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Taking Responsibility for Our Energy and Our Creations

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Taking responsibility might sound like it’s an easy process. We could naturally assume that it as simple as saying “I’m sorry” and moving on or getting to a point we are able to see we’ve done something out of alignment and we can say things like “I apologize for..., I take responsibility for ... happening”.

Before we become more conscious these statements are coming out very empty and hollow, like a blanket answer for a choice we made that is out of alignment. Sometimes we may feel very “badly or sad” for what we have done, these words are also empty and doesn’t take away the fact we did or said something out of alignment. This is unconscious and means it is only being seen from the surface, meaning zero responsibility is being truly taken. The thing is, we had made a CHOICE to follow through with the Action, every action creates and holds energy as do our words. Most of us had or have no idea that taking responsibility truly means looking at the entire experience, seeing/feeling where OUR actions (energy) truly come from inside OURSELVES and locating the dysfunction that prompted us to say, do or act out creating the experience.

As I mentioned above, saying “sorry” is just an easy out for us throwing out unchecked energy on to other people, places and things around us. Meaning we are choosing to be unconscious to our own words and actions not truly concerned about the outcome. Then using an empty statement like “I’m sorry” to make things better and or ok. This is totally unconscious behavior and it is definitely NOT taking responsibility in any sort of way. To be clear, it is “ego” energy.

Sorry is described in the dictionary as,

Regretful, apologetic, remorseful....

A bunch of words saying “I “shouldn’t” have done that because it was out of line, yet I did, so I’ll just use one of the words to make it better rather than check in with myself and become conscious to where this energy came from inside myself, what triggered it to come up and out, how I can bring this into alignment within myself by taking responsibility for creating the energy in my life and carrying it forward.

Let’s get straight to the truth of it all,

NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING is an accident EVER! EVERYTHING is happening FOR A REASON and there are always many reasons. If you are in an experience no matter what it is, it is perfectly meant to be, ALWAYS..., there is NEVER any exception to this. If we believe for one second that something is an accident, or happening TO US, I will be very clear that we are falling victim and not allowing ourself to take responsibility for being in the experience that we have called to ourselves.

Every experience and interaction that we have had in our lives holds energy depending how we reacted, responded or except it. The reality is, most of us where not taught that everything was energy, if we aligned ourselves in the moment in any experience we would not carry forward (burying ) lower energy (unresolved stories/experiences) to come back as an experience later in life for the purpose of resolving, releasing and realigning.

We bury and cary so much energy from our lives in the form of stories and experiences that eventually end up causing dis-ease in our bodies and lives.

Taking responsibility at the highest level is the act of remembering we gave our power away a long time ago and forgot that we were energy beings, beings that had/have ALWAYS had the power to shift things in the moment. Remembering everything out of alignment in and throughout our lives was/has been created by OURSELVES unconsciously. It is up to each one of us individually to awaken to remember we hold the power inside to realign and shift everything we have ever created. By created I mean we were unconscious, we weren’t told we DIDN’T have to except other people’s views, beliefs or judgements about ourself so we took them on and allowed false stories and beliefs to be created about ourself. It is and was always OUR choice to except any of this throughout our lives. Just because we aren’t told doesn’t mean we don’t have to do the inner work to clear it all. In truth, everytime we trusted someone else over our own feelings inside, a story (energy) was created and buried to come up again later in the form of another experience to allow us the opportunity to see/feel, clear and align it. This happens as what I call a loop, the energy and experience will periodically come up through life with random people places and things until we are willing to allow ourselves to see/feel/Remember that WE actually created this loop and carry this dysfunctional energy INSIDE OURSELVES. WE must take the time to go inside and take responsibility for allowing the story and energy to be created and carried through our lives into different experiences.

What I am saying here is that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that doesn’t feel good inside is our own energy. It doesn’t matter who is in front of you or what they are saying or doing. If it triggers a response out of us, it is OUR OWN energy that is calling this experience to us to see/feel that we hold unchecked energy inside (stories) calling this experience forward. If we didn’t hold unchecked energy inside our own self, we would not be triggered in any sort of way, we would be able to energetically asses it is not ours and we would be able to clearly see what and who the experience if happening for, not blaming everyone and everything outside of us.

We can be very unconscious to our own stories and experiences we hold inside and carry through life. A great way to know what is sitting inside is to be present and observe or regular and repetitive thoughts, stories and experiences flying through our consciousness. Looking at the energy that triggers us in any situation with anyone or anything. If any experience or story’s are coming up from our past and hold anything but pure love and happiness. I will guarantee it’s all unchecked dysfunctional energy (stories) coming up to be released and realigned.

Our repetitive thoughts and stories have been guiding us to see what is out of alignment in our energy body our entire lives. It might seem or sound crazy because we were taught very well to push everything down and away if it didn’t or doesn’t feel good. All this did and does is push the energy deeper and says to your energy body “I don’t want to deal with anything because it’s painful to remember or see”, this eventually creating and causing dis-ease in the body to let us know that it has to be looked at. This is where all disease and dysfunction in our bodies come from, this is what people like to call “sick”. Using the words “I’m sick” is saying I have given my power away and choose not to listen to my inner guidance system. I choose to be unconscious and allow people outside of me to assess me. Yet they can only see from the surface, they can’t see the actual energy that is coming up to get released and realigned. They just decide to say you have liver or kidney damage, thyroid issues, stomach problems... picking one of these made up words/identities to asses what is being seen on the surface. I will be very straight forward here.

Sick does not exist!

It is a word created by people that couldn’t or could “understand” from a lower mind point of view how to look in and asses someone’s energy from the inside, not the surface stories or “symptoms”. All of these words are unconscious and get thrown around like the wind blows. What is a Symptom of being sick? An area or area’s of our body feel off, painful, aches, shakes, throwing up...... the list can go on and on and on........ these are ALL your body’s way of telling you to FEEL into the specific area of your body, REMEMBER your chakra system and allow yourself to feel that you are being shown (physically) where the energy sits and (mentally) that there is a story attached. It’s really quite simple yet not, as we have been programmed VERY HEAVILY to give our power away and let other people (unconscious) “figure us out”, yet they can’t see inside us energetically. All that is being looked for are symptoms on the surface, no idea at all that it is all attached to dysfunctional energy and stories we created and buried in our lives that are out of alignment causing the dis-ease to manifest in certain areas so WE look inside for ourselves…I know it sounds crazy but only because we’ve only been taught to look and trust OUTSIDE rather than looking INSIDE for ourselves. We have been rendered powerless due to believing and trusting outside ourselves. Toxicity in the body is real, it is a bi product of the purposefully messed up systems we live within, we breathe contaminated air, toxic food grown in toxic soil, medications, waste water with toxins added in all to keep us full of toxicity and out of alignment needing “medical treatment”.

It’s a HUGE business!!!

We’ve been lied to on a level almost unimaginable to the point we rely on EVERYTHING and EVERYONE outside of ourselves to “fix us” while avoiding at all costs the ONE person that can actually FIX it all…. YOU!!!!

All we have to do to release it all (past traumas/experiences/dysfunctional energy) is truly take responsibility for the creation of the stories that came from an unconscious experience. This means remembering with all of our being that NOTHING has EVER happened TO US, it has ALWAYS been happening FOR US!

Yes it’s completely backwards from what we’ve been taught and yes it will take time, energy and trust to Remember how we work but once you do you will NEVER EVER trust anyone or anything with your beautiful energy body again without feeling strongly guided and trusting from within.

Simply put, everything is happening to guide us to resolve ALL unconsciousness that we built, created and allowed to reside within us as energy throughout our entire lives. Our conscious growth is dependent on us doing our inner work, allowing ourselves to see/feel and challenge all of our lower beliefs, past victim stories, learned behaviors and programmed ways of being. Choosing to take full responsibility for the unconscious creation without the need to understand (Trust) and figure it out from the lower mind is the key to releasing all of this unconsciousness we built and carry.

Avoiding holds the energy (victim story/trauma) as pain and suffering, whereas CHOOSING releases the unconscious energy and grows from that experience never having to feel the victim energy/pain and suffering of that trauma again because you understand that YOU built the story and buried it and only YOU can see/feel and release it.

Intentions every morning as you wake up help you stay aligned and focused on your goal of seeing/feeling/releasing the energy as it comes up. If we are not using the intentions we are avoiding using one of our most powerful tools.

Intentions = choice to change = Big growth = you Create/Choose your reality

Avoiding = choosing to stay in pain and suffering and choosing NOT to change = NO growth = NO change = allowing your mind to run the show

Using intentions is key to your conscious growth and literally says to you energy body to put it in to action. Remembering that we can use our inner and outer voice to consciously tell ourselves what we want and what we are intending for ourselves, its an ultra powerful tool, yet it’s like we are scared to ask ourselves for things, feeling we are not worthy... Our own self worth holds us back from all kinds of opportunities.

Here is an example of something you can say to yourself as an intention.

“I choose take responsibility for the unconscious creation of all dysfunctional energy I hold inside, I Choose to consciously release and realign by taking responsibility for myself (my energy) and all of my actions that called ALL experiences to me for the purpose of my conscious growth”.

“I CHOOSE to become present so I can consciously observe myself and my dysfunction so I can consciously take action by taking responsibility for my creations”.

Example- an experience/story is playing on repeat in your head, it doesn’t feel good as it holds some sort of traumatic moment or experience as energy in the body. Normally we just get frustrated and push it away running from the memory/story because it doesn’t feel good and brings up the feeling and emotions of when it was first experienced. All this does is ask the energy to get stored even deeper, what we are saying to our energy body is “I don’t want to deal with this right now, get lost”….

This means it will now keep coming up in your head over and over for years and years or forever until we CHOOSE to deal with it.

Avoiding keeps it coming back and pushes it deeper and deeper creating dis-ease lack and not so fun experiences until will finally have enough and PAY ATTENTION. Choosing to look at, deal with and release the energy from our existence releases the energy FOREVER because you consciously choose to deal with what you’ve created for yourself as an experience to grow in this reality.

So how do we actually take responsibility for something, what steps are involved to consciously release past buried energy?

  1. When you are triggered or a past trauma/experience comes up, DO NOT push it away (do your best)

  2. Allow yourself to look into it instead of pushing away (be patient and compassionate with yourself)

  3. Look at how you created the story placing blame on someone or something outside yourself. Look at what you blame THEM for.

  4. Now realize what your blaming THEM for actually happened FOR YOU as an energetic experience that YOU called to YOURSELF through for your highest growth. (We call ALL experiences to ourselves for the purpose of conscious growth, EVERY SINGLE ONE, we just were not taught or told this so we would be lost OUTSIDE ourselves). This can seem crazy at first but we’ve been taught completely backwards.

  5. Your working up to Taking Responsibility for placing blame outside yourself on a person place or thing that was actually facilitating an experience for you and your growth. They don’t know that’s what they are doing they are just being themselves and reacting to you because they are unconscious as well. This means CHOOSING to let go of the victim story of something happening TO YOU and remembering/trusting everything is happening FOR YOU no matter what it is.

  6. Take responsibility for creating the victim story and carrying it forward through life blaming someone or something else for the experience your soul brought to you for growth, you just weren’t guided how to do this.

(Many big traumas won’t make sense in the beginning as they are energy from past lives coming up in this life as an experience to finally release the karmic energy being carried forward, we must always remember NOTHING happens by accident. We are simply trusting and taking responsibility for carrying a victim story (blame) forward and not consciously aligning it in the moment)

To help understand/feel this on a higher level…

Our soul calls in people places and things to our physical reality to have an experience, it does this so we can see/feel through being triggered and emotional that we hold buried energy/stories inside OURSELVES (this life/previous lives) that need to be resolved and released. If we are being present we can choose to see that ALL experiences and interactions are ALWAYS happening to show us something and always happening FOR US. If we choose to see/feel we will know it’s for growth and is an opportunity to shift. If we choose to just react like usual than we will miss why it’s TRULY happening FOR US and our conscious growth. Some experiences can seem absolutely horrible and you would wonder why YOU would be taking responsibility because it was brutal or painful… all I can say is on a soul level, it’s an experience that had to be experienced for your growth/clearing and you are only taking responsibility for placing blame not consciously dealing with/resolving it in the moment (because we weren’t guided how). Usually you won’t see the true reason until your ready to actually release the victim story and allow yourself to see/feel with different eyes and energy. Being a victim to absolutely anything means we are totally missing the point of why something is happening and choosing to just be a victim and avoid your own growth.

I know this can seem nuts as it’s totally backward to what we’ve been taught, but that’s why humans are so stuck Awakening. We’ve been taught everything backwards and also taught more than anything to be the victim to life and reality never taking responsibility for our own energy and what we are creating.

Simply put, every choice made holds energy, we can make conscious choices and not call back an experience or we can make unconscious choices which call forward experiences to be had so we pay attention to the choice we made that called forth the experience for growth.

If we were making conscious choices understanding our own energy we would not be calling back an experience to learn/grow/remember because we are making choices in alignment with our truth.

Unconscious choices ALWAYS come with an experience to show us the unconscious choices we have made. It’s really quite simple we just have to want to be conscious of ourselves our actions and our words.

My BIGGEST truth to share here is that NOTHING, not one single interaction or experience is just happening for no reason. EVERY SINGLE thing in our realities is happening as a response to our energy and what our soul needs to experience to consciously shift and grow. Therefore by choosing to be present to our choices, inside/outside talk and experiences coming our way we can better understand why life is happening uniquely the way it is for each of us.

We do not have to live in a personal prison of pain and suffering, it’s a choice!

Choose to be conscious and aware of yourself and your energy, you will see why EVERYTHING is happening FOR YOU and how we have shaped our own identities and realities. Our identities are based off the energy/Traumas/victim stories and experiences we hold inside and aren’t dealing with therefore choosing to be victim to our reality that we chose and has been happening absolutely PERFECTLY all along, we just weren’t guided to our truth.

In Love and deep respect for your journies..❤️

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