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The “Search” for TRUE LOVE……

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Feb 11, 2024

Sharing my Unique journey/realization of Finding True Love as It wasn’t at all what I had felt it was going to be yet became one of the most Empowering/Humbling Rememberings/Expansions of my entire Journey…

Using this Beautiful capture gifted from the “Fairy Pond” on this lovely land we are So Very Appreciative to steward..

At some point in our lives since birth I’m pretty most can say we’ve had that deep down feeling that we are meant to find our True Love/Soul Mate/twin Flame/Life Partner or whatever words/description you use.

Almost everyone I’ve met along my life/journey has openly shared through conversation that they are/have/had been searching/looking/waiting at some point in life (most still are secretly or gave up/forgot..), yet it’s this secretive game of not knowing “WHO” IT IS, WHEN they will show up or if we will ever find “them”, endlessly searching through every relationship most of our adult lives.

I can say for me I had a STRONG deep down feeling almost my entire human life since as far back as I can Remember. I would always go into my head with every girl I “liked” (felt an attraction to) when I was young wondering “is this the one”…  almost like I was “programmed” or had an invisible directive/mandate/feeling coded within that I had some sort of mission to find this mysterious person in my life. If they didn’t reciprocate or were with/dating someone else I’d be “sad” and wonder if “this was the one” because I held/felt such a strong attraction/connection in the moment, or what I “THOUGHT” was an Attraction, I also felt a strong attraction meant “Love at first sight” like we see in the movies..

Let’s stop right here and take a look at the word ATTRACTION…

What does it mean..?

It means to feel an attraction/pull to a person place or thing. Ok great, so what was I actually being attracted TO…?

Was it the way she talked, her looks, where she lived, the sport she played, music she liked, clothes she wore, car she drove, jokes she told… truthfully it could have been one/some or ALL of the above descriptions depending on the person I “liked” or was “attracted” to at the time. I will stop here as we need not go any further for this to open up because All of those points of “attraction” I listed above are superficial/material/shallow/looking on the surface and have NOTHING to do with TRUE LOVE. What they DO have EVERYTHING to do with is social conditioning/programming/manipulation that I took insince birth through daily life, taking on most of my conditioning/beliefs through watching endless movies/tv shows/friends/parents.. the conditioning was that I was only looking at things on the surface, not at all looking for/knowing the persons True inner Self, never looking/feeling any deeper basically judging a person by their outer attributes that I was “attracted to”.

The reason I bring all this up is because the more I came into my Awakening journey the more I began searching for this “person/soul mate/life partner” feeling I would NEVER BE COMPLETE WITHOUT HER. Almost every girl I “dated” in my life was because I felt this one MUST be the “ONE”… ALWAYS feeling such a strong “attraction” then quickly or not so quickly realizing they never were “THE ONE” once I started getting to know who they were on the inside. I was always at some point saying to myself “how do I get out of this mess, she’s not the one”... settling for awhile then ending it  getting sad/down on myself/low/feeling alone wash/rinse/repeat… do it all over again because that’s what I felt I was supposed to do, my social programming/beliefs said I had to be with someone or I wasn’t whole and complete. My mission was to endlessly search until I found the “perfect match” or “the one”…

It seemed like an endless loop of pain and suffering for me and it was, I just wanted to be free and find this Extra Special person so I could feel complete.

Finally at a point of Awakening beginning my ego release phase (didn’t know I was at this point) I decided to take time to myself, I felt the call DEEP within to be “single”, stop searching for a while and truly find out who I actually was inside, get to know ME for a while so I would know what I’m bringing to the table. Truly I had never done this before in my life, it felt good and resonated deep within. I felt this choice/action to be monumental in my life and was so happy I was committed to this as when finished I would be So Much More ready to find “the one”…

Little did I realize until 2 or so linear years later that I was endlessly searching for someone/something I would never find outside myself.

Are you ready for the fun part…!

The reason I would never find this person is because I was ENDLESSLY looking/searching OUTSIDE MYSELF. I was searching for an EXTERNAL PERSON/BELIEF rather than Realizing/Remembering it was ME I was searching for. 🤩

This is when my whole world/reality/beliefs/conditioning shifted HUGE!!!

I had the most MASSIVE/BEAUTIFUL/POWERFUL/PROFOUND Remembering that what I was truly searching for, this TRUE LOVE with another person, it was ME, I was searching for True Love within MYSELF and this Love is what I will call SELF LOVE.  WOW…! I had been searching endlessly dragging myself through SO MUCH pain and suffering almost my entire life SEARCHING for someone/something that needed to be cultivated WITHIN MY OWN BEING/SELF...

Realizing when I found TRUE SELF LOVE for myself I would find True Love in EVERY living/non living THING in my reality/world/life/existence.

I wasn’t searching for a girl/partner/soul mate/twin flame to make me whole and complete because that is not at all what True Love is, Love isn’t a person, it’s is a Frequency/Vibration/Truth/Remembering we EMBODY…

I was searching for my TRUE SELF and all I had to do was begin to LOVE ME for EVERYTHING I WAS/AM and STOP looking OUTSIDE myself. That’s when I realized I didn’t love myself AT ALL, then eventually seeing/feeling along the journey that humans in general have been conditioned to judge themselves for every single thing in there lives then taking in/on the judgements of/from others, then burying all the traumatic shame/blame/guilt/victim (ego) experiences to further beat ourselves down all through life. Not dealing with our traumas/hurtful experiences in the moment building an identity of hurt/pain/sadness/victim that then keeps building into more and more separation within ourselves. Over “time” becoming so far removed from any type of Self Love that we don’t even know what self love or Love even means or who we truly are inside. Relationship after relationship I was burying ALL the traumatic events/pain and suffering not realizing this was all affecting my view of myself in a very deep way, that view of myself now diminishing any self love/worth I had.

It’s not just me that did this, all of humanity has taken on this conditioning in some way shape or form because that’s the way we took on the programming/conditioning looking OUTSIDE ourselves for LOVE. Self Love being the key to EVERYTHING because if we cannot/do not TRULY LOVE OURSELVES, loving EVERY SINGLE piece of ourselves inside and out, we cannot TRULY LOVE anyone or anything. Conditions being all the superficial/material descriptive words I used near the beginning (and LOTS more..)

The journey of finding True Love first begins with LOVING OURSELVES for EVERYTHING we are/do/say/be/look like/feel/act… inside ourselves and outside ourselves. Once we cultivate/Remember this LOVE for ourselves WITHIN we will then see/feel TRULY LOVE everyone/everything in our world/earth reality no matter who, or what they look like, say, act, do Remembering everyone is having there own journey the way they are CHOOSING/CREATING it for themselves and that’s absolutely PERFECT.

At this point of awareness we begin to see/feel/remember we aren’t searching for our soul mate/life partner/twin flame, we are having GROWTH EXPERIENCES with those our Soul/Higher Self/Universe guide us TO in order to help facilitate each others journey for as long or short is meant to be called Soul Agreements. This is when the 3D “girlfriend/boyfriend” experience/relationship conditioning/programming/manipulation must begin to be looked at/resolved/dissolved/aligned/cleared from our existence from a MUCH HIGHER space within. As this was all an illusion and manipulation meant to keep us from ever finding our True Self/Path/Love/Remembering within.

First we work on cultivating the TRUE SELF LOVE from WITHIN by diving into our own traumas/victim stories/beliefs/identities… resolving dissolving/releasing ALL our past relationships and the experiences/dysfunctional energy we had/hold/carry from each relationship that created stories/triggers/hurt/pain/sadness/anger/resentment…  being housed/stored in our Energy body. Truthfully none of it has been dealt with only compartmentalized and pushed into a corner so we couldn’t/didn’t see it,  I know this can feel heavy yet the real weight has been being carried our entire lives as stories/trauma/pain/sadness…

Every contraction/trigger/story being an OPPORTUNITY to see/feel/release it all from our reality, ESPECIALLY when it’s coming up FOR US to see/feel/resolve/dissolve in the moment.

Yes, we have to go back/look into each relationship (friends/family/boyfriend/girlfriend) since childhood (it will all come up naturally through daily experiences over “years”) and begin seeing/feeling the pain/suffering/sadness/hurt we created because it all happened FOR OUR HIGHEST GROWTH, we just didn’t know this in the moment, so we buried/pushed away the energy in each experience instead of consciously dealing with it in that exact moment.

We will ALL eventually be faced with the pieces from our “past” that have to be aligned because all of the traumas/experiences/pain/suffering/victim stories have become a part of the human identity. Many don’t realize all there triggers/fears/sadness/guilt/shame/victim experienced in daily life are present due to not being guided how to consciously deal with/resolve/dissolve/take responsibility for and Release our past.

I know this can bring up lots of walls/programs/blocks saying “oh my gosh, I’m not going into all that” or “no way am I looking at that stuff, it’s too heavy/big/painful”… only because it “SEEMS” to “painful/heavy/big” not wanting to relive it all yet that’s the only way out. To be clear about the process we are Not reliving anything, we are CHOOSING to look at/feel/see what we’ve buried LONG AGO, we are doing this to see/feel the higher truth of WHY it all happened FOR US as growth experiences meaning we are seeing HOW/WHY we Truly called the Growth Experiences to ourselves (our magnetic field) so we can Take Responsibility FOR Creating them and then carrying it all (the dysfunctional energy) through life until now. This can be a tricky part, as the energy will be BIG because it’s never been dealt with, instead it’s been avoided at all costs our entire lives making it fester inside. The ego will have us believe it’s going to be Painful/Fearful/“HELL” to look at it all yet that’s a MASSIVE MANIPULATION tactic to block us from looking (ego doesn’t like change or things that elevate our Conscious awareness).

Yes we have to FEEL the energy or we will never understand what we created for ourselves. Once we acknowledge that WE called it all TO OURSELVES for GROWTH we then realize we are looking/feeling from a higher perspective so we can now TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for burying the energy, releasing all the programs/victim stories/lower beliefs/identities.

Remembering we have NEVER been taught how to consciously resolve anything until now in life. We are clearing up all the experiences/dysfunctional energy/traumas/stories we UNKNOWINGLY created for ourselves. Once we consciously deal with them, they are now resolved and are no longer part of our identity/dysfunction/density/story/beliefs.. it’s now a growth process to be shared with others to guide them through there journey/release.


About a Beautiful/Powerful journey of REMEMBERING SELF LOVE/ONENESS and Resolving/Dissolving/Releasing our “Past”. The more we ANCHOR Self Love from within the more we find TRUE LOVE for/in EVERYONE/EVERYTHING no matter who, what, where, why, how…, NEVER  again searching OUTSIDE for anything to make us feel Whole/Complete because we already are.

TRUE LOVE REMEMBERS that Everything is happening exactly as it should be, No Accidents, No Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, NO EGO… everything happening for humanities collective/individual growth/Awakening/Ascension in every linear second, every breath, every thought, every action and every feeling…. Because TRUE LOVE in simplicity is LOVING EVERYTHING no matter what because it’s ALWAYS happening as it should for ALL.. once we can Embody this understanding we are well on our way back to REMEMBERING the True Frequency/Vibration/Feeling/Knowing of SELF LOVE/ONENESS/TRUTH.

This journey is SO GORGEOUS!!!

Releasing the past/pain/hurt/sadness doesn’t have to be the “worst” thing ever.  It can actually be the most Powerful/Beautiful/Magnificent process in our existence as it ended up being for me, it all depends how we choose to view it. Remembering when we have finally purged ALL the dysfunctional energy from our existence we will actually now become the living Embodiment of Freedom/Truth/Trust/Purity/Love/NewEarth.

Will share more about doing this as partnership as aligns, feeling to leave it here for now as there are many more interesting/intense/expansive pieces to share that could benefit others coming into this phase of the journey.



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