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Presence brings CLARITY, and with clarity comes OPPORTUNITIES…

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: May 28, 2024

Wanted to bring the Action of presence into focus for all as it is the KEY to seeing/feeling/knowing what we are being presented in every moment/exchange/choice.

As I mentioned to Emily yesterday, there are no more breaks, humanity is being pushed through what I called the energetic  “eye of the needle” now daily. Every “moment, every “second”, every CHOICE/DECISION point becoming the most POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY to see/feel/know/grow/shift/change/align/empower/embrace what your universe is pushing up within for you to see/feel/acknowledge and then choose to CONSCIOUSLY work through using all our conscious tools.

The human ego doesn’t like to do conscious work, in fact it will do ANYTHING to avoid doing anything conscious. This means it will take a massive amount of dedication/care/drive/determination to push ourselves into WANTING/CHOOSING/DECIDING to consistently look at/asses ourselves from a conscious perspective. The programs always flood in having us believe we should be keeping busy doing 3 D unconscious things which ARE THE PROGRAMS, it (ego) knows you VERY VERY WELL, it knows what programs/patterns you will fall for and it knows how to get you to fall for them. We unknowingly gave the ego power since being children without knowing. The biggest action we must consistently take now daily is to TAKE OUR POWER BACK, this means BREAKING the OLD PATTERNS/PROGRAMMED WAYS OF BEING/DOING and CREATING new HIGHER PATHWAYS. But we must CATCH the programs/habits/old ways so we CAN create new higher pathways, this comes through the chosen action of PRESENCE…

Presence is a choice, it is the ONLY WAY we are able to truly see/feel/know anything about ourselves. It paves the way for us to begin to OBSERVE ourselves and Observing is when we can/will REALLY begin to shift out of the old and into THE NEW.

PRESENCE is a POWERFUL CHOICE in every “second/moment”, it requires the CARE to WANT to CHANGE/GROW, it does not just happen for us, it is something we choose in every moment through every act/choice. We do this by intending to be present and choosing to be present. Whereas before we just let everything run on  auto pilot. Now we are putting great care/attention to WANTING to know what we are truly feeling/thinking/doing/being. It takes a bit of consistently choosing this daily for us to shift out of our old ways of just letting the ego take us for an unknown ride daily, and anchoring in our new pathway of WANTING to know what we are doing/creating/magnetizing to ourselves.

For me way back when I was remembering to be present it began as a daily intention, the daily intention opened up my wanting to be present. I would purposefully sit outside and practice shutting off my mind with my eyes open. I would focus on things and only see/feel/connect with what I was focusing on. I would allow myself to connect to something then just BE WITH IT, not allowing myself to be distracted by the mind (thoughts) or outer noises/visuals etc. I was training myself to stay focused on what I wanted to focus on.  What a GAME CHANGER this was because I actually TRULY wanted to be free of all the mind chatter/no scenes.

WANTING/CHOOSING to do something has a completely different experience than feeling forced or like you have to. They are two completely different choices, one negative low vibes and one HIGH VIBES. Doing anything because we feel we have to will Always create/magnetize a new growth experience because we are forcing ourselves to do something we obviously don’t want to. We have to TRULY WANT TO CONSCIOUSLY CHANGE/GROW in order to truly GROW, otherwise we are doing it from a place of feeling we have to which is a form of “victim” energy.

We do things consciously because we WANT TO not because we HAVE TO…

Do you TRULY WANT to become a better version of yourself or are you forcing yourself not really wanting to do it..?

The answer will show you a lot, then give you the fuel to shift if needed to a higher understanding/choice/desire to truly WANT TO COME THROUGH your journey.

The CHOICE to WANT to BE PRESENT can/will CHANGE ANYONES ENTIRE REALITY, it takes EFFORT and the WANT, then it takes PATIENCE as we grow into our new daily choice to SEE/FEEL/KNOW ourselves on a level never experienced before and usually AVOIDED at all costs...

This choice of PRESENCE also means we are now WANTING/CHOOSING to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves because presence leads to OBSERVATION and observation leads to working through our dysfunction/density/programs/traumas/stories/victim roles...

Remember, the ego wants NOTHING AT ALL to do with being present as it will loose the power we gave it to control our reality/choices/thoughts.. it takes EVERYTHING we have to PUSH through the old and CREATE/BULD the new Pathways, it’s not as “tough” as the ego will have us believe it is. It never is, because fear isn’t real, it’s a construct of the ego..!

I recommend putting PRESENCE into your daily intentions/practice if when you are ready. Put BIG FOCUS/AWARENESS to everything you are saying/being/doing and really begin to WANT TO SEE YOURSELF.  it’s the only way we truly begin to make MASSIVE CONSCIOUS SHIFTS in our reality. This WILL shift your reality in a VERY POWERFUL WAY opening up/activating so many  BEAUTIFUL new growth points/expansions/higher opportunities….

Ps I took this photo while sitting in Pure Presence/BEing, as I gazed upon the pond I heard “look up”… I received the message and immediately realized I should take a capture of the magnificence all around me/FOR ME in the moment to share with EVERYONE..

we all have these messages coming trough all the time if we are present enough to hear/see/feel..



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