As we play we are letting go of the outside world and putting our energy into having fun, doesn’t matter what it is as we each are unique. So what we enjoy playing with may not resonate with someone else but truthfully it doesn’t matter about anyone else. It’s all about what makes OUR Hearts Burst WIDE OPEN, having so much fun doing whatever it is that feels good inside, makes us smile, laugh, shed sacred tears In JOY, relax and LET GO of being so SERIOUS all the time.
Taking space for ourselves is such a BEautiFULL process/action/choice.
Maybe we didn’t get to play as children for a multitude of reasons, maybe we felt we had to grow up real fast to cope with the life/parents/surroundings we chose, maybe we played but forgot how because life got in the way and we felt playing was just for kids… there are going to be all kinds of reasons why we don’t play or use the word play anymore, the important part is to Realize/Remember we are all meant to play and have fun. Playing is a BIG part of Conscious Growth and Remembering our INNER Truth/New Earth.
I play/connect in the garden, in the forest, with animals, with the sun, in the water, in the snow, on the snowmobile/snowboarding/tobogganing/building snowmen, in the rain, with musical instruments, on hikes/walks, picking flowers, singing/dancing, painting, making food, taking Activation photos for myself and to share, watching the clouds/atmosphere, foraging for food in the wild, worm composting, making salves, gifting things I make or find while out on walks/hikes, riding my bike… I take space every single day to play in some way shape or form as it FEELS GREAT, it helps Align/Connect/Center/Expand/Soften and open the Heart. It pulls us out of the mind and straight into our HEARTS opening up our inner child/play/fun.
So many have become hard to life and just tired, coming home from work, getting everything done (chores) feeling so exhausted then just watching tv and having a “drink” to relax. But truthfully that drink isn’t really helping relax, it’s just a conditioned belief/program we created so we can shut off the outside world. I did this myself until I realized that choosing to PLAY was invigorating/nourishing/energizing, most of all it was THE BEST WAY for me to let go of my day/work/“stresses”.
Sometimes (actually A LOT), my mind would come in and say “your to tired/busy to do any of these things (playing)”, a lot of times I would listen until I started getting fed up with the endless loop of pain and suffering, then I would end up forcing myself up/out to do something fun (play). Every time I “forced” (eventually it’s not forced) myself to get up/out and do something FUN I would all the sudden find/feel myself SO HAPPY with NOTHING bothering me, I was able to see/feel that play was a great way to open my heart, as I opened my heart I was able to see/feel things in my life differently from a higher perspective.
This was a GAME CHANGER as I was so not a person to Play back before I truly awakened. Life was serious, I made jokes a lot but was just avoiding my own pain and suffering. I had a story that playing meant I wasn’t being productive and it was keeping me from my adult duties… ya, that’s all a bunch of nonsense that we take/took in from others. Truly it’s conditioning/programming taken in from the outside world/matrix and is opposite to what our souls require…
Truthfully playing is FREEDOM!!!
We were taught not to play as adults because if we kept playing we would not be so down about life, instead we would appreciate life and we would be staying in more alignment/centred/happy. So life/reality/matrix got more busy and more busy on purpose to the point everyone requires two jobs to survive and has to work extremely hard to have the things (material items) they desire that they feel brings happiness. Vacations become a very short lived play session for some but that’s only a week or two out of 365 days (going linear to make a point) and for others is the further choice of self medication (partying/avoiding life) which is even more exhausting than daily life to which NO/ZERO alignment/connection is found.
Our mission is to Remember how to Play, to bring this beautiful action/choice back into our lives, to allow ourselves to HAVE FUN instead of feeling like we “can’t” or don’t have “time” or it’s “wrong” to do. We are meant to BREAK these old patterns/programs/beliefs/stories/identities and CREATE new Higher Vibrational pathways… this is a HUGE part of how we Remember WHO we are, through play we open up the portal to our TRUE SELF/HIGHER HEART within WAITING to be REMEMBERED.
Playing leads to Opening up our heart/inner child/Truth…
Find/Feel/Remember how to play as Feels Good for YOU and your entire world will begin to open up in all new Expansive ways cultivating/remembering/igniting your Creative Center within. If you feel fear/reluctance/resistance to play, take a look at those programs/beliefs/stories as they are blocking your choice to have fun. Get rid of the lower beliefs/identities/stories and begin Taking Your Power Back by simply choosing to PLAY, be HAPPY and INjoy…
I LOVE YOU….!! INjoy yourselves and most of all HAVE FUN…😍🥳🤩💖☃️🥁🌴