New Earth frequencies pouring through the human collective Activating subtle/profound/expansive Rememberings/codes within. Remembering that New Earth isn’t a place we visit but rather a frequency we Embody from within through daily inner work CHOOSING to work through the density/programming/conditioning presenting itself daily, Integrating/Acclimating/Anchoring Holding our highest , Acting as our highest, Speaking as our highest and LIVING as our Highest Aspect Always.
Our aspects being higher versions of ourselves which there are many to Remember/Integrate/Embody…
New Earth comes through in every act/choice/decision made from higher consciousness, choosing to CARE about everything coming up in your reality knowing it’s all part of your reality and that you can shift ANYTHING/EVERYTHING Higher by choosing to want to see yourself and what you have created and called/magnetized to yourself for higher conscious growth/expansion.
Every moment is a POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY to SHIFT UP and CHOOSE to Live from our HIGHEST HEARTS/TRUTHS in every act/breath/choice/decision.
PRESENCE and OBSERVATION are the KEY to seeing/feeling EVERYTHING, the more we choose/intend to see ourselves for who we really are and acknowledge what we’ve created the higher up we go and the more we work through willingly, which makes it all MUCH EASIER. The more we avoid/resist/fight the process the “harder” it becomes. Consciousness is a choice to WANT TO SEE/KNOW/ACT/DO, Avoiding is the choice to be UNCONSCIOUS.
Choose LOVE over ego, choose TRUTH over manipulation, choose to want to SEE YOURSELF/KNOW YOURSELF for who/what you’ve created, choose New Earth by walking into your Fears/Programming/Conditioning/Traumas/Density and then CHOOSE TO RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/CLEAR/ALIGN it all from your reality because YOU WANT TO, not because you have to.
It’s all about how you choose to view everything presenting itself that shows you where your functioning from which is either ego/programming/conditioning or Heart/Truth/DNA/Knowing. You have a choice to function from either one in every single experience, what will you choose…
It’s a choose your own adventure, one way is more painful while the other is much more easy/freeing/expansive.
Remember the FREQUENCIES pouring through are only going to keep AMPLIFYING to push forward the COLLECTIVE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY out of the illusion. Which means that all your dysfunction/density is being “forced” up so you can see/feel/choose to TAKE ACTION.
The more “time”/space/energy you consciously by CHOICE put into you and your process, the more AWESOME/EXPANSIVE everything becomes within and around you.😉
I’m Deep Respect and Appreciation for ALL of your sacred journeys,
I LOVE YOU…!!💖✨🦋