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The journey/path of the “wounded healer”….

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Jan 18

Sharing a POWERFUL realization/embodiment as experienced through my own journey to ACTIVATE a Higher Understanding/process and journey as relates to a Conscious Awakening journey… Feeling a big nudge inside to get this out at this very specific time for any and all that feel guided to receive/remember as this was a GAME CHANGING/REALITY SHIFTING realization that ACTIVATED a MUCH BIGGER more EXPANSIVE INWARD JOURNEY leading me to my current Embodiment.

I’m very excited to share this Activation/Remembering as if I had read anything like this way back when I was coming through my Awakening process, I would/could have seen/felt the journey from a much DIFFERENT/HIGHER perspective/understanding instead of getting stuck looping in the mainstream unconscious beliefs feeling it was THE ONLY WAY or THE WAY. Feeling lost and stagnant for a bit in a journey/path that I now see was actually holding me back/keeping me stuck with respect to moving further through my Awakening/Ascension Process, not realizing there was SO MUCH MORE to it all and especially a MASSIVE PROCESS to work through BEFORE going out and feeling I was going to be a “healer” or “heal” others.

I’m going to dive straight in and share it as clearly and simply as possible because as I’m seeing/feeling their are a ton of beautiful souls out there feeling they are meant/ready to “heal the world” so to speak and do their part, start their “spiritual healing” practice  or UPLEVEL their process in some way yet missing the biggest most important parts, not realizing that they are meant to “heal” THEMSELVES FIRST so they can THEN powerfully guide others from/through their OWN POWERFUL EXPERIENCES/EMBODIMENT and  having ALREADY WORKED THROUGH THEIR OWN dysfunction. Even bigger than this is to realize that healing is only something done/played with in 3/4D and nowhere beyond as once you release the ego control and Ascend your consciousness beginning to EMBODY the frequencies of 5D, you are now beginning to see/feel/REMEMBER that everything you "though you were  healing from, YOU actually magnetized into your reality for your conscious growth as I will share in detail below.

There are many pieces to this Activation so stay with me even if you feel triggered as it will all come together by the end. Also triggers are beautiful opportunities to see what WE hold inside as unresolved energy. If triggered ask yourself WHY and write it all down so you can resolve the energy later, then keep reading till the end to be fully Activated as this understanding sits coded DEEP within your DNA/Akash/living library.

The term “wounded healer” being shared as experienced through completing my own Conscious Awakening/Ascension… Refers to someone that believes their journey/path is to “heal” others BEFORE they work through/“heal” ALL of THEIR OWN dysfunction/density/trauma/limiting beliefs/ego, disempowered stories of shame/blame/guilt/judgement/separation/victim mentality/jealousy/fear/control/lack/programming/conditioning/pain and suffering/hurt/sadness/indoctrination/3D manipulation matrix.. FIRST. Meaning the “healer” is the one that’s “wounded” so to speak and has their own MUCH BIGGER journey/processes to work through BEFORE they guide others through processes they do not yet understand through EXPERIENCE/MASTERY and having ALREADY Resolved/Dissolved/Cleared/Aligned/Taken Responsibility for the creation and holding of ALL of the above through COMPLETING their personal Conscious Awakening, then Ascending their Consciousness through the release/surrender of the ego matrix, then coming through Physical Body Ascension…

These days there are many spiritual/esoteric/metaphysical websites full of courses/workshops/information out there with a shinny certificate dangling at the end of the course having someone believe they are now a teacher once they achieve their “certificate” which is great and means you are now “certified” to “teach” others because you MEMORIZED all the information and can now REGURGITATE it to others when needed, every level brings a new certification of something which makes the human feel sooooo good about themselves... excited/wanting to then go heal others with what they now know and better than that use these healing methods to make money, using the examples of reiki/yoga/Qi gong/meditation/shamanism… as they are the most popular practices most feel guided to through my personal journey.

Sounds like a win win situation, get enough clients and you can now quit your 3D job/career and “heal” people as you may feel your supposed to do. You may have had a vision or been told be a psychic/website/healer/shaman/teacher/guru that you are meant to be a healer and here you are on your beautiful path… yayyyy!!! It feels so awesome to finish a course/workshop and now bring this to the masses to help AND make money doing it, It can feel at first like your fulfilling some sort of “prophecy”/vision and making great progress in your life.

In mainstream versions of spiritual Awakening this is the path being shared for the awakened souls, a person awakens then usually takes courses/workshops filling themselves with tons of information/certificates/ancient knowledge that resonates/feels good with them along their journey while doing their best to become a better person/meditate/be happy/love life/become more spiritual/more sacred etc… There are also tons of websites/people out there these days teaching courses that cost BIG $ to help you create/start your “spiritual business”, saying things like “you should/could be making $200,000.00 a year healing people and doing what you love. They show you how to tailor your social media/website and how to create courses/workshops that generator $$ based off our your unique content/path/information being shared.

This all may seem very normal to you at this point as it’s the way the mainstream world/3D manipulation matrix works. You achieve a “certificate” and this now makes you a “certified teacher” of that specific information. You may get a tiny bit of physical practice in while taking the course/workshop with a teacher or other students but you’ve now memorized the information and can easily regurgitate it back to others which gets you the certificate….

Still all sounds normal as to the way the world works right…

But is it at all CONSCIOUS…?

Side Note: certificates were created to pump up/appease the ego, they hold no real value as it relates to ANYTHING CONSCIOUS. It is a piece of paper signifying a person has memorized something and can regurgitate at will which is all a 3D process that pumps up the persons ego, it also is away for people to make money by selling information with a certificate/prize at the end. 3D is all about getting certificates feeling they make a person more skilled/qualified to do something/help people and also if a person doesn't have a certificate they are somehow not to be trusted which is ABSURD and very linear/3D/unconscious. The more certificates, the more titles, the more letters after your name the more EGO a person UNKNOWINGLY sits in feeling "it's just the way it all works". Yet everything that comes with a certificate was created from 3D and only works in a 3/4D reality, which has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being Conscious or Awakening. A true Awakening/Ascension journey is ALL ABOUT BECOMING CONSCIOUS in every piece of our reality/every breath/action/step/choice which means RELEASING the need for certificates. Consciousness doesn’t hand out certificates, a conscious soul lives from/through EXPERIENCE and is an EMBODIMENT attained through the RELEASE of all things UNCONSCIOUS like certificates/diplomas/shool/EGO… no need for certificates to make themselves feel better about themselves which is all superficial to begin with, all just another game of the 3D ego manipulation matrix…

Consciousness being a space of purity, truth, clarity, love, being aware, pure presence, seeing/feeling/knowing all through the higher heart, no judgment, not living from lower 3D beliefs/manipulation/mentalities/unconsciousness/programming/conditioning/lies, no one is better than anyone, no fear, no shame/blame/guilt, no right and wrong/nothing is fixed/linear, time doesn't exist, no ego (shame/blame/guilt/jealousy/control/fear/judgement/lack/selfishness:greed...), NO AVOIDING and NO SEPARATION…. Consciousness becoming an EMBODIMENT we ACHIEVE through many years of releasing the density and dysfunction/ego and all of the above held/buried DERP WITHIN.

A couple questions to sit with...

Does it feel/seem Conscious to go teach/guide people things that you’ve only read and can regurgitate but are not Embodied WITHIN YOU through years of MASTERY/TRAINING/EXPERIENCE..?

Do you feel a pilot should just be able to go fly a commercial flight with 300 ppl on the plane, but had only passed a WRITTEN test/exam which gave them a “certificate” saying they are now an “expert”/pilot yet had not ever flown a plain in real life, just played in computer simulations..?

Would you be comfortable flying in that plane across the earth/over oceans/mountains/through storms knowing that this person had NO REAL LIFE FLYING EXPERIENCE in a REAL PLANE..?   

Now picture having someone do energy work on you and or coaching you through some DEEP trauma/painful past experiences/memories and then finding out they still hold similar UNRESOLVED trauma inside them, and not just a similar trauma but they still hold ALL their traumas/painful memories/sadness/shame/blame/guilt/victim stories as UNRESOLVED…

Do you feel that they are going to be able to consciously guide you through or work through what they HAVEN’T from a higher conscious space/perspective/knowing, meaning they don’t yet know HOW to guide you through it or they’d have already consciously resolved it for themselves FIRST, BEFORE trying to guide someone through there’s..?

Do you feel it’s at all conscious for people to guide/teach what they haven’t yet TRULY EXPERIENCED/EMBODY or consciously worked through/resolved/dissolved for themselves FULLY, just taking direction from a book or a teacher..?

I feel your getting the point being shared, I could use hundreds of examples..

Point being, when it comes to working with peoples ENERGY (which is very precious) it seems to be fine out in the 3D world that a person has NO TRUE EXPERIENCE, not FULLY cleared/consciously resolved/dissolved themselves of what they are trying to teach/guide others through or “heal”, but HAS “memorized” the information they took in through a corse/courses/workshop/teacher and attained a "certificate" so they can make money feeling they are meant to be a healer.

Does this seem/feel like it’s conscious in any way..?

I will share that when working with peoples ENERGY/FREQUENCY you CANNOT teach/guide someone any further than you have gone/embody for yourself. You can move energy around by physically releasing pain/blockages/opening things up to see/feel/acknowledge/work through, but you cannot guide someone through something if you have not truly experienced/worked through/consciously resolved/dissolved/cleared/aligned it for yourself ALL THE WAY THROUGH FIRST, It’s IMPOSSIBLE. Which brings us to a process of Conscious Awakening/Ascension and realizing that the mainstream version of spiritual Awakening is missing the entire part and path about releasing the ego and Ascending the consciousness/physical body through an ENTIRELY NEW BIGGER process.

This is where it gets interesting…. As many feel they are AWAKE and have already fully AWAKENED long ago and been doing their healing business for years now yet there belief comes from a 3/4D belief system that’s missing the BIGGEST MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of the true journey.

This being said, if someone doesn’t believe there’s more to a journey/process because it’s not being shared out in the mainstream or is avoiding the bigger picture/process/visions/inner knowings, how would they ever know…?

Better yet, How did I find my way through this path to be able to share this here now..?

Keep following along, we are getting there, as we keep going I’ll keep opening up/ACTIVATING the BIGGER PATH and how it came through for me.

Well, we all get visions/inner knowings as well as MANY have been avoiding the bigger path simply because of their attachment to money/material life/convenience and/or not truly wanting to go DEEPER into working through the DEEP DEEP DARK DENSITY/TRAUMA/PAIN/SADNESS. Also many that were meant to take the path they did to eventually release the "karma" of the experience chosen (being a healerbefore doing their own journey first..) which releases density carried over from other existences. Point is, it’s all absolutely perfect, everyone is where they need to be based on choices/pre determined paths/actions or lack there of. There is absolutely zero judgment for doing what we all felt was right or didn’t want to acknowledge. This is a free will Earth reality, that’s the most beautiful part about it all…  we get to choose our reality freely, yet DO have to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for ALL OF OUR UNCONSCIOUS CHOICES/ACTIINS/BELIEFS...

We have millions of beautiful awakened souls out there, following their vision/belief feeling they are doing the “right thing” (I speak from experience as I was one of them) by simply going out and taking courses/workshops then opening a “healing” practice feeling this is what we are meant to do for many reasons. Sounds great, you’d almost feel there are a ton of healers ready to “heal the world”..  The thing is, those visions we all get feeling we are meant to be healers are taken out of context by the lower unconscious mind and not seen/felt/remembered for what they are truly guiding us to see because the lower unconscious mind is very limited/linear/fixed and CANNOT/WILL NOT EVER understand HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS.

What’s really being shown in these visions is that WE ARE MEANT TO RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/CLEAR/ALIGN -“heal” OUR OWN SELF…. FIRST.

The visions/expansions we get are QUANTUM coming from/through our DNA which is quantum intelligence and the human mind cannot understand how quantum works  (time doesn’t exist, past/preset/future existences all happening simultaneously) because the human mind is LINEAR, it CANNOT and will NEVER EVER be able to understand ANYTHING QUANTUM. As we release the control of the ego matrix (ascending our consciousness) we are releasing the control of the lower mind which in turn opens up being able to access QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS through the DNA/HIGHER HEART. So it’s not that anyone is doing anything wrong by following their visions or following what everyone else is doing, wrong is just a 3D ego word of separation. It’s that the visions aren’t being seen/felt from a higher awareness/embodiment to truly understand/unlock the actual HIGHER meaning/path…  So now in present day we have a TON of BEAUTIFUL SOULS being pushed into their ego release/surrender process they didn’t know existed or avoided so that they can now complete the rest of their journey.

You’ll now begin to notice many healers pulling back to fully engage/go deeper into their processes because their universe/soul/higher self is saying “enough is enough”, time to GO ALL IN and FINISH what you’ve stated.

It’s always money, followers, convenience, leaving the material world that keep souls stuck missing the bigger picture. The more we hold onto ANYTHING 3D which is EVERYTHING, the more uncomfortable the journey now gets. Everyone has by this point/or now getting the mesg/memo from deep within that it’s time to SHIFT GEARS, all the deep traumas/pain/sadness/victim/hurt/shame/blame/guilt/lack/fear/judgments of self and others now must be CONSCIOUSLY/FULLY worked through by RESOLVING/DISSOLVING and TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for the CREATION OF IT ALL which is the final BIG MISSING piece to the confusing mainstream awakening puzzle. We are meant to RE WRITE our DNA through taking responsibility for CREATING It ALL (density/dysfunction) and MAGNETIZING it ALL into our reality.

Next question becomes “what is healing”, what does the word heal actually mean, is it a conscious word, are we truly healing from anything…?

I’ll quickly share from my consciousness that healing is what people do BEFORE they become conscious/embodied enough to realize that healing is an unconscious game only played in 3/4D.

To grasp this I’ll share that ALL painful memories/traumas/victim stories/bad days/horrible experiences/perceived “accidents”/past relationships and anything you feel HAPPENED TO YOU in life where the direct result of an unconscious CHOICE/CHOICES/DECISIONS/ACTIONS made OR being placed/magnetized into your life/reality by your soul/universe as what I call “Growth Experiences”to work through/resolve/release what many call KARMA. No, NOTHING is truly an accident, Humanity had just been conditioned over time to believe that when things seemingly don’t go “our way” they are "ACCIDENTS" or better yet “RANDOM”. Yet nothing could be further from the truth and YES accidents and random are a big sham/manipulation that have humans missing the TRUE point of life, how it truly works and most of all HOW ENERGY FLOWS…

So if we now look/see/feel/trust/remember that EVERY SINGLE thing/trauma/density/accident/victim story/painful memory… we hold inside is NOT A WOUND because it didn’t happen TO US but rather FOR US as a growth experience magnetized into our life/field by our soul/universe, we begin to REALIZE/REMEMBER that what we are TRULY doing is CONSCIOUSLY RESOLVING/DISSOLVING/TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for OUR OWN UNCONSCIOUS CHOICES and RE ALIGNING ALL from a MUCH HIGHER understanding which is a TRUE AWAKENING leading into Ascension by Ascending our Consciousness OUT of the lower 3D ego matrix. Healing eventually becomes a word meaning we are disempowered/victim to our own choices and experiences that come/came from those choices, and victim is part of the ego matrix which must be released to even begin to Embody the frequencies of 5D and beyond to 12D.

Eventually as you become more embodied/conscious “heal” becomes a 3/4D disempowered matrix word that holds no conscious meaning or understanding, it’s a lower belief system we let go of as we release the ego realizing healing is simply the act of REMEMBERING, the word just naturally falls away as we come more into our embodiment through Ascending our Consciousness.

WE Unknowingly CHOSE and CHOOSE all the experiences in life so there is nothing to heal from, there is no wound, it’s all happening in RESPONSE to unconscious choices/actions/thoughts, meaning it’s ALL happening FOR US so we can REMEMBER that WE CREATED IT ALL FOR OUR INDIVIDUAL GROWTH/AWAKENING/ASCENSION.

At some point we Awaken and then begin the “healing” process until such a time we realize everything we “thought” we healed still needs to be CONSCIOUSLY resolved/dissolved/cleared/aligned/re written which is a MUCH DIFFERENT PROCESS then being shared in mainstream. We can see/feel/know we still HOLD or have to work through/resolve/dissolve because it all still comes up in the head held/felt as trauma/pain/sadness/emotional  attachment/happened to us which means it’s not been truly resolved. I’ve shared tons of articles on my website sharing how energy flows and how all of our unconscious choices create GROWTH EXPERIENCES so we can always stay in conscious alignment.

Once we have TRULY and CONSCIOUSLY RESOLVED/DISSOLVED/TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY for something it is no longer seen/felt/acknowledged as ANYTHING OTHER THAN a powerful growth experience with genuine gratitude/appreciation for its existence then used as guidance for others, that’s how we know FOR SURE that we have truly worked through things, we never ever feel triggered/emotional/put off/annoyed or fall back into the old stories EVER AGAIN.

The more conscious you become the more disempowered the word heal naturally becomes as it is referencing a wound/pain and comes along with victim energy as if life events/traumas happened TO YOU, when in Higher Truth it has ALL been happening FOR YOU as this is the way energy flows and our Earth reality works with us (Earth school). Just because we weren't taught this doesn't mean it's not the way it happens/works, we are very purposefully blocked from these higher knowings/truths of our existence.

To be clear, Nobody can Take Responsibility for/“heal” SOMEONE ELSE’S unconscious life choices/traumas/programs/conditioning/victim stories/beliefs/identities they’ve created, only ego believes it can do that. So getting energy work/healing done/doing healing ceremonies believing SOMEONE ELSE can TAKE AWAY, FIX, HEAL a trauma/past victim story/painful memory/horrible experience will ALWAYS lead to YOU eventually needing to work though it all yourself as shared above. It will always loop back and resurface as UNRESOLVED inside you until you consciously TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ENERGY/CHOICES/ACTIONS.

In no way am I judging anyone at all for absolutely anything, if this triggers or stings it’s simply because it’s the higher truth and goes against what the mainstream is pushing as the way or part of an Awakening/Ascension or spiritual/esoteric/metaphysical journey, truthfully everything I’m sharing is coded in your DNA too.

I found out the hard way too after spending thousands of dollars on a “spiritual” business course and many other “things” only to find out it was all being guided by people that hadn’t come fully through their Conscious Awakening/Ascension process knowing how all truly works on an energetic/conscious/quantum level. Using the “spiritual business course” as an example… I was pushed to make a healing statement on “how I heal others”… that’s when my consciousness said wait a second… you want me to tell people how I’m going to heal them..?

I then said “did you know a person cannot “heal” someone else from their own choices..?”

I was met with “oh, I’ve heard this before, you have to make a healing statement or we cannot work together”.. I then asked her how a person can go into someone ELSE’S  energetics/energy body/energy field/Akash, pick a painful memory/trauma/experience held from the persons past, then proceed to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the OTHER PERSONS EXPERIENCE by resolving and dissolving all the unconscious beliefs/choices/actions/victim mentality not knowing ANYTHING about WHY the persons soul specifically placed the “traumatic” experience in their life as a growth experience. And even bigger…. That we are all here to RESOLVE/DISSOLVE and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for OUR OWN CHOICES… NOBODY IN THIS EARTH REALITY CAN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for SOMEONE ELSES CHOICES, ITS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE and truthfully the BIGGEST reason (as I see/feel it) we are alive in this earth reality or earth school is to AWAKEN/ASCEND by TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for OUR OWN CHOICES/LIFE/JOURNEY.

This was a BIG EXPERIENCE for me that began opening up my understanding of “the wounded healer”… mixed with all my other growth experiences of “trying” to become more spiritual and create a healing business.

Eventually Remembering/Embodying that each human is meant to Resolve/Dissolve/Clear/Align THEIR OWN life experiences through a Conscious Awakening/Ascension journey which is the ENTIRE PURPOSE OF AWAKENING/ASCENSION.

The thing about healing that I noticed through my years of ceremonies/gatherings/shamanism was that 9 out of 10 people I connected with were under the belief that they were at the ceremony to BE HEALED, meaning they felt it was all going to get done FOR THEM and just be healed from whatever it was they wanted to heal, feeling maybe one session wasn’t enough because the trauma was so deep, then seeing the same person a few years/many ceremonies/modalities/healers later and they are still working on/through the same things and made almost no real conscious progress. Not judging the situation in the least but rather seeing things for what they truly were. There was/is a BIG MISGUIDED BELIEF that people were being healed and didn’t have there own inner process to do, it was just all getting done for them and they just had to show up...  I then noticed that almost NO ONE along my travels was sharing the higher truth that WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN DENSITY/TRAUMA/CHOICES/EXPERIENCES and others or ceremonies etc are only opening up what needs to be see/felt/acknowledged so the WE can now RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/TAKE RESPONSIBLY FOR OUR OWN CREATIONS through daily inner work.

The easiest way to pull this together is that humanity has been taken for a long ride down a VERY UNCONSCIOUS path, manipulating the masses to believe they are weak powerless specs of dust in and infinite universe WHICH COULDN’T BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH as you will come to REMEMBER the more conscious you become.

This AWESOME/POWERFUL/HUMBLING journey of a True Conscious Awakening being found neatly coded within each humans DNA waiting to be unlocked/remembered through a PROFOUND INWARD Awakening/Ascension journey that takes many linear years to complete.

The True journey beginning AFTER choosing to go ALL IN on a journey that isn’t written in any ancient texts/courses/workshops of the past because this has never been done before, yet ONLY found coded in each persons  DNA or guided inward from someone that has already truly come through the process sharing the Keys/Codes/Pathways that Activate/Unlock the POWERFUL CONSCIOUS journey within as I am here.

When the wounded healer realizes/decides/chooses to take/complete their own journey FIRST, that’s when the TRUE Awakening/Remembering Begins. From my awareness we are not meant to guide others until we are EMBODIED in what we are sharing through EXPERIENCE/MASTERY. When a soul is truly embodied with what they are sharing it becomes an endless stream of consciousness all coming from WITHIN/DNA/HEART/QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS, not regurgitated from books/other peoples beliefs/ancient texts…

To finalize, in the beginning we are all our own “healer/shaman”, the visions we almost all get through our awakenings to go heal the world is meant to stay with us COMPLETING our own journey FIRST, meaning to awaken and Ascend FULLY then leading as a Conscious guide being able to see/feel/know all through merging with/embodying/becoming the Quantum Field… this is why I can see/feel everything out of alignment energetically with anything and give the proper tools/guidance to consciously work through ANYTHING, because I’ve completed my journey. I’ve Ascended my consciousness and physical body and am a completely clear vessel.

I know everyone wants to just get out and heal/guide/teach people, it’s a beautiful thing yet not at all beautiful or conscious with the blind leading the blind so to speak. It’s important to work through your own journey FIRST which takes many years AFTER the release of the ego matrix/Ascending the consciousness to which most of humanity hasn’t even started the process, nor even know what it is due to mainstream confusing/manipulation. Teaching/practicing things like yoga/Qi gong/reiki/shamanism/spirituality/esoteric/metaphysics… is all wonderful for you and taking care of/aligning the energy body in so many ways/connecting deeper with self, but in no way shape or form does it mean someone is awake/ascended or any of these modalities are taking a person THROUGH the completion of their awakening journey.

Awakening/Ascension isn’t about learning new belief systems/modalities/practices, those are just tools to greatly aid the process along the journey and help others stay aligned energetically too, IT IS however about awakening to the corrupt/manipulated world and then releasing ALL the manipulation/corruption/programming/conditioning/ego matrix/trauma/pain/sadness… TAKEN IN from the purposely corrupted world.

You’ll notice that anything mainstream these days is specifically manipulated to keep humanity lost/confused/suppressed/controlled and ASLEEP. This is why we neatly coded our pathway into each of our DNA to be Activated through our Awakening. The more we consciously release the manipulation/trauma/density/dysfunction, the more the DNA/Akash/coding ACTIVATES within giving visions/inner knowings that cannot be ignored. The outside world becomes the manipulation while the inside world becomes the TRUTH/LIGHT through feeling/knowing/REMEMBERING.


Been healing for years and cannot understand why your past is still repeating over and over and never going away, still coming up/held as loop of pain and suffering/emotional outbursts/trauma/happened TO YOU… that’s because there’s a much bigger process/processes not being shared out in mainstream. Also humans would rather take the easy way out/silver bullet (having someone else do it for them, which isn’t possible) INSTEAD of choosing the hard long road where you have to SEE/FEEL work through EVERYTHING YOURSELF for years. Most would rather AVOID truly walking into their DEEP DARK PAST STORIES/TRAUMAS/MEMORIES/PAINFUL EXPERIENCES because they PERCEIVE it all as TOO MUCH/TOO BIG/TOO HEAVY and that will ALWAYS be what’s blocking the higher path/visions/knowings and progressing through the journey. Or they WILL NOT allow themselves to see/feel/remember that it was ALL MEANT TO HAPPEN EXACTLY AS IT DID getting stuck in the victim role to what they actually created/magnetized to themselves FOR CONSCIOUS GROWTH, which they won’t see until THEY WANT TO and are done being victim/disempowered to their specific and VERY  POWERFUL life journey.

Easy way to know if someone is truly speaking from experience is to just listen to their words, if speaking about healing then they still have more of a journey to experience before being able to guide further/deeper down the Awakening path or guide you through your deep dark trauma/density. It’s all about what kind of guidance/assistance your looking for.

It’s also important to know that a person can be awake for 10,20,30, 40 years and still be stuck in 3/4D, material life, money$ and convenience which is what binds a person to the lower dimensions until willing to release it all FULLY from their reality, time is an illusion, a soul CANNOT move into 5D EMBODIMENT and beyond until the control of the ego (shame/blame/guilt/victim/lack/control/separation/fear/anger/emotions…) is FULLY surrendered/released into the service of the HIGHER HEART, only then will a soul be fully Awakened and then beginning their Ascension journey. Can’t cheat the way through, no hacks to get through, can’t pay anyone off…

If your not into awakening/Ascension and just practicing any of this for fun or to stay healthy than that’s a different story, I’m simply speaking to and putting LIGHT on the “journey of the wounded healer” to ACTIVATE a HIGHER AWARENESS/UNDERSTANDING/REMEMBERING/JOURNEY/PATH WITHIN.

We live in a manipulated world and it becomes a BIG POWERFUL CHOICE to TRUST what’s coming from WITHIN over what’s being pushed to the masses from OUTSIDE, which is how I came through my own process, I ended up completely turning off the OUTSIDE WORLD and ONLY listening/feeling/seeing from WITHIN, that’s when my journey BLASTED OFF into the road less travelled as shared above.

Your Soul/Universe/higher self/consciousness are ALWAYS guiding you from WITHIN to your HIGHEST TRUTH/TIMELINES, you just have to REMEMBER how to LISTEN/FEEL/TRUST the inner visions coming from YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL HEART not your 3D mind/ego/head…


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