequency/vibration low. It’s about choosing to be present/aware of what we are allowing to play out in our mind/ego then TAKING ACTION and CREATING NEW HIGHER PATHWAYS so we DO NOT keep playing in loops of low vibe programming/conditioning/old habits…

CHOOSING to be around low vibes is also a choice, if you are going to CHOOSE to hang out with or be with anyone that is consistently negative/sad/angry/shaming/blaming/victim to life/guilting/fearing/controlling themselves and others than you are CHOOSING to be in low vibes for YOURSELF. Knowing that your going to a place that will be low vibe/frequency means your WILLINGLY putting yourself in situations that deplete your energy, you don’t want to be there so your going against your truth, you cannot “FIX” anyone else as it’s THEIR CHOOCE to “FIX” (using the word fix to make a point) themselves. Usually the feeling of “obligated” comes up, yet we as humans are not obligated to be around anything/anyone we don’t want to be as this is our right as energetic sovereign humans. So it becomes a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to be around the energy/people that bring OUR energy/vibration/frequency down.

The reason our energy drops is because we are CHOOSING to be around very low energy which begins to pull at our energy.

Do you ever leave someone’s house or event and feel absolutely drained from doing saying almost nothing…?

I bet it happens A LOT..!!

Well now you know why, your choosing to be somewhere with people that are literally draining your energy every second you sit there. The other person begins getting energized and we begin getting drained simply because we are choosing to be around lower energy out of obligation with no equal energy transfer.

Obligation means WE feel like we have to be there, BUT WE DON’T, if it’s your job/career then it’s a choice to work where you do, nobody forces you to stay there everyday. If it’s a family member, nobody is forcing you to be around them, if it’s a friend then nobody is forcing you to be around them but YOU and your beliefs.. it all comes from programming/conditioning feeling that if we don’t we are “bad” people which we picked up from watching/listening to others as we grew up or were told to do.

Personally, I’ve walked away from family members for years now simply because they cannot allow me to just be me, they are bothered in some ways by my choices to become more conscious, what I believe in and that I speak truth in my life and don’t pretend to be someone else just to fit in as well as holding people accountable for there actions that affect my reality. I don’t shut down/turtle to Caudle other peoples egos (disempowering victim stories/judgements/shame/blame/guilt/lack/jealousy/fear/control), I stand for what I believe in and I don’t push any of this onto anyone else unless they call it forward. I’m simply still me I just don’t play in 3D/4D lower beliefs anymore or choose to sit there while others do because it is a CHOICE.

When it comes to “friends” I do not have any because I’ve let the word friend go with my old 3D matrix/reality. The word friend holds conditions to it just like the manipulated/fake version of love 3D humans play in. “If you do this or don’t do that than your not my friend anymore”… it’s all very  unconscious, full of attachment and affects our energy field/vibration/frequency more than many may believe...

I personally see/feel everyone in my reality as a brother or sister as I am ONE with ALL OF EXISTENCE, I have REMEMBERED and EMBODY that we are all our own unique piece of a whole which is ONENESS. ONE energy split into billions and billions of unique soul fragments incarnated in this Earth Reality to Awaken/Ascend back to our Naturally intended Remembered state of Quantum Consciousness in our own unique ways. It takes “years” of daily practice/inner work and the choice to want to see/feel/remember to eventually Embody this BLISSFUL state of REMEMBERING, yet it’s available to ALL wanting to become the Highest Ascended version of themselves through every Choice/Action/Experience/Interaction.

I see/feel everyone/everything as energy and I only put my energy around those that care to be around me or I around them for whatever reason it is in the moment. Holding ZERO obligation to be around anyone because I CARE about MY ENERGY and I KNOW/EMBODY that if I CHOOSE to be around low vibes it’s my choice, I know I will be depleted if the other party isn’t willing to raise there vibration meaning wanting to be disempowered/victim to there reality avoiding the Truth/Guidance being shared to come out of it. If I cannot be me in any way or if there are conditions to me being somewhere, I will not be a part of it. Nobody gets to dictate what I can say/be/do because that is a form of control which is EGO. I simply choose to be around people that care about themselves and there reality and don’t shut others down for any reason other than ego being present.

The point is that it’s YOUR CHOICE where you put your energy, why would you put it where you know it’s a one way street/going to go a certain way KNOWING you will be drained… it’s a conscious choice to be in LOW VIBES ON PURPOSE, so you will get/magnetize back what you chose energetically which will be being energetically drained/depleted for the next day/days until you bring your vibration/frequency back into higher alignment through conscious action.

It all starts from TRULLY WANTING to SEE/FEEL the choice points and where we UNCONSCIOUSLY choose to drop our vibrations/give our power away to facilitate others playing in lower energy/vibes, then Taking Action TRULY wanting to Consciously SHIFT/GROW/EXPAND/ELEVATE/EVOLVE.

All we have to do is CARE about OURSELVES, our own energy and WHERE WE ALLOW IT TO BE at ALL TIMES, Next is OBSERVING THE CHOICE POINT and TAKING ACTION to CONSCIOUSLY SHIFT out of the old ways/patterns/dysfunction while CREATING NEW HIGH VIBE HIGHER PATHWAYS that lead to PURE BLISS and AWESOMENESS…


CHOSE to SEE/FEEL the CHOICE POINT by CARING about your choices and the outcome/growth experiences they will bring/magnetize into your reality and you will realize you are much more in control of your vibration/frequency than you may have realized. It’s up to you to begin to see the unconscious choices you make that lower your vibration/frequency. The more Aware you choose to be of your choices the more you can stay in high vibes because it’s ALWAYS BEEN YOUR CHOICE…

In DEEP LOVING RESPECT and APPRECIATION for all your unique journeys, I LOVE YOU…💎💖🧬

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