🔮To heal is to remember🔮
At some point along your journey you will get to a point that you realize healing was/is the pathway to remembering.
I will explain,
We chose and choose our experiences in this life. Some of the big experiences we pre chose with certain people, places and things to play out a facilitate specific experiences, growth and remembering periodically through our lives. Most other experiences we are calling and creating as we walk through the day based on the law of attraction-via the energy we put out, calling back similar experiences also for the purpose of growth. Everything is for our inner growth and remembering, absolutely everything. We are like an experience magnet, what we feel and think in any given moment is calling back thoughts feelings and experiences to play out so we can feel remember and consciously grow.
Now after saying all of that we can start to feel and see that everything has been pre chosen or being created and called back in any given moment or situation. This shows us that Nothing is happening by accident. Which in turn shows us that everything is happening for a reason. If everything is happening for reason, then are you wounded and truly needing to “heal”?
Lovely question that will trigger many feelings inside!
It is meant to trigger you inside. A trigger isn’t a trigger, it’s an opportunity. At this moment and every moment as you read these words I am speaking to your soul essence, your DNA and energetic field.
Yes you are reading this but on a much deeper level I’m speaking to your DNA, your cellular structure, higher self and activating you.
Your DNA is alive and hears/feels/sees Everything. DNA changes as we change! Your thoughts actions and feelings are being seen felt and heard by your DNA always, this is how and why we can shift and change our entire being at the quantum level, through quantum states of consciousness. This comes naturally by doing inner work. Inner work is the only way to truly “heal” yourself and start to remember.
Let’s talk about the Word “heal”,
At the beginning of my journey I felt empowered to say healing and that I was on a healing journey. I was “healing” this and “healing” that. I thought I was healing my entire life. In a way I was because that word was all that resonated and what everyone else used. It’s a blanket term used by almost everyone and anyone far and wide.
As I came deeper and deeper along my journey, the word “heal” started to have a different feeling, almost a heavy feeling, It was interesting. I was hanging onto this word “heal” and It was in my old description of my self. “Intuitive Shamanic Energy Healer”. Wow, that’s a mouthful. Yes I was intuitive, yes I studied shamanism, yes I worked with energy, and at the time I truly believed I could help heal or do healing to or for someone . Here’s the interesting part.
For me when I said I can do some healing on you or I did some healing “for you” or “to you”... it truly never ever felt rite. In time as I released the control of my ego I came to feel, see and know with all of my being why this didn’t feel rite for me. I had some profound visions (rememberings) and remembered why it didn’t feel good.
From my awareness then and now, I came to see as mentioned above. We choose our experiences by the energy we hold. Via thoughts, actions, words experiences, feelings etc. all of those actions hold a vibration or energetic frequency. Each word, thought, feeling, experience or action will have an energetic return of some sort as per “the law of attraction” or “the law of energy” calling back what we are putting out energetically in the form of life experiences. On the other hand of this as I see it, before we are born into this earthly plane. We have consciously chosen specific people places and things to meet, happen or occur in our lives at some point for the purpose of what we can call “soul contracts” or “soul agreements”.
These agreements are meant to happen no matter what for the purpose of releasing karmic ties, loops and energy from previous lives etc.
so now we have pre chosen and are choosing experiences in this life. We are also creating new traumas, stories and experiences in this life time. Mix the pre chosen experiences with what we are calling to ourselves and we’ve got a lot of clearing “healing” to do.
Basically what I’m saying here is that the word heal means we were/are wounded and need to be fixed or healed in order to move forward.
We can create victim energy in this “healing” scenario because the word heal actually has victim energy in it and attached to it. Saying we are wounded when in actual fact we chose and choose our own experiences.
Now I will be very upfront that this understanding doesn’t happen over night. It takes a bit to even feel “remember” that we choose our experiences and energetically call every single person place thing and situation to ourselves based upon our thoughts, actions, feeling etc.
this mesg will hit everyone that reads it in a different way. As I said, this may trigger emotion, anger, fear, love, truth, remembering... you name it, It is meant to!
Everything is happening for our inner growth.
Everything is an experience and opportunity Guiding is to remember that we are energy beings, we have the power to shift and change this energy through conscious action, feeling and creation.
We are more Powerful then we can possibly conceive. I literally am still blown away at how absolutely amazing we are as a species... We’ve given our power away soooo much that most don’t even believe they have a real choice or power to change in life.
Well I’m here to powerfully remind you that
We hold the power to change ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in our lives and existence through changing our story. This comes from conscious choice and change clearing out all the old experiences and stories weighing us down.
It’s time to give yourself permission to let go!Free yourself from the prison of your past!
It’s all waiting to be released by YOU but must be done consciously and willingly or it doesn’t go away. It just comes back as another experience over and over through different people places and situations until we figure out to let it go. I call them loops.
We are in NO way obligated to hold old traumas and experiences. We are actually obligated at the highest level to remember it’s NOT real and to let it go.
The path of healing leads to the path of remembering!
Yes we can heal our lives!
It’s a word that you Remember to let go,
One day you will have healed enough to Remember that everything has been perfect all along. My mission is to guide you to this remembering from the core of your being.
The moment you can truly say and feel you are healed is the moment you can remember why you are truly here on this planet. I now don’t use the word heal at all. It simply fell out of my vocabulary as I came through my ego death phase. I needed to use the word until I didn’t. We always “need” something until we don’t.
I was wounded and needed healing because in some way shape or form I was still a victim to some experiences or even just being on this planet, not knowing why and feeling like their was something so much bigger.
It is definitely going to be part of everyone’s process to eventually feel and know this. I am being guided powerfully to share this as remembering this can have a profound affect on our journey. We can get stuck in a “healing” process not realizing we are a victim to the process.
This is how “healing” leads to remembering.
This is why I have called my book and fb group
Remembering Your Power Within.
Everything is a remembering, we just have to start clearing the path inside to remember.
As always, I Love You All! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍
Infinite Gratitude and BigLove along your beautiful and powerful journeys!☮️💯
🌝Powerful full moon in Full effect tonight!🌝
Take time to surrender into the magic you hold inside, close your eyes, be still and Remember Your Power Within! 🌍✨✨✨✨✨✨✨🌎