Close your eyes, relax, release any and all tension throughout the body. Allow yourself to receive the powerful rememberings and activations through your entire being, Allow all to simply fall away as you remember the way back to your Heart Centre.
We are in powerful times of change inside and outside ourselves and life can get very overwhelming at times. It’s important to take what I call “inward time”, eyes closed and relaxed shutting off from the outside world to connect with ourselves (higher self/heart) to create peaceful and loving change and shifts in our lives through conscious growth and awareness.
Along the way through life we ended up loosing/closing off the deep connection to ourselves through our Big Beautiful and Powerful Hearts, we stopped TRUSTING ourselves, our FEELINGS and our VOICES creating blockages/dysfunctional energy...
The heart Centre is where ALL TRUTH resides, were we CREATE from, where we FEEL EVERYTHING and also where we hold a lot of dysfunctional energy from our lives. It is very important along the journey of self discovery that we enter this powerful space within ourselves and look to see what’s hiding (old stories/beliefs/habits) and pulling us out of alignment.
Use this Powerful Activation to bring yourself into alignment while centering and remembering your heart through being present to the energy being shared. Use it as often as you like to bring you into a deep state of peace and connection within your heart/self.
Breathe into your heart Centre (heart 💚chakra) in the middle of your chest and feel what comes up for you while allowing yourself to fall deeper and deeper into a relaxed state of being.
These activations can be used over and over with the intention of connecting more deeply to your heart and remembering why you are here on earth in these POWERFUL times. Intentions are powerful and are creating what is to come forth in your existence, remembering we are very powerful creators that have forgotten these simple tools. I encourage you to create and use different intentions for absolutely anything and everything in your life. Watch your entire life shift just from using intentions and allowing them to come to fruition without getting your worries/fears/beliefs in the way.
Scroll back through the Sharing Forum and you will find a posts about Love and Self Love as well as a powerful Video I created to remind you what TRUE LOVE and SELF LOVE really are and how it feels to embody this pure frequency.
With deep gratitude and sacred respect, I thank you for being you!
Keep shining your BIG BEAUTIFUL LIGHT 🤍💜❤️