The profound journey home to Re Embodying and Remembering Self Love!
Self Love is a very potent and powerful topic!
The only reason we don’t love ourself and who we are is because we hold conditions to what love is.
If you read my post the other day about “Love”, then you will remember I spoke of a conditional love.
As I mentioned, True Love holds NO conditions what so ever. True Love hold no stories, no shame, no blame, no guilt, no fear, no judgement, no embarrassment...
True Love is Raw and Real!
Self Love is Love, they are ONE!
To achieve self love we must start to remember Love in its true essence of purity.
To do this we must release the conditions we hold to love, receiving love and giving love.
When we talk about self love we are speaking of the relationship with ourself.
Why is our relationship with ourself so negative and defeating?
The main reason for this is Conditions!
We Jude ourselves and accept judgements from others, we criticize ourselves for the what’s how’s, why’s, we beat ourselves down for what others have said or believe about us, we condemn ourselves for certain actions and experiences past and present not realizing they were an experience to be had and not an accident.
Why are doing this to ourselves, how and why did we become so hard on ourselves?
It starts when we are kids, we are born into the physical world as pure Light and Love.
We aren’t able to take care for ourselves when we are born and that’s where our parents grandparents, guardians, foster or step parents come in. Some sort of adult figure steps in to guide us through life in whatever capacity.
As this happens we start take on traits from the person or persons watching over us. As children we are looking out with wide eyes completely fresh and innocent fully trusting that everything being given and received is true and correct. To be honest we don’t even know what trust is at this point, we are born so pure and innocent that we accept everything as the way it should be. This is were we pick up learned behaviours. We watch with wide eyes taking everything in and now becoming these traits that we see in people everyday. Why wouldn’t we? We don’t know any different.
So, now we are taking on our parental figures traits as ours (learned behaviours).
It is important to remember at this point that our parents or parental figures had done the same thing. They picked up learned behaviours, beliefs etc... from their parents and so on and so on... now add the fact the our parental figures grew up and went to school as we most likely would have, we had friends, teachers, coaches and more influencers in our life.
Now we are being taught and influenced by many other people in our life. There is also tv, movies, books, internet etc that contribute to the influencing. Now we are picking up more and more and starting to question certain beliefs we hold or our parents hold etc. We are forced to start questioning things for ourselves because different people are having different opinions and beliefs about the same things.
At this point we are starting to fend or feel for ourselves, we are seeing many sides and now must find our own way. Sometimes it’s easier for us to just keep believing what we are taught by our parents because we usually trust them more then others we don’t know.
Sometimes that just doesn’t feel good.
So we allow ourselves to listen to our body and the way we feel about something. We start to feel that something is off with our entire being and we just say No, that doesn’t work for me, I don’t feel good about that or it just doesn’t feel rite.
Yay, we felt something and used our voice!
We will be happy excited and proud that we felt for ourselves and have found our own way or feeling etc, we may sit with it for a bit then we tell our parents or friends or whomever we trust in excitement. Or it just comes up one day in conversation or through an experience.
Now here is where things start to get interesting!
We are finally starting to find our own way and using our voice to express our truth and feeling. We are excited to share our new found expression so we share it with someone.
A few things can happen here and they will shape how and what we carry forward.
Sometimes when we share, the other person or persons can get offended or get their back up to what is being spoken. They have a different view and belief. They shut us down saying “nope, that’s not the way” or “you are wrong” or “my god, who told you that”.
They then speak their version and you are now sitting their feeling shut down, possibly wrong and confused and more... You’ve spoken from your heart with excitement for yourself and just been shut down and or told you are wrong.... It just doesn’t feel good and sometimes it’s taken everything we have to even share it.
Here is were we start to not trust ourselves, our feeling and our voice. This is where we start building and creating stories about ourselves.
For me this is when I started telling myself I was stupid or dumb, didn’t know anything... I started being hard on myself and started closing off not wanting to share my voice or opinion or belief in fear of getting shut down. I started listening to everyone and everything outside myself as I always felt “wrong”.
I was not trusting myself and how I felt anymore, I was just taking everything everyone said as truth and then regurgitating it.
What has happened here is someone else’s ego and view point were imposed over your own feeling and truth. Usually in this moment we except the other persons view as truth because we are young and feel we should listen or don’t know any better etc.... even if it doesn’t feel rite.
In this moment we are shutting down our own feeling and belief that we felt good about, this shuts down the voice. Over time this keeps happening and happening in different ways and situations and we literally cower in fear of our own voice. Getting shut down never feels good and unfortunately most of us weren’t taught to ALWAYS speak our truth and to ALWAYS trust our true feelings and act on them. We allowed our voice to get shut down, stoped listening, trusting and feeling, started listening and excepting everything outside of us.
It just kept happening because we didn’t know any other way.
As we begin to shut ourself down from feeling and trusting ourself we build walls and stories. These stories now begin to shape our belief in ourself and the way we think feel and act (identity). We are still young at this point, we have many years of more people places and things (experiences) to come and help shape who we are.
Because we have created and held onto these stories they become our identity and reality.
This is were the root of Self Love deficiency begins to form.
Self Love defincency or being self love deficient is a direct result of the old stories (identity) we created and hold, we become these stories and these stories create the conditions we hold to the word, action and feeling of Love.
The only reason we struggle with finding self love is because we are full of stories that don’t exist anymore. They are in the past and should be left their. I wrote a powerful post last week called “releasing the past/everything is a story”. I suggest to go back and re read and activate after reading this post, it will be powerful.
The fact is if you feel you are self love deficient you are holding onto old outdated stories of yourself that Most likely have been carried from a younger age stuffed away and now are a part of your identity.
We can easily and unconsciously turn the stories into victim stories like it all “happened to us” this is not true or real. Our minds will have us believe that everything happens TO us.
The mind creates and lives in fear, judgement, shame, blame and guilt. It’s all it knows! So yes it will make us believe everything is happening to us...
The moment we stopped trusting our own feelings, truth and voice, we gave our power away to our mind/ego and said “go for it, take control, I don’t trust myself, please do this for me.”
At this point we started looking outseide of ourself for absolutely everything. All knowledge started being taken in from outside of us. We basically shut down and gave our power away without knowing. This has happened on a global scale to the point that most don’t understand themselves enough that we have to go to a “Doctor” person that doesn’t know us or our past or anything about us for that matter, to get answers about our internal self mentally and physically. We allow them to “figure us out” and then we say, “ok, that’s what’s wrong with me”!....
yay, I have an answer! Wooooo!!
Does that even feel good to read?
We give our power away to someone that has NO idea of who we are, they only know what we tell them. I might add that what we tell them is not usually truth, it’s a false truth coming from years of built up stories with some truth mixed in. Yet, chances are we don’t and didn’t know this.
If we knew everything I’m telling you rite now we most likely wouldn’t even be dealing with the situations. But we are, and they are not an accident. We created these situations so we could come full circle to remember our way out. This is Self Madtety at the highest level.
This is why we are here! It’s Earth School!
Everything is an experience, everything out of alignment can be put back into alignment.
It is our birth rite to Remember all of this, it’s our birth rite to be fully abundant, fully conscious and in full alignment!🌍✨💯
As we remember, we embody these truths! As we embody, we emanate this back to the collective through our anchored truth.
We are it! Everything is a remembering!
So now that we are remembering, how do we move forward and find the self love for ourselves?
We start to uncover everything out of alignment.
Some examples,
For me I didn’t like the way I looked, I thought I was ugly. Where did that come from?
I made that story up myself when I was young. I was insecure and didn’t believe in myself because I allowed myself to believe or take on another persons judgements beliefs or feelings. I listened to everyone and thing outside myself and trusted it all over my own feelings.
The amount of times I got called “stupid” or an “idiot” or asked “who told you that” was enough for me to start creating building and believing the story that I was stupid and knew nothing, I was wrong about everything and should just keep my mouth shut. So I started to be the funny kid, created the new identity of “if I’m fun and funny that will take away from being stupid”. Lol, it doesn’t even make any sense, but I let that story sit with me into my 40’s. It was part of my identity until I stared doing deep work on myself. Of course over the years I knew I wasn’t completely stupid or an idiot. I started trusting myself and stopped listening to others much less, started getting straight facts but I had stopped trusting and believing people in the process. I allowed my own fears and stories I created to create more fears and stories.
I could go on and on and on..... Thing is, even though I felt I had let some things go it was all still entangled in my story.
The fact is, they were ALL stories I adopted, told myself and I created, NONE of them were real, I made them real and I kept them alive and they had to be cleared out and released.
Receiving Judgement and judging ourselves plays a big part in the negative self defeating false stories we replay to and about ourselves.
Sometimes we are judged, it doesn’t matter who it was we usually take it to heart and let it become a story for us. Especially if it’s from someone close or you hold dear to you.
Judgement is toxic! I have written about it in previous posts. The instant we decide to except a judgement, we have started building a story.
People are great at throwing judgement and criticism around when they don’t truly understand from all angles.
It’s up to us to receive or dismiss them.
We always have a choice!
We most likely felt to weak and couldn’t use our voice to say “No, you don’t have the rite to judge me”!
Sometimes we don’t realize that the person judging us or yelling at us or calling us names or bullying us is actually the one that they are speaking to.
We don’t realize they are yelling or name calling or judging themselves. They have stuff going on in there lives and they feel the need to take it all out on other people. Then “we the other people” just blindly receive the negativity and take it on for ourselves. This is why it is important for us to be present and aware of ourself, our feelings, our truth and our voice. When we are trusting our feelings, voice and truth we can see through the other persons energy make an appropriate response rather than curling into a ball and taking what doesn’t belong to us. I will venture to say we have all been a culprit to this form of abusive behaviour in some shape or form in our lives.
Now that we have started to uncover the stories we hold, we must work on Consciously clearing and releasing them from our energy body so we don’t cause more dis-ease keeping us out of alignment and balance.
Remember, the stories are what created the conditions.
So now it’s about being present and aware of what’s coming up in our daily life towards our feeling about ourself. Catching it, journaling it or jotting down the feeling or old story. Working through the clearing and release of the story through feeling and letting it go from a higher conscious perspective. Realizing it was always our choice and now that we are aware it is now our responsibility to release.
I have written other posts on releasing the past, through letter burning etc.. look back and I’ve left a trail of goodies and written a book that when all put together actually show you the way (remember) how to release your past through a conscious journey of self discovery, remembering your power within.
Now that we’ve got a good feeling and sense of why we lack self love for ourselves.
Let’s do a couple exercises to help us feel and see where we hold the stories, shame, blame, guilt and judgement to ourselves.
Get yourself in front of a mirror so you can look into your own eyes and if possible the rest of your body.
Grab a journal or piece of paper and pen to write down what comes up for each. Don’t be shy about writhing down what comes up, it’s all for you and your growth.
How did you feel reading that you would have to look into your own eyes and at your body?
Look in the mirror and gaze into your own eyes with a big smile.
How does it feel? What feeling or feelings come up?
Now look into your eyes and say “I Love Myself”. How did that feel?
Now look at each body part, piece by piece saying “I love you arms”, I love you nose, I love you teeth, I love you smile and so on.
Make sure to turn and say this to all body part even on back of you.
How do they feel?
As you look in the mirror and say these things to yourself, feel where the love comes from, where pain comes from, feel where the shame and blame comes from, feel the guilt and the judgements from self and others... it’s all rite there. All the stories have been replaying in our head our entire lives from the moment they were created.
We just got really great at shutting them down and burying them. That’s why they run so deep, we’ve been avoiding the (energy) stories so intensely over and over they just want to get out and be dealt with. They are trapped in a cage and want out so to speak. They aren’t trying to pull you down and ruin your day or life.
Things only come to are awareness because they want to be dealt with. We are magical and powerful beings and we don’t give ourselves enough credit (Remrmber).
Most of us were not taught any of this at any point in our lives unless we searched out for the information through teachings, workshops, books, guidance or through our own journey of remembering. So it’s Very important to go easy on yourself, a lot can come up that doesn’t feel good.
Remember it’s all past stories. It’s not happening rite now, it will feel real and intense like it’s happening rite now. That’s because we shut it down without dealing with it, so the energy of that exact moment was buried with it. That’s why it can seem so fearful. It can and must be let go through conscious clearing and releasing.
You’ve got this!
We’ve all got this!
I’ve worked through this, so I know with all of my being that YOU can to!
We are all here to show each other the way.
There is nothing that we created that is bigger than us. We have the power to resolve and release absolutely Anything and Everything out of alignment.💯🌍
This is why we are here, to Remember!
In Truth Love, Honor and Respect for each and every one of your journeys 🌞
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍💯
Ps after reading this I suggest drinking plenty of water and resting with it. Close your eyes and do some deep breathing, allow yourself to Activate and receive the Rememberings.
Re reading is great way to really feel the power of what was transmitted. Everytime you read or re read any of my posts they will open up more and more and more. Gifts that keep on giving as everything is quantum, infinite and It’s how all works. 🔮✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨