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What does it mean to Awaken?

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

There will come a point in our lives where we wake up one day and things are different. Easiest and best way for me to describe it is like your Soul Activated your internal Awakening switch to wake you from your deep sleep. That switch connects to many pieces of you that have been laying dormant and “sound asleep” until this Powerful moment which many call an “Awakening”.

This Awakening will be experienced differently through every single one of us as we are each having a unique individual experience, yet each one of these “switches” that turns on Activates a Remembering so to speak and one of these Remembering’s is that we are all connected and not as separate as we have been taught.

Another piece that gets activated is your feelers get turned on and amped up so you are now forced to feel a situation or experience more than ever before, this happens to force us to start to deal with situations and experiences rather than push away and avoid them, it’s time for us a human to take responsibility for our selves and what we call to ourselves which brings us to talk about energy. We all of the sudden have this new/old fascination with energy, how it works and what it’s about.

What’s happening here is your soul wants you to Remember that you and Everything are energy. Many get guided to and reminded of the law of attraction or law of energy and what that means. Things start getting really interesting to say the least and can be a bit confusing at first.

Another powerful piece that comes rather quickly especially now days is the awakening to ALL the Corruption around you and the world, you start wanting to research certain things against the mainstream narratives you’ve been told to believe and this is all fuelled through “Feeling”, usually felt in your gut/intuition. Intuition becomes your Inner Guidance System and over time you notice yourself starting to trust what you feel rather than what your told. It can all seem crazy but also very Poweful at the same time, it feels good yet goes against what the mind is saying because the “mind” is actually the issue. You get guided to some sort of conscious or “spiritual” practice, usually some sort of yoga, plant medicines, meditation, breath work or inward time leading us to remember we must quiet the mind in order to feel, see and trust our own truth. We eventually start to remember that all of this remembering is coming from our DNA, yet we have been sold the BIGGEST LIE about our DNA and told it’s got junk in it, “nothing to see here”. We were told the mind was EVERYTHING yet nobody could or can “figure it out”. Why such a mystery?

Truth is, we as the human species have been held back from our highest and biggest Truths, the truth that the Entire Universe and the answers to it ALL reside inside our own DNA, the truth that we are ALL powerful beyond measure but have given our power away to believing everything outside ourselves, creating a “mind” that needs to be filled/forced with outside knowledge rather than being guided to find all the answers within. You may be blown away or put sideways hearing all this or you may feel it resonate through your entire being, either way we have been purposefully guided Away from our absolute truth which is Unlimited Quantum Consciousness, infinite abundance for ALL and to live as free sovereign beings, creating, collaborating, sharing, loving, caring and living in pure peace and harmony with everyone as an equal to another with NO separation, yet very unique in our own ways.

We are ALL meant to live this type of beautiful and peaceful existence, yet being born into giving our power away to everything outside ourselves (all the purposefully corrupt, broken and fraudulent systems) we are completely oblivious to anything outside the pre created systems, therefor only believe what we are told within the walls of the systems, anyone outside the walls is said to be “crazy”, “conspiracy”, or have “mental issues” or...... the system is set up perfectly so nobody can question anything or they are labeled and shamed in some sort of way, usually ending up on some sort of medication for good measure or to fix you up and stop asking questions.

Might seem crazy or nuts because all of this has been hidden from us more than anything else in existence. Why?

Why would anyone want to hide this from an entire race of powerful beings (humans)?

It’s something we’ve all got to ask ourselves at some point or another or we are just asking to be slaves to the BIGGEST LIE in human history. Have you ever in your life wondered why you are on this planet? I bet everyone has at one point in life or another, it’s in your DNA.

We as a species are being held hostage so to speak inside of a delusional reality created by a group of people with a very dark and sinister agenda for lack of better words, an agenda that has nothing to do with humans being and living happy, healthy, abundant and free. Our Awakening is the moment in our life (different for everyone) when we switch on and activate the feelers and intuition inside so we can break free of the illusion. Look at it like a fail safe was built/coded into each and every ones unique DNA imprint for this moment in “time”.

The mind lives within time because both the mind and time were created by man for control.

Although time was created by man, time does not truly exist therefore Awakening and becoming Conscious you Remember you’ve Always been here to Awaken and become fully conscious, you remember it was always for this moment in human history when we all Awaken together to break free of the broken painful delusion we call life. As we all awaken to the truth we CANNOT fall back asleep, once your switch has been flipped you are ON. You can try to fight and resist the feelings and really make it painful and tough on yourself, but that just means your willing to trust the fear of the lie over the Truth of your existence. It’s a POWERFUL and PROFOUND process and will NEVER EVER make sense to the “mind”, the mind is extremity limited as consciousness is unlimited. Trying to figure out consciousness with your mind will ALWAYS lead to confusion as consciousness is not meant to be “figured out”, figuring out is the mind making up scenarios created from the limited box of knowledge it was filled with. Consciousness is quantum, no beginning and no end yet everything and nothing and time does not exist, it cannot be quantified nor will it ever be by the lower mind, it just is and when we become fully conscious we never ever question anything or look for answer to anything ever again. We connect to a universal source of oneness, ultimately (remembering) reconnecting with all of existence. It’s a lot to integrate so I will leave the rest for later reading but it will be the most AMAZING ride of your life and the more you give in and allow yourself to feel and trust your feelings, the faster you break free of all the lies and indoctrination allowing you to live your most beautiful, free and abundant existence.

As you awaken you will release the fears you have created and taken on allowing you to see and feel that we are here to Awaken and take our lives planet and power back as a collective around the world.

There is a Conscious Revolution happening right now, inside you and outside you, it can’t be avoided and because time doesn’t truly exist as you become conscious you can see “future timelines”, the only one I and many see is absolute pure bliss and infinite abundance for ALL, yet each must find this within themselves by trusting what doesn’t make sense, what may seem crazy but absolutely feels right and good. The only way out of the “Hell on Earth” feeling is to dive into your DNA and ALLOW yourself to Awaken, it’s gonna be a wild ride but we created this world by not trusting ourselves and our guts so we Can and Will uncreate this craziness.

Important to remember your outside world is a reflection of your inside world, something many of us were not taught in life.

It’s Time To Remember!

In Deep Gratitude and Sacred Service to ALL!!

I Love You ❤️💯🌎✨

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