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✨🌎Unifying Through Separation 🌎✨

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

So much going on in the world rite now!

It’s such a beautiful show happening, everything out of alignment on the planet is showing itself. Massive truths are being forced out, agendas are being pushed from the highest levels, yet we as a collective won’t break.

Voices are starting to come out! People have had enough of being controlled, treated as less then, being kept on a need to know basis from the people “in charge”. Only being told what’s best for the masses to hear to fulfill yet an other agenda, and another and another...

Here we are! Living, feeling and seeing what’s going on rite before our eyes and ears.

Yet, a lot of us still have all this free time on our hands allowing us to sit with how things feel without being so busy we don’t even see or acknowledge. With all this free time comes the space to act on these feelings being stirred up within, these feeling of questioning what’s going on all around us.

We are starting to if not all ready feeling/seeing that things aren’t and haven’t been as they seem in so many ways, we just didn’t have the time and energy in life to put towards it.

If we take a look at what’s happening around the world energetically we can feel collective mass fear, chaos, confusion, betrayal.... this is “separation” coming from all the agendas being pushed forward one after the other as they aren’t seeming to work like before. All of these agendas are doing there best to keep us separated from each other.

One agenda fails and the next begins, it’s quite easy to get an agenda going when there is already collective mass fear and chaos being felt across the globe. It’s quite easy to get entire countries of people feeding into the collective chaos when we are being almost forced to stay tuned to what’s going on through some sort of news channels, media, social media that we all know have their own agenda, one that definitely does NOT benefit the masses.

These media outlets are the fuel for the so called fear and chaos machine. They pretend they are doing the work for us getting all the facts yet where are the facts coming from and who do they benefit at the moment?

There are handfuls of different scenarios (agendas) being played out all over the world rite now to keep us distracted and caught up in everything so we don’t catch what’s really going on, as well as keeping us in fear, panic anger, all kinds of other emotions. This is all distraction and the ones pushing these agendas know very well what they are doing. They know if they keep pushing us apart we stay confused lost and separated as a collective. A collective that if and when it comes together will stand up as a True Power and True Voice working together As ONE for and from Love. One collective standing for Truth, Honesty, Justice, Honor, Humanitarianism all built through LOVE.

This is why the agendas are coming on so hard and so fast one after another. If you really pay attention. These “agendas” have been played on repeat before every American election. It’s very interesting to watch, yet even more interesting as they are breaking down and aren’t working like they used to.

Humanity is waking up and starting wipe the sleep from their eyes...!

It’s happening NOW!

We are a BIG part of it, yes every single one of us. Every single one of us that questions what doesn’t feel good anymore and stands in our truth is what is “shifting the tides” so to speak.

Taking action in our own lives to not feed into the mass chaos and feeling that we are much more powerful when we stand for our OWN voice and choice. It’s takes courage to trust our own self, our voice and our choice.

We basically trusted and gave our power away to the people in power, allowing our lives to be run by people we assumed and were told had our best interest at hand.

Now we are beginning to see and feel it is quite the opposite. Most of the people we trust and have trusted to make big decisions involving ALL of our lives have had their own agenda the whole time fueled by greed, control, power over others, best interests of only the few all for money, power and ownership.

Yet, there are beautiful people in power working really really hard behind the scenes to make things happen that will shift the balance from power over others to “the power of the people for the people as ONE”.

Finding “news” information of these beautiful things happening is almost impossible based on the current mainstream media and there best interests. If something goes against what the social media outlet or media outlet believes (agenda) then somehow they have the rite to say what is rite and wrong?

This is pretty interesting isn’t it?

Thankfully that is being looking into yet it will take a bit for it to find balance through the outlets as they are corrupt at the core and built from very low vibration. They will find their loopholes and such... it’s how they operate. It’s up to us to feel what resonates, feel what feels true to OUR own self. WE are able to make our own decisions and views based on our own “gut feelings”.

Best part of all of this is, energetically as a mass collective we have shifted the balance of “power”. Because so many souls are awake and waking up questioning everything we have tipped the so-called balance in favor of the “light” (truth=Love) so to speak. Love is leading the way and that is why the low vibrational agendas can not and will not survive! The more we all stand together and find our own voice, choice and truth the more the old ways (agendas) crumble.

It’s like taking oxygen from the fire. It suffocates itself. This is exactly what is happening on our planet rite now!!!!!

It is the most powerful time for humanity ever in existence!!

This is when the tables shift HUGE!!

Love is the most powerful force in existence and the more we question, use our voice, our truth and our choice. The more we shift individually and collectively, each one of us contributing in our own way through our own lives. Standing for Love, Truth, Respect, Peace, Honor........

Stay strong in what you feel and believe!

Stay true to your words!

Speak your Truth!

Don’t except less!

If it doesn’t feel good, don’t feed it!😉

Remember, YOU have a Voice, YOU have a Choice and YOU are Loved.....!🤍💜🤍💜🤍

With Infinite Love Gratitude and Respect,

I LOVE YOU..... keep shining your light✨✨

Be the change, leading by example😉💯

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