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✨One of the most powerful statements that can shift your entire existence✨

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

We are beings created from energy, this cannot be denied. It’s just straight truth. This is extremely powerful and means we have the power to shift and change anything and everything because everything else is also made of energy.

It’s how we play with this energy that dictates our daily lives through the form of experiences. These experiences are being created from our unconscious/conscious talk and behavior inside and outside ourselves for our Conscious Growth, as this is how energy flows. Our unconscious choices ALWAYS lead to GROWTH Experiences, we just don’t realize this is happening. If you read my posts you will have heard me speak of this many many many times as it is a profound remembering and key to moving forward along our journeys.

Our beliefs either hold us back blocking us from ever seeing our truth (unconscious beliefs), or , our beliefs can empower, opening new doors and possibilities through conscious creation.

We have all been conditioned very well to believe everything is happening TO US!

This statement says that everything is just accidentally happening as we walk through life with no reasons for anything. Just random people places and things happening with no real reason or purpose, no cause creating an effect. Yet when I ask people if they believe everything happens for a reason, I am almost always met with a “yes”. The thing is most everyone I ask this question to are under a personal belief that if something “good” happens it has happened for a reason, if something “bad” has happened it has not happened for a reason. So basically things only happen for a reason when it fits or feels rite?

This is EGO! The ego believes it can pick and choose how things work because it DOESN’T and will NEVER understand ANY type of conscious ANYTHING, EVER...

I will be very clear that If we believe everything in life or even just certain things are happening TO US, we are in victim and letting our ego and stories run the show. It’s easy to be a victim to the life WE are creating for OURSELVES as it is comfortable and what we have always known and been taught to do, choosing to stay unconscious and keep making unconscious decisions because it is comfortable in an uncomfortable sort of way.

All this does is keep calling back all the negativity and things happening “to you”, because you are choosing a lower vibration and choosing to trust the ego. The ego only knows pain, shame, blame, guilt, me me me, mine, judgement and defeat.......

Ego/victim DOESN’T know trust and taking chances, trusting your inner feeling and acting on your truth.

A Powerful key to taking a massive leap in our conscious growth and making massive positive change in our lives is to reverse the statement above to

“Why is this happening FOR ME”. This is the game changer statement that will shift our entire existence. This is conscious choice and the willingness to take responsibility for our own lives and our creations. Taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions because they are OURS and WE made the choices to receive OUR own experiences.

shifting words and being conscious of our own energy (words, feelings, actions, thoughts) etc = conscious growth which = higher vibrational experiences.

Positive high vibes call forth more positive high vibe experiences, negative low vibe stories and beliefs call forth more negative low vibe experiences. We ALWAYS have a choice what, how and when we speak. We also have a choice to be conscious of our unconsciousness, take responsibility for calling something into our lives and shift to a higher vibe in every moment.

It all starts with conscious choices, trusting your inner truth and taking action through conscious choice and change.

My last post was about the Power of words and where they take us. If you haven’t read it I suggest giving it a read and allow yourself to feel the power of words and how they actually create and call forth our next experiences.

Making this simple shift in how we speak to ourselves is a GAME CHANGER for conscious growth and releasing the old loops of negativity and victim stories. By making a choice to shift this statement you are telling your soul you are ready to do the work and ready to start taking your life and power back. Words are EVERYTHING and take us EVERYWHERE….

Why is this happening TO ME = Victim/Ego energy

Why is this happening FOR ME = Conscious growth

We are the shift, it starts inside each and every one of us with every decision, choice, thought and action. The outside world is always a reflection of our inside. As we consciously shift/change the stories, beliefs and release the unconsciousness our outside world becomes a magic show. It’s our beliefs that shape how we view everything and we ALL have the opportunity to make this change with every choice and every act, it’s up to us and no one can do this for us. We ARE far more powerful than anything we have ever created, we just have to trust.

tip: It is very easy to forget this new statement when we are in a loop or negative story. I suggest saving this meme I created to your phone and have it accessible to you at all times. Take a look at it to help guide you back to your heart and truth. If you feel this is something that will really help then put it as your wallpaper or screen saver on your phone or computer etc… make it a new intention/mantra to say to yourself when waking up, it’s a powerful way to start your day. .

“I am excited to see/fee why/how everything is happening FOR ME not TO ME and how my life will now shift from this conscious remembering”

You can say anything you like, starting off your day with conscious intentions and gratitude are a power packed way to have a stellar day and instantly raise your vibration before your feet hit the floor.💯

In deep gratitude and sacred respect, thank you for reading these posts and doing your work. I love an honour each and every one of your sacred journey’s.🤍💜🤍🤍💜🤍💜🤍

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