Question everything! Full tilt! Nonstop! Everything must go and everything must flow!
If it’s not built on or created from love, it will not flow!
Many More Surprises...
Voice, Choice, Truth and Enough is Enough continuing Very strong through until the end of December, individually and collectively.....These are the major themes I see/feel for the next few months.....
This will be a very potent passageway to say the least.
So much has come and still coming to the surface individually and collectively.
It’s been the most energized, power packed, explosive, enlightening, expanding and contracting month I have ever seen/felt or experienced.
For myself the theme song as I woke up for a couple weeks was “I’m coming out” lol hilarious to wake up to, yet so powerful as it couldn’t be more true or real in my existence. 🙂
This entire month for me personally has been spent anchoring and embodying the massive amount of codes coming through for all to embrace/utilize/anchor and embody. These codes I speak of are energetically charged and they are meant to do and facilitate many many things within our human vessels (energetic body) and will be experienced much differently depending on where we are along our journeys. Some of these include awakening (sleeping/dormant) DNA (rememberings), activating new awarenesses, pulling up (density) dense energy stuck in the (energy body) as dysfunctional and corrupted beliefs, learned behaviours, old stories (past “traumas” and “painful” events that haven’t been realigned from a higher awareness), very wild vivid dreams (astral travel/past life visions), lots of work being done in sleep state, sleep times changing all over the place, waking in the middle of the night around 3 am, magical visions/moments and memories flooding through. These are just a few of the many things that these powerful codes/portals/gateways help us feel/see and experience. So much has come in this month and so much more constantly coming 24/7.
I integrate and assimilate all of the information and then I am able to anchor and embody this new information allowing me to then share with you via these messages, writings and videos I post.
August was what many call the month of the “8-8 Lions gate” it is the most potent and powerful passageway of the entire year, other than December into New Year 2021 which will be the most powerful transit all of humanity will have ever experienced. If the phrase lions gate resonates with you or you found yourself seeing lots of 8’s, 2’s, 11:11 you were definitely feeling the lions gate energy calling you.
Numbers come through very powerfully to start getting our attention. I won’t get much into it here, other than guide you to search out 8-8 lions gate portal for yourself and follow the white rabbit so to speak. For the purpose of speaking to it I will reference that it is a passageway we enter as Gaia-Earth cosmically aligns with the star Sirius opening up a massive Ascension portal giving us all mega powerful wide open access to accelerating our own individual and collective Ascension journeys. If this all sounds new to you that’s great, it just means it’s time for your soul to remember :).
August is and has ALWAYS been one of the most powerful months of the year for unprecedented inner and outer conscious growth on a personal and collective level. Yet this August 2020 is and was the most potent and powerful period of ALL of our existences... I will guarantee a TON of things/experiences/old wounds/behaviors/old stories/traumas/habits have come up for review for each and every person alive on this planet. I will also guarantee there are a ton of magical/cosmic/conscious/enlightening love filled moments being seen/felt and experienced by all in some way shape or form.
I will guarantee all of our outer worlds (lives) are being shaken, poked and pushed in all directions, being forced to be a part of things that do not resonate with our heart and soul, being forced to participate in separation games of the highest magnitude, divide and conquer behaviour, fed lies from the trusted and all to facilitate much bigger and darker agendas filled with greed, domination, power over others just to name a few. Being conditioned to take life now (current state of the world) as the new norm keeping the masses drenched in fear, separation, anxiety, judgement of each other and their surroundings all to keep control.
!Everything must go and Everything must flow!
This is just the beginning, the corruption currently being exposed around the globe is going to be the next MASSIVE phase of this global “halt/Awakening” currently in progress.
All I will say is there are many deep dark and sinister agendas being played out and being powerfully brought into the light by the very people that have been trusted and put in place to be trusted by the mass public. This is and will be MASSIVE and on a global Scale... it will shake each person to the core of their very humanity, some if not all will be very tough to digest at first. This is how it is meant to happen, it is the only way the entire population of earth can see/feel/experience the entirety and magnitude of lies, corruption and control being played out on a global scale for many, many, many generations of life....
This year 2020 is the year of VISION!
We have all been “switched on” to feel everything so to speak so we could all begin our process of remembering through “feeling” everything that doesn’t feel good or resonate with our hearts and truths as well as massive moments of expanded consciousness. This is why everything is coming up so powerfully now.
From January till present we have been being pushed and poked energetically to see/feel and release all that no longer resonates in our lives in a sort of progression so we could get to this point of NOW. This point of now being the last few months of the most powerful year in existence that will expose all that needs to be seen to facilitate ALL of our highest growth and expansion. This happens effortlessly now as EGO can NO LONGER rule on this planet, It is impossible. The tables have taken a MASSIVE turn ever since your beautiful loving Earth Mother- Gaia has ascended herself to a 12 Dimensional earth. What this simply means that our planet we live on, has decided she had enough of the EGO experience destroying her and ripping the souls of her children away through power and domination... She then started her transition to fully ascend herself opening up the pathway for all her children to (remember their way home, ascending their consciousness and physical being back to the original templates of purity, love, truth and compassion... This is facilitated by clearing and releasing ALL (density, old stories, traumas, experiences, dysfunctional beliefs, learned behaviors) and the control of the “EGO” which is everything that stems from FEAR, judgement, control, chaos, power over others, me me mine, shame, blame, guilt, victim etc... it comes through us (every single human) releasing all of the above and while doing that we are (remembering), creating and rebuilding from a much higher awareness of Love, truth, purity, compassion and gratitude that we begin to anchor and hold as our truth (awakening/Ascension). The only reason anything in your outer world (life) looks or feels “bad”, “sad”, “horrible” or out of alignment is because of what you hold inside as your truths, beliefs, learned behaviors etc (density/energy/programming). The current stories/beliefs we allow ourselves to hold are what dictate the way we view the outside world. When we shift our entire being by releasing all that no longer serves our souls (old stories and beliefs) and “doesn’t feel good” stories we will no longer see the outside world as “bad, sad, horrible” or with a jaded view. You will then only see the old stories and jaded views of others and know that they are working towards remembering their own way home in their own time and space too.
You will hear me speak of “New Earth” more and more, this is something that is birthed from within us as we shed, clear and release all the stories, experiences and beliefs that block us from our new earth existence. Anything that doesn’t serve truth, love, honor, respect, compassion, gratitude and unity consciousness must be let go, released and realigned to birth and experience a New Earth existence. It comes from holding (anchoring and embodying) our highest version of ourselves ALWAYS! This takes much dedication and willingness to want to have a beautiful life free of EGO and CONTROL. It is the Game Changer, Yet this is a journey that must be taken by each and every individual that wants to move forward.
None of the work will or can be done by anyone else. This is a belief and it is a belief that will have you in loops looking for someone or something to come and save you, which is victim, victim = ego and means we are avoiding our own self work that WE came here to do for OURSELVES... Yet this is a remembering that comes as we do the inner work, going all in because we don’t want to feel the pain, shame, guilt or “hell on earth” version of life anymore. It’s a choice and it’s up to each and every one of us to make that choice and embody that choice.
Every human being on this planet is being pushed/forced through the release of the EGO. It is what I call the “human condition”. We came in with amnesia so we could eventually in the perfect moment switch the feelers back on, see/feel we had fully given our power away to the mind-ego and everything outside ourselves shutting down our own intuitive guidance system. Then beginning the remembering process which beautifully and powerfully begins to show us the magnitude of power we actually hold individually and collectively. I speak of the power to create, uplift, inspire, guide, assist, empower and support our brothers and sisters all over the world through our own willingness to push through the veils OURSELVES. As we release the dysfunction we begin to embody new truths, these new truths ripple out into existence through our own energy as we walk, talk and breath because they become who we are.
EVERYTHING must go, EVERYTHING must flow🌪
We are ALL NEW EARTH! ❤️🌎❤️
You have EVERYTHING you need inside of you to bring yourself through your MAGICAL journey.
REMEMBERING your way home to a fully conscious and magical life where we create and live from purity, the magic of love truth, compassion and gratitude because we released all that bound us to lower versions of life through the density we once held (stories/beliefs...)
Fear is us allowing the mind to make up FALSE stories or outcomes that don’t even exist “scaring” “fearing” you from your goal or destination. The EGO-mind doesn’t want to loose control so it’s going to create lots of fear stories and scenarios on top of all the other fear stories (agendas) being purposely pushed around the planet right now to keep us from evolving, speaking our truth and taking our power back.
Stand for what you truly believe in, not what you were told to believe!
Trust your true feelings inside (gut/intuition) over what doesn’t resonate.
You are ALLOWED to have a voice and choice!
You are ALLOWED to feel and believe whatever you want, It is your birth right!!
You are ALLOWED to stand up for what you believe in without being SHUT DOWN!
You are ALLOWED to NOT take on another persons judgements or beliefs over your own because it’s not their life, it’s YOURS...!
Remember, a new version of earth and life are right inside waiting for you. It all comes and “birthed” through each one of us, our hard work and determination to have the most beautiful, loving and pure life we have ever dreamed of and then some.....
Yes it’s going to be a rollercoaster of a ride, yes it’s going to require us to meet our own “darkness” we created and took on. Yes every single thing in our lives will come up for review and realignment over time. Yes we will have to go into the “deep “pain and hurt that we buried (density) deep throughout our lives. It’s the only way and it is ALL that us blocking you from everything you truly desire.
This is where compassion and patience for ourselves and our process come in. This work rips us to the core of our being (contractions) on purpose to bring up what no longer works or resonates on a soul level for us to see/feel and release. The reason this happens is because we are not dealing with it ourselves (avoiding/burying). It’s really easy to just follow the old way or routine trying to push away or stuff down what came up, yet you will find that this just doesn’t work anymore. It will feel very uncomfortable to work in the old ways anymore as it is meant to have us shift and find a more conscious way to work through things, not throw it all to the side or push it all away for later.
This is your Earth Mother Gaia energetically helping you along your process to a beautiful life full of love, truth, compassion, peace by forcing it all up. This will be happening NONSTOP/FULL TILT so to speak until end of the year to get us all really cleaned out for a massive RESET/UPGRADE for all of humanity. This is a beautiful thing and ultimately what everyone has been asking for. Holding the intention of compassion and patience for yourself as you traverse these waters, will be your key to moving through with more ease and grace as well as learning to trust the process. It will and can seem crazy, it’s 💯% supposed to be this way. It’s about releasing ALL the control and power we have given to our ego and mind over our lives.
On the other side of this come massive expansions (visions, experiences, dream states, cosmic connections, magic moments) which will bring all kinds of joy, enlightenment, love, peace, higher awareness and growth. You will have EXPLOSIVE heart 🤍 expansions feeling so happy and excited like you are walking on the clouds, moments of profound clarity and possibly seeing/feeling things that haven’t even happened yet... These are the expanded views and moments to be remembered when being pulled into a contraction or contracted state to feel (shake loose) the dysfunctional stories, beliefs etc. we hold inside . The contractions pull us into our dysfunction, eventually we see our way to start remembering the expansions, remembering the expansions will end up bringing us through the contractions. It’s really tough at first to not just get stuck in our own stories. Yet with willingness and determination we change the game, realizing if we don’t start changing the game for ourselves, it never changes.
These next three months will be the most potent and powerful energies, portals and passageways we have ever felt and experienced. It is GAME ON/NONSTOP from here on in as it is meant to. This requires Full surrender and willingness to move forward. Everyone will be in a different space and place and it is important that we stay focused on OUR own journey not the journeys of others. The ego will want to keep us busy outside ourselves, yet this journey is an INSIDE job!😉☺️🌸
I love you all so much!!!!
Sending out Mega Tons of Love, Gratitude and Respect to all of you for your willingness and determination along your beautiful and powerful journeys!
We are all the change, it comes through each one of us doing our work and breaking through the veils of false truths and amnesia!
Looking forward to sharing more videos and powerful posts as soon as highest aligned. I spent the entire month of August anchoring/embodying and integrating the intensity of new codes coming forth. It requires me to be/see/feel with all of my being while accomplishing what I can in between. Most of my energy has being put into nature, connecting, foraging, learning, creating, merging.
Most of all just playing in the magic that surrounds us.
We are the bringers of change, the wayshowers, the trailblazers, the light, the bringers of PEACE, TRUTH, COMPASSION and LOVE🥰🔮💯🌎🌻😁☮️❤️