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Massive shift/Up Levelling/Mega Blast Incoming….✨✨✨

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

As we transition through the most POWERFUL gateway/corridor closing out linear year “2024” we are being gifted a MEGA BLAST potent solar flares to really amp up/push forward/escalate/up level the Collective Human Awakening..😍

9 flares in the last 12 hours alone with one hitting X 1.1 and coupe the day before…🔥🔥🔥

It’s gooooo time!!! Seeing these digging deeper into collective humanity, percolating inside the energy body pushing/pulling to show you what your holding inside so you can consciously work through it, resolving/dissolving as they come up.

Pure Presence and being able to Observe ourselves/thoughts/emotions/heart closed/being short/grumpy/reacting.. is the KEY to knowing when you are in contracted energy and out of alignment. Once you know/feel/see you can make conscious shifts to come out if it all by working through it all.

Playing in or avoiding any of it just makes it all more intense, by playing I mean entertaining the endless mind/ego/shame/blame/guilt/judgement/emotions/loops.. of pain and suffering which IS avoiding.

When flares are popping and especially a lot at a time or big ones, this really digs into the programming/loops/ego/mind and pushes it all into overdrive so to speak.

These are the days I share to be EXTRA observant/aware of yourselves and what your feeling/doing/saying inside your head and outward to others.  If we don’t catch ourselves in the moment/choice point then an experience/loop is created and it begins to get more intense to get your attention. Can feel your getting more angry/upset/annoyed/sad, that’s your Cue to realize somethings off (your energy/vibration), then you do everything in your power to get your heart open and aligned.

I’ll share that finding gratitude/appreciation for everything you working through is THE KEY to coming out of it, no matter how angry /upset sad you are. By doing this you are choosing to TRUST that in some way shape or form it’s all happening for you, that is in itself a type of surrender, you are acknowledging it’s for you/not avoiding it and all of the sudden YOUR HEART BEGINS TO OPEN and everything begins to get a bit more clear so you can work through it.

It’s all about how we perceive everything and if we can stand up to our old ways/patterns/choices/loops/habits, if we can, then everything shifts and becomes a lot easier to work through because the heart is opening. As the heart opens clarity comes through from a higher perspective. Choose to go low and avoid and you get hit with more intensity, that’s how energy flows.

It does this so that all living beings can have the opportunity through PHYSICAL/MENTAL EXPERIENCES to pull themselves back into alignment. Energy ALWAYS wants to be in alignment and this is Earth School so to speak, we just weren’t taught any of this in school.

Now it’s your job/role to build new HOGHER pathways INSTEAD of allowing the mind/ego to dictate your reality for you, which will NEVER be fun because it is a 3D program in itself, only knows low vibes.

Be extra observant the next few days as all these flares pour through to uplevel ALL into a higher frequency.

The higher we go, the more the density gets pushed up.


Big breakdowns come with BIG BEEAK THROUGHS…


BIG BREAK THROUGHS come with big breakdowns…

It’s a push pull until every last piece of unconscious energy/density/dysfunction/ego programming is squeezed out of us and Resolved/Dissolved/Mastered which takes years to work through consciously.

Remember it’s not a race, it’s a daily process until you Ascend your consciousness/physical body and then becoming ONE with the unified field/Quantum Consciousness, where all 12 strands of your DNA 🧬 are FULLY ACTIVATED.   

Hold the EXPANDED states as long as you can and when you get pulled back down, SURRENDER/LOVE IT with ALL THAT YOU ARE, begin to TRULY WANT TO WORK THROUGH all the stuff/density/programming/loops and you’ll be BLOWN AWAY how your journey shifts. I know it’s not always fun but it is why we are here on the highest level, to Awaken and Ascend OUT IF IT ALL.


The energy from all these flares has already blown wide open, it will really start pouring through tomorrow and become the biggest around New Year’s Eve for most.

Stay as tuned/aware/dialled into your energy/frequency/vibration as you can and you’ll see/feel what’s opening up to resolve BEFORE getting to deep looping through it all.

Gaia time is always KEY to getting aligned in whatever ways light you up/open your heart.

Being around a lot of other peoples energy over this period can/will have a big affect on your energy/frequency/vibration too, so this means it may take even longer and more effort to get/stay aligned.

This is the BIGGEST most ENERGETIC period of time I’ve ever experienced/felt in my entire earth life, the frequencies pouring through/in are soooooo ULTRA PURE/HIGH FREQUENCY…..✨💎✨


Enjoy all the awesome, it’s all happening so we can each bring forth a GORGEOUS/PURE/TRUSTING New Earth Reality built on/from INTEGRITY/TRUTH/LOVE/RESPECT for ALL.

It all starts from WITHIN ALL OF US, WE ATE THE CHANGE, through every act/word/choice/breath…


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