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🔥The Power of Words and Where They Take Us🔥

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

One of the most important shifts I made along my journey was to start “feeling” the impact and power words had on me, everyone and everything around me. As we begin to see/feel everything as energy, we start to see/feel how each word actually holds it’s own vibration, we begin to feel they can become very Empowering or very Disempowering.

To say words are powerful would be an understatement,


Did you know that each word we speak holds a massive amount of energy?

Each word we speak, feel or say inside is actually calling forth our next experiences through an energetic return (law of energy). As you have herd me say over and over, the energy we put out via words, actions, thoughts are calling back similar energy in the form of experiences with people places and things in our daily lives. This is described as the “law of attraction” or “law of energy” as I call it. These words are actually dictating our vibration through experiences, the energy they hold, the power we give them by speaking them and the past stories attached.

Let’s start by bringing awareness to a group of words that instantly take us into a lower vibration and process.

Bad, sad, mad, angry, not feeling good, frustrated, not happy, not well, sick, ill, terrible mood, moody, anxious, agitated, annoyed....

The words above may seem normal and most of us use them on a pretty regular basis but they are very disempowering and hold victim energy. These words are describing the way we view things as well as they are creating from the energy we hold to them.

Let’s take a look at the word “bad”.

In the dictionary “bad” means “worse” or “worst”, “badder-baddest”.

1.”not good in any manner or degree”

2.”having a wicked or evil character”

3.”of poor or inferior quality”

I will start by bringing awareness to the fact that if everything is happening for a reason, meaning everything is perfectly happening as it should ALWAYS, then nothing can be “bad” or “worse” as well as “wrong” or “rite”. Every time we are saying the words bad, wrong, rite or worse we are literally judging and saying we don’t believe everything happens for a reason, we are also saying we know better than what the universe has put in front of us, then telling someone or something that they are wrong or rite bad or worse. This is ego (judgement) telling someone their experience or what they are doing is wrong. We are not here to judge others and their actions or journey, we are here to work on getting OURSELVES into alignment. Now remember we call our experiences (people places and things) to us via the energy we hold and emit. This tells us that WE called the experiences to ourselves meaning it’s not bad, wrong, worse or even rite. Saying something is rite is like saying something is wrong. It takes away from everything happening perfectly always. That is ego and victim energy.

If a person place or thing doesn’t work or isn’t working the way would like, it’s for a reason.

Saying it’s wrong or not rite is the ego not wanting to take responsibility for calling the energy (experience back) which is victim energy. It is that simple!

Now go back and look at the 3 descriptions above, they are filled with negativity and judgement.

I will directly say that the word “bad” is a JUDGEMENT and judgement = EGO.

Let’s quickly feel out a couple more of the disempowering words above.

Mad, frustrated, angry, annoyed...these words are showing us that we are out of alignment and mad, angry , annoyed or frustrated with energy (experiences) we have called to OURSELVES that WE do not want to acknowledge, ultimately we are upset with ourselves.

Not feeling good, not well, ill, sick... these are also disempowering. I know most of us have been programmed to believe when something is happening in our bodies that doesn’t feel good that we are “sick” or “ill”... Truth is we are out of alignment inside and should be taking a look at the area of the body and remembering we have energy centers in our body’s called “chakras”. These energy centers run from the base of our spine to the crown of our head and beyond. For now we are only discussing the 7 in our body’s. You will see that when we hold pain in the body it is directly related to stuck energy (experiences) holding itself and creating a “pain” in a certain area to tell us to take a look and feel. We can get a book or research the 7 chakras, what each a function is as well as how to bring each into alignment.

A simple shift in our programmed beliefs can and will have the most POWERFUL impact on our mental, physical and spiritual health.

“What you believe you will receive”!

If we believe we are “sick”, then we have just pulled ourselves into a programmed belief of being “sick”, we are now taking what we were told sick means and creating sickness in our body’s, allowing ourselves to be disempowered believing we don’t know what it is, or just guessing and picking something because we don’t feel tip top. Not realizing that our body’s are so powerful and intuitive that we actually just have to feel the area we are out of alignment in, check in with ourself and our repetitive thoughts, then take a look at what that specific area, chakra or chakras represents internally.

Basically I’m saying we are more than capable and were built with an internal guidance system that we have forgotten how to use. All we have to do is start to allow ourselves to REMEMBER how to use this powerful inner guidance (intuition).

How many times have you left a diagnosis and walked away saying “hmmm, that diagnosis doesn’t feel rite”, next thing you know you are on medication because you were told that you have to be. It’s easy to give our power away and say “hey, can you diagnose these issues even though you absolutely know nothing about me, my life, my experiences or the “painful life and stories” I hold inside which are causing my body to go out of alignment?”

For the most part a Dr only knows what’s written on the paper or computer in front of them, they don’t know anything at all about what is truly causing OUR issues. They only treat what they see and hear from a lower vibrational (science and facts) way of looking at things.

This is why you will see so many people especially in the last year or so getting miss diagnosed or coming home saying the Dr isn’t sure what it could be, they can’t find evidence of anything only symptoms. Hmmmm, maybe it’s because they can’t feel see or understand the experience coming up from your childhood or life that never got consciously let go that turned into depressive and suicidal thoughts or identity issues. Maybe they can’t see that we have stomach issues because of the way we feel about and treat ourselves holding ourselves to past story’s beliefs and experience. There is a pill for everything and anything these days, there are pills being created for things that don’t even exist. Trying to control and suppress our emotions? Really?

I bring this up from a commercial I saw a few years ago singling out people that Laugh or Cry to much!? This is one of the most blatant uses of power I had ever seen or felt at the time and It was directed at people over 50.

I would like to point out that bottling up and surpressing (burying) our feelings and emotions is the root cause of so called “depression, anxiety, panick attacks, bi polar.... these words and “disorders” where created because the “Dr” or person “diagnosing” didn’t know how to look at a persons energy, didn’t know how to guide them to an emotional release through feeling and seeing what is out of alignment in the energy body internally. Instead they diagnosed from words spoken externally with no understanding of how energy works, only a scientific understanding and a guess at how the human mind works, from a lower mind perspective. This is why pills exist, people can’t quantify or truly understand so they create a pill based on scientific data. This scientific data can NOT train a pill to go into your DNA, see your emotional story’s, traumas or experiences from your past and consciously release and realign them for you. First of all it’s impossible, second it goes against your whole reason for choosing to being on this planet. We came to do the work ourselves, NOT to be saved by anything or anyone as this defeats the purpose of remembering and the entire journey.

Now I will also remind you that the human works from a lower mind=ego until they transcend this perspective and learn to remember, feel and see everything as energy. In this they will transcend the need to “think” or “figure out” ANYTHING at all as we transcend the lower human mind. Saying “I think” = lower mind/ego, saying that phrase literally pulls you into the mind allowing the mind to “figure out” what’s best for you from a lower vibrational understanding based from fear, control, judgement etc....

So really we are trusting someone who learned a lower mind/ego based version of the lower human mind through “science” which is also lower mind driven and stuck to lower vibrations as it is all based on facts.

Facts, science and quantifying = lower mind/ego based “thinking”, which will NEVER properly diagnose anyone or anything. It will only hold it to a lower perspective and belief stuck in a loop seeing and creating more and more “sicknesses”= dysfunction...

As we are all having a different experience it is IMPOSSIBLE to quantify let alone specifically treat anything with a pill. Pills are bandaids and are only needed until you remember to trust your own self, your own feelings, your own energy body and ultimately your own intuition (inner guidance system).

In truth we are all here to remember we are all made of energy, we are “spiritual beings” here having a “human experience”. It is a journey to begin to embody this remembering. It comes through daily practice, being present and doing the deep inner work to release and let go of all the programmed beliefs, stories and false truths we have taken on as our identity and truth causing us to feel “sick, ill, bad, etc....

I haven’t touched a prescription pill in 8 years at this point except when I had surgery and was passing kidney stones. I did require pain meds and was very grateful for them in that moment.

I’m not saying pharmaceutical pills don’t have use or purpose, to keep ourselves in pain and suffering is not the point and goes against the process of growth. I am saying that everything has a purpose until it doesn’t. On your path you will eventually find this on your own when it’s perfectly aligned for you and your journey. Until then, feel what feels rite for you in the moment. Trust your gut (intuition), if it doesn’t feel good, it’s not. Remember to trust yourself and what YOU feel first.

Now let’s get into some words that create and call forth beautiful and magical experiences keeping us in a higher vibration.

LOVE, GRATITUDE, I FEEL, I AM, I DO, UNITY, PEACE, ABUNDANCE..... just a few POWER words and phrases to get us feeling the POWER of words and where hey take us.

Let’s start with the most POWERFUL word in existence for it is the energy we were created from and is the energy we create EVERYTHING from in higher consciousness.

LOVE, is the most powerfully vibrational word, force and energy we can embody.

Feeling and remembering the truth of Love Is the way home. The more we embody the true remembrance of Love, the more we release the need and use of the lower vibrational words we spoke of earlier. They just naturally fall away the more we embody this energy within every waking breath as we move through our journeys.

This word can hold different energy inside each one of us as can all words. Before we start to embody the true essence of the word Love we tend to hold negative beliefs and conditions which change how the words feels and is spoken. Saying “I love you” to someone can hold different energy depending how we are aligned within ourselves. It can bring up fear and insecurity (conditional love) in a lower awareness and can activate tears of joy, compassion, purity and peace in a higher awareness. It’s all about the energy we hold to the specific words we speak.

Gratitude, Abundance, Peace and Unity are all very empowering words, saying them actually feels great when in alignment and also calls in more similar energy. These are just a few words that hold powerful energy and that being said can also hold different energies. For instance the word abundance can bring up feelings of lack and not having enough, just means we hold a version or versions of this word in a lower vibration or limiting beliefs. Meaning we hold old stories of lack within us that need to be released and realigned so we can speak the word abundance with no stories attached, then coming from an empowered state within.

With all words come old stories, emotions and experiences attached. I came to a point along my journey that every word I speak/spoke is felt deep within. Every word I spoke started to feel good or not so good and this taught me to start feeling EVERYTHING. Feeling everything gives us a CHOICE and choice opens up OPPORTUNITY. The reality is the human language is very limited when it comes to energy, the words were created from the lower mind and lower vibrational “understandings”. So sometimes I have to use words like “feels good” or “doesn’t feel good” to make a point to the mind.

I would speak what I felt were high vibe words but I wouldn’t feel good saying them. I soon realized I was being shown I held lower energy and stories to the words which where pulling the energy to a lower vibration. It was now up to me to realign myself with what was out of alignment for me. Over time I have been gifted with beautiful experiences (opportunity’s) to show me the words and how I was out of alignment with them allowing me to realign from a much higher awareness. We are all always being gifted the opportunities to see where we are out of alignment, we just have to be present enough to start observing and then acting on these observations to pull ourselves into energetic alignment. We are using words all day everyday, we have ample opportunity to start to be present and conscious to what and how we are speaking inside and outside ourselves. It’s not just the words we say to others, it’s our internal self talk as well.

My point being, we can hold many different energies even to beautiful high vibrational words. It is up to us to align this within because we “feel” that they are out of alignment (don’t feel good).

Now let’s talk about the most powerful phrase in ALL of creation for what comes after you become!

“I AM”.....

Can you feel the power of these two words together! Close your eyes and say these words to yourself a couple times...

Now say “I AM Perfect”, how did that feel?

I used perfect because most humans have a jaded description and perspective of the word perfect.

If you felt it tough to say or felt a heaviness in your stomach or body we can see there is a jaded view of what perfect means. Ultimately we were born perfect and have been perfect all along. It’s only our jaded views, beliefs, programs and judgements we hold that block us from this truth.

My point is to show you how words have different energies based on our beliefs, programming and conscious awareness.

Saying “I Am Perfect” should become more easy and powerful to say as we embody our true essence of Love and truth.

All of our truths and higher consciousness come through our purest most wide open hearts. The only way through to our true heart is through releasing the lower vibrational EVERYTHING, anything that doesn’t “feel good” so to speak.

Going back to using some disempowered words, lets look at saying “I Am Sick”.

What do you believe is happening when we are saying this? I will tell you that you are telling yourself and the universe that you are sick. What does sick even mean? Well, we spoke earlier about it. It means we are not taking the time to understand ourselves and our energy. It’s saying “ I don’t want to remember how to use my inner guidance, so I’m just sick”. Whatever you are feeling become symptoms of something that can’t be explained yet we will look for someone to explain it from a lower perspective. That is until we decide we are ready to take action and remember how to trust our body and remember our energy centers, no longer giving our power way to people that haven’t done the energetic work to transcend the lower mind.

I AM puts everything into creation when believed implicitly with all of our being no matter what it is, high vibe or low vibe.

I AM creates......that’s why it’s important to be present to what you truly believe and how it feels inside. Chances are it’s not even your belief to begin with!

Here are a couple of the most unconsciously used words in the human language that instantly Lower our vibration of any conversation and hold powerful negative energy.


  1. feel intense or passionate dislike for someone or something

  2. Strong aversion to something

  3. Used politely to express ones regret or embarrassment at doing something.

  4. Express strong dislike for.

This word is defined with JUDGEMENT!

This is absolutely unconscious, negative, low vibrational talk, yet it’s a part of regular everyday talk. “I hate this, I hate that, I hate when this happens, I hate that person, I hate that car or that color.... Judgement is Ego plain and simple, doesn’t matter if it is a person place or thing, it’s unconscious. Using this word is ALWAYS a judgement and always saying WE don’t agree with a part of OUR process, meaning “things are only happening for a reason when it feels good or works best for us”. Everyone and everything on this planet and in existence is having a journey and we are NOT here to judge one another for it, that is ego.

Hate = judgement = ego

Sorry = “if I say this, it hopefully makes up for what I just said or did”.


“I’m saying sorry for no apparent reason rite now, it’s just a word I say when another person is going through something, apologizing for you going through the journey your supposed to go through”.

it truly makes no sense to say sorry, it basically says “I choose to be unconscious to my life and actions”. Saying “my bad” is another negative play on words. Your not bad for bumping into someone, you may not be being present but your not bad. Saying sorry is an unconscious programmed response that must be brought into our awareness to now be able to consciously remove it from our vocabulary.

Truly, everything is happening for a reason and nothing is an accident, being sorry for what is/was supposed to happen is backwards to and taking away from what we are trying to achieve, in turn lowering our vibration.

We are not here to apologize for anyone else’s life, process or journey nor be sorry for our own. Being sorry lowers our vibration and is actually a form of victim energy.

Saying sorry for what someone else is going through is a learned behaviour and programmed response, it’s a type of saviour complex coming from the lower ego mind believing it’s making someone else feel better, when in actual fact it’s taking away from their process not allowing it all to be perfect.

I’m not sorry, I take responsibility for my words, energy and actions always without question. If something comes up it’s meant to be acknowledged by me. I’m not apologizing for the experience or exchange that was meant to be had to ultimately trigger or create an opportunity for growth. I will say again, NOTHING IS AN ACCIDENT... this I will speak over and over as it must be remembered consistently until we embody this truth with every breath and all of our being.

Remember, you are just beginning to allow yourself to “remember”, all of this and it will challenge your lower mind, programmed beliefs and learned behaviour to your core. It’s important to be compassionate to your process and remember you are/were meant to have the journey you are on, It’s always been perfect and always will be. This process will bring our entire lives into question piece by piece as we are ready to see/feel/remember by allowing these powerful truths to activate deep within.

Let’s feel out a couple more words and phrases that are very limiting, disempowering, weak and empty. They are fillers and are unconscious programmed responses that lower our vibration.

I can’t = I won’t try anything outside my linear boxed in view

I shouldn’t have = not trusting that everything is happening perfectly, ALWAYS...

Maybe = if I feel like it or if something better or more fun doesn’t come up.

Stupid, dumb, idiot, moron......... I could go on and on with all the unconscious words and phrases, the make up most of the human language and are all created from and filled with JUDGEMENT.

Judgement = Ego

I will speak quickly to swear words of any kind as I used them like any other word, very very unconsciously. They are filler, filled with tons of energy (stories), judgement, ego, victim, anger, shame, blame, guilt... you name it, these words are filled with energy and used very unconsciously. It’s not that they are so called “bad words” we talked about the word bad above. It’s the energy they hold and the unconsciousness behind using them. You will feel as you grow that these words just naturally fall away with no need to be replaced.

There are many more words and phrases you will begin to feel out along your journey. They will either feel warm and happy or constrictive and tight through the body. It’s really quite simple, we were just never taught how to trust our own feelings and true inner voice over the programming, belief systems and learned behaviors we picked up through life.

Remembering how to use our internal guidance system we were born with and forgot how to use is our birth rite!

As I started to become aware of words and the power they hold, I made it a daily practice to be more present observing my energy, words and self talk allowing me to catch and shift them into something more in line or just take them rite out. There doesn’t always have to be a replacement word or phrase. sometimes and more than not we are using extra words for no reason or to quantify something that doesn’t need to be quantified.

Other times we can talk for no reason other than we are uncomfortable or feeling nervous. Silence is more powerful than words can ever be, it is where everything is seen and felt. If we are feeling nervous or uncomfortable we should ask ourselves why we feel this way and what is causing it. A very big part of my journey was realizing I talked way to much for no reason, explaining things to a pint I forgot my own story, as I was doing this I was feeling people trail off and loose interest in the conversation because it was to much info.

Watching what we are talking about and why we are even talking is a big piece, start being present to your conversations and if people trail off or loose interest at any point and look at what you were talking about or the words being used. For me I found I was getting so detailed explaining something to get the point across or explain the back story, I soon realized the more I started observing myself that I was actually adding in some back story that held victim energy, I was trying to fit in or was nervous or uncomfortable. I found a lot of my extra talking was trying to fit in things that have happened “to me” lately or crazy things in my life. I built insecurities in my life and one was that I had to make myself valuable or funny to make up for my other “downfalls” as a person. So I told crazy awesome stories from my life or that had recently happened. I had a pretty interesting life so lots of crazy situations to talk about and because of my insecurities I had built I felt it made me seem more cool or fun. The reality is I had nothing to make up for, I didn’t have anything to worry about or feel that I needed to go out of my way and talk to show people I wasn’t a “looser”. These are all stories I had created in my life. The more I became present to myself I realized I was telling stories from the past trying to make myself look good because I was worried people would or were judging me, trying to fit in or be cool when I had no need to do so. It was all me making up stories and programmed beliefs created from fear.

Later realizing that I was just scared to be me, in fear of being my awesome self because others had judged, ridiculed or made fun of me at some point. Then I took it personally and allowed myself to build more stories and fears as I grew up, “trying” to please other peoples beliefs and judgements by “trying” to fit in. Trying doesn’t make sense.

“Trying” means “to attempt to do or accomplish”. I was attempting to speak to someone else’s ego, this accomplished me being a different person than myself to fit in because I didn’t TRUST myself enough to be me.

I’m not saying everyone does or has done this in their lives but many of us have in some sort of way. Bringing awareness to why what and when we are speaking is a powerful point of growth. I believed I would forget things instantly so I would try to get it all out at once or cut someone off, reality is It was a programmed belief that I created making me run on or cut someone off (ego). We can, will and have built identities, beliefs and programs around not speaking our truth and about speaking in general. Becoming the observer of our words, conscious and unconscious talk is how we change the game. Bringing the UNCONSCIOUS into or view so we can now make a CONSCIOUS choice to shift and change our views or beliefs.

It’s important not to be hard on ourselves as we begin to change our vocabulary by observing ourselves, being more conscious, feeling the words we are speaking to ourselves and others, inside and outside. How do words feel speaking and receiving them? Our process is to feel everything and ultimately trust our own inner guidance = intuition.

To sum it all up in simplicity, words hold and are energy, words and phrases can powerfully create and also powerfully disempower and words dictate our vibration. The energy (past experiences, beliefs) we hold to the words and the words we choose to use actually call forth our next experiences. This is why becoming the observer of our thoughts and actions is the KEY to conscious growth. As we are present we are able to feel/observe what is happening before it even happens allowing us the opportunity to consciously shift the energy before we call forth another loop.

Allow yourself to FEEL your words, FEEL your self talk and FEEL the energy you are calling to yourself in the moment. Begin by bringing awareness to all this by allowing all of this information (remembering) to Activate deep within. Remember compassion and patients for ourselves as we allow ourselves to see the unconsciousness we built and created. Remembering to Love ourselves as everything has always been perfect, no accidents EVER!

Ultimately Remembering we created everything unconsciously so we could consciously clear, release and realign. Remembering our every conscious and unconscious act ripples out and is felt by everyone around us, leading the way through example and embodiment.

We are the wayshowers,

We are the shift,

We are the change,

Yet it comes through each and every one of us doing OUR own deep sacred work, embodying OUR truths through every single heart centered act.🤍

I LOVE AND HONOR YOU ALL.......! ❤️❤️❤️

With deep sacred respect to each and every one of you and your powerful journeys. 🌎☮️🔮💯

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