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Spirituality vs Consciousness, There’s a BIG Difference…!

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

I felt it very important to share this understanding as we are in times of great change and with great change comes new understandings.

We are starting to see feel and realize that we (humanity) have been manipulated on a GRAND SCALE and this is by no accident. We are beginning to understand that all of the systems we conform to and live within like school, financial, government, food, medical are corrupt in some way shape or form. Why, because they were built with the intention of limiting humanity from there true power and potential. Some find this hard to believe or do not want to believe it yet it’s happening very clearly and openly right in front of all our noses… it’s not an accident and it’s definitely not a normal or natural happening. It’s a full on assault/attack on human consciousness. Some are still waking up to this truth as to see it one must listen to there gut saying something doesn’t FEEL right and then question it. Truth is, many have given there power away to life, given in and given up, just don’t care anymore because life got to hard and it was easier to just become the victim to it all then stand up to it. No judgement, we’ve been born into corrupted broken systems with the intent of suppressing human consciousness for thousands of years… this is not anything new.

Next question becomes,

Why would anyone want to do something like this….?

The answer is quite simple……!

We humans as a species are so POWERFUL beyond measure that there are no words in existence to properly describe it. We each hold the answers to ALL of existence, life on this beautiful Earth and the entire Universe right inside our very own DNA. We are such POWERFUL CREATORS that we believe things into reality, we create experiences through choice for the purpose of our growth and Remembering, we see and know absolutely EVERYTHING before it happens through feeling, we are made of energy and truly do not die as we have been told, we are timeless and infinite and we are born from the frequency of LOVE.

In truth we ARE the Universe!

Why were we not taught any of this in school or growing up….?

Don’t you feel that might be THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to know as we come into this world…. I mean it’s pretty amazing and sounds like a movie or fairy tale right…

That’s exactly what they want you to believe and they’ve done it well since the beginning of time, it’s also why theatre and movies exist…

Next question becomes how would they keep us from ever finding out something SO BIG…?


Create Time, Money, Sickness, Fear, Dis-Ease……….

Rule by fear having people believe that life is “naturally” horrible, have them constantly wonder why they are alive because it’s so painful to exist going against our natural state that we don’t even realize we are being hidden from.

Then create a Religion that has you give your power away to a “God” that somehow holds power over you. You create “sin” and make people judge themselves taking the human as far away from there True journey and Power they came here to REMEMBER, the key here is Remember. Judging ourselves and others is one of the most Low Vibrational things we can do to our energy. If religion was conscious or “the way” I’ll say right here that it would NEVER EVER have you judge yourself or anyone else EVER… it would be telling you the complete opposite. Also the “sin” is actually just an experience we needed to have so we can consciously grow, the experience will keep happening until we catch ourselves and make different choices understanding why. That’s not a sin no matter what it is, that is an experience for our conscious growth. Two VERY different things with two VERY different outcomes….

We’ve been taught everything backwards…

REMEMBERING is the KEY to our DNA and ACTUAL reason for being alive in this Earth Reality. We are meant to Remember our way back HOME through our DNA to our naturally intended state of Quantum Consciousness. Thing is, if we aren’t guided there or given the space and freedom to listen and find it, we will NEVER EVER feel and remember it. Although it will keep trying to push through inside to push us into what is called an “AWAKENING”, we end up being so programmed and conditioned away from it all that most never allow themselves to remember.

This is and was very well known by the “people” that want to block us from our True Reality.

For some reason they are bent on world domination and control, no sense of love, truth, oneness, sharing and caring. The only thing that works for them is death and despair, chaos, fear and lies…. It’s just like the movies, they have PURE EVIL intentions and don’t see it any other way. They pass it down through generations through ritualistic beliefs and sacrifices…. That’s what keeps them so FAR AWAY from there natural states of Love and awakening. Doing evil things on purpose especially to other humans, the Earth, animals etc… takes us the complete opposite way of awakening, holding the lowest possible vibration and trying to push and pull others to play with it….. They live for death and chaos as we live for Truth, Love and Life…

Keeping the world in constant states of fear and chaos keeps people lost believing they must fit into the systems even when they don’t feel good. Beaten down over time and purposefully kept away from your highest truth you eventually give in. That’s exactly what’s been going on for thousands of years since they created time for control.

This is why they created the school system. It wasn’t to teach us good things… in truth we’ve already got the answers to ALL of existence inside us, we don’t need to be schooled.

So what would be the purpose of school…?

You guessed it…. INDOCTRINATION..!

TELL them they are meaningless and powerless taking away there will to live, then GIVE them the solution … the “information” you WANT them to believe (false reality).

When you’ve created a false reality and now are pushing it to the masses as they feel they are powerless for thousands of years….

Well…… look no further because here we are..!

This is called a “war on consciousness”.

Everything they are doing is meant to stifle our growth or means to REMEMBER, and I mean EVERYTHING…

It was well know that some would Awaken even through all the lies, fear, programming and conditioning. It was also VERY well known how Powerful we are and that it was going to take A LOT to block us from our true journey of Awakening and Remembering. Why, because it’s the ENTIRE reason we CHOSE to be born into this Earth Reality. This is why they vaccinate children so heavily since the invention of needles and even more now days then ever, it’s to block the human consciousness.

They saw that religion wasn’t being excepted by everyone that could still feel and act for themselves, they knew once some awaken they share with others and that sparks the person to Remember. Even if it’s little bits of Remembering the soul feels it’s truth and can’t shake it. This causes a rift in the plan of keeping people lost and confused and they can’t have that or they could end up with a bunch of awakened souls now awakening others, and so on and so on until they loose there power and control they worked so tirelessly for over the years.

This meant that something needed to be done to stop these Awakened ones from spreading the truth. What better way to do it then to create the opposite of religion, religion has people look outside themselves giving there power away to an outside force never realizing there own Real Truth.

So what would be the opposite to that..?


Awakening itself means awakening to the lies of the outer illusion/world and feeling the truth from within, the journey is then to go within (connect with our soul) to find all the answers to break free of the lies and illusion of the outer world which leads us to our destined conscious existence.

Awakening is the LAST thing they EVER want us to feel do or even know about as when this happens we take our Lives, Realities and Earth back. Meaning they LOOSE EVERYTHING they’ve worked so hard for…

The complete control of humanity…

Here’s where spirituality comes in….

What better way to stop people from finding the truth then to inject some truth into a MASSIVE pot of lies and confusion calling it “Spirituality”.

“Spirituality” like “Religion” is a belief system created to give our power away. It paved the way for things like “gods”, Deities, Gurus, Teachers and Shamans instead of one God. Because the mystical books “tell” of the great power of these gods, deities, gurus…. we are told or just naturally assume they are more powerful or from another world or planet… we listen to the great stories and we believe with Awe because we have NO IDEA who WE truly are inside and have been hidden from.

When you take away the reason for someone’s existence and make them feel absolutely meaningless, lost, confused and in fear of life you can now shape there very existence.

Now you can use the stories of these so called “gods”, deities, gurus and teachers to lie to the awakening ones. How, you inject truth so it feels good enough to pull them through the lie without them questioning.

Just like the mainstream Mockingbird Media works today.

Why have none of the above (gods, deities, gurus, teachers) taught that you have all the answers inside and the ONLY way out is IN?? That the mind/ego is the block and you must consciously RELEASE them to move through…

Do you find that odd…?

Maybe not, because most don’t even know it’s possible to the extent it is.

Why..? Because they did an AMAZING job at hiding it all.

Ever wonder what’s being so heavily guarded and hidden under the Vatican…?? It will shock your soul sideways when you find out the true teachings to consciousness and our true reason for being here have been hidden at the highest order for thousands of years while false indoctrination ruled the world.

Where did these Mystical stories and teachings come from…?

Where did the Bible come from…?

What came first, the chicken, the egg or both…..???

Where does all the knowledge come from that’s taught at schools..?

Who designed the school system…?

Who created the current medical system…?

Who created Darwinism and who paid for its creation…?

Who re-wrote and deletes our history so we only know the version they want us to know…?

All answers lead down the same path!

Spirituality speaks of gratitude, love, light, ascended masters, magic, tarot cards, ceremonies, energy, vibration, meditation, yoga, chakras, karma… there are many more but some of these are part of the truths to lead us in and some were created to keep us lost.

AND……. within these “teachings” being taught the true topics backwards or givin a lost and confused partial truth so you never really get it but it feels true enough to pull you in.

In truth spirituality has someone believing they must take in “mystical knowledge” from someone above them (teacher) again giving their power away to OUTSIDE knowledge and never being Guided INSIDE to the true destination. We can be taught till the cows come home and always look outside for what is already sitting within, or we can be guided through experience to find and trust it is ALL within. One path gives the power AWAY as the other Empowers the individual

Who wrote the sacred teachings or mystical knowledge we are taking in..?

Why are they telling you to listen and regurgitate what they are “teaching”..? Sounds, feels and looks like a form of school (indoctrination) to me…

Truthfully the ONLY way out is in…!

Taking in “knowledge” outside ourselves from a teacher will

ALWAYS have us lost. Especially if it has levels, a certificate at the end, has you feel or believe you are a teacher/shaman/guru, healer or becoming “enlightened”…. There is ALWAYS some sort of prize dangling at the end that is NEVER found.

This is the “BIG LIE” of spirituality, it has no final destination other than confusion because we are lost in a false reality created/infiltrated by people that never wanted us to FIND the final destination. They talk about 5D but never ever tell you HOW to embody it or get to this space of being. They actually let you believe 5D is a place when it is actually a frequency we embody. Why is this…? Because they haven’t made it yet..!

The truths have been taught backwards so it just never ever makes sense until you are GUIDED to let it all go by someone who has done it already or find that within yourself along your powerful journey.

I know this can be a tough one to take in as some have put all there eggs in the spiritual basket so to speak, spending A LOT of time tears and money so we could become enlightened and have a better life, I was once one of them.

Here’s my truth,

Spirituality is a badge we wear that says we have taken in a bunch of different beliefs and belief systems that we BELIEVE are taking us closer and closer to enlightenment. In reality spirituality has been purposefully taking us further and further from our True destination of full consciousness by filling us with confused truths mixed with lies. All this is doing is creating a false reality (spiritual ego) and more belief systems to have to break down and release. A bunch of people with good intentions running around regurgitating and pushing false truths and lies as “the path to enlightenment”.

They switched the word consciousness out and put enlightenment in which kept us lost looking for answers that can ONLY be found within through releasing the lies of enlightenment.

Enlightenment as used in today's spiritual world means to be filled/enlightened with outside knowledge from teachers/gurus... as consciousness is to REMEMBER the truth of life and existence from within.

Spirituality has some good pieces but most get jaded because they are taught and understood backwards, mixed with false truths leading to nowhere which is Unconscious to begin with.

Consciousness is an energetic state we EMBODY through taking a deep and profound journey to release ALL the lies, indoctrination, fear, ego, mind, traumas and dysfunctional energy (Unconsciousness) taken in through our entire lives, which is almost EVERYTHING we have ever learned since birth.

Consciousness is Embodying the Universe INSIDE ourselves as ONE with all of existence. You "learn" nothing from the outside, instead you are GUIDED to go within, shut off the mind and find EVERYTHING through your purest highest heart as it is the only way home.

As we can see and feel spirituality and consciousness are like oil and water. One was corrupted to keep us FROM reaching our final destination and the other takes us straight home through Trust, Love, Feeling and Truth TO our destination.

Once you awaken you only require a Guide that has done it already to share the simple way home and keep guiding you back inside to find your own answers.

If someone is identifying as a healer/channeling/psychic/intuitive/clairvoyant/shaman/guru/teacher…. then they are still looking outside and have not come come through there massive journey home to connect and embody there higher self/truth as ONE. Again absolutely NO judgement but it’s important to know who we are dealing with if we are truly on the path of Awakening/Ascension and want to leave the “hell on earth” behind to come home to our fully conscious state as we came here to be. You will know that someone has come because they will not go by any of the above titles, in order to go through the journey home you must release your ego and mind which when on the other side you would never use those titles because it would mean you still didn’t understand the TRUE journey YET...

My truth, Nobody in this Earth Reality can “heal” someone else from ANYTHING because it is up to the individual soul to bring his or her own self back into conscious alignment THEMSELVES…


Because that’s the purpose of our existence here. It’s a free will planet, nobody can do what YOU came here to do for you, it’s ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. We came here to Awaken and Rememberer to come back home through releasing the mind and Ascending our own consciousness. Healing means we still do not Remember we CHOSE to be here for every single thing we have and are experiencing, nothing is an accident and all happening perfectly.

You can go to someone to move energy around and that’s great but as soon as someone says they are doing or performing healing on or for you…… you might want asses the energy and realize they are still confused about there own self and journey.

Spirituality has people believing through false indoctrination that they are enlightened or have gone through ego release/surrender/death or believing there is no such thing or it’s impossible. That’s why there’s so many “teachers/gurus/shamans taking our money and unconsciously guiding us in circles never showing the destination.

Why…? because they haven’t made it yet.

Everyone has chosen there journey and makes choices everyday. We begin to come through when we are ready to leave everything material behind, give up the money, followers, possessions, titles and stature in society goIng ALL IN on our journey of Remembering.

Here’s a tip, someone can get stuck in the awakening stage for years and years and years, can do all the spiritual courses and attain all the spiritual certificates in the world but not be conscious at all.


Because as we have read above spirituality and consciousness are two VERY different things. People like to mish mash them together but they are not even close to one another, actually the complete opposite. ;)❤️

Personally I didn’t start working with anyone until I had already come through because I always felt strongly from the beginning of my journey that I was to be completely clear and free of the ego before guiding anyone anywhere.

With Love, Gratitude and Deep respect for all of your journeys..❤️❤️❤️❤️

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