Sharing from my own Unique Journey Of Embodiment as Realized/Experienced through my own Conscious Awakening and Ascension Journey.
This is a Big topic for some as many I’ve met along the journey have felt that becoming spiritual or religious was the only path to Awakening/Ascending, then there are others that believe they are Awake because they simply see the corruption in the world and many that are under the belief Humans are all Ascending at the same time together also believing no one has Ascended yet, all coming from a space of no True understanding/experience just confusion being regurgitated. Awakening becoming a very broad word with many variations/descriptions holding many different beliefs. I speak from experience because I was one of the many that felt I had to practice “spirituality” so I could Awaken and ultimately Ascend, and maybe you are too.
This sharing is meant to open up a BIGGER more EXPANSIVE all inclusive Pathway to a Very Beautiful/Inspiring/Empowering journey of Self RE-Discovery/Remembering I will call the Path of Conscious Awakening/Ascension that didn’t require me to have to take on/learn any new belief systems/modalities/teachings from outside myself or fill myself with all kinds of spiritual courses/workshops that didn’t resonate, actually it was quite the opposite for me as I will share below.
Because now after completing my journey as I will share below I’ve realized through Experience that this is NOT a spiritual Awakening journey unless one chooses to BECOME “spiritual”, meaning learning/taking in spiritual information/understandings/modalities to become “spiritual” in the belief we are having a “Spiritual Awakening”.
For many linear years since I went ALL IN on my Awakening journey in “2012” all I’ve heard was the term spiritual Awakening, it was the only reference I could really find out there when I first began to open up. The words Awakening/Ascension would light my body up and give me a really tingly feeling inside that made me keep searching. It was like a clarion call within me and a feeling I could not shake, so I started searching for information…
All I could find was information telling me “the 21 signs of a spiritual awakening”, or “the 7 stages to a spiritual awakening”… so I started to follow them but it just didn’t fully resonate. Soon enough I ended up feeling very called to work with nature, a tea made out of a vine found wrapped around trees in the Amazon jungle mixed with the leaves of another specific tree native to Peru/Brazil called Ayahuasca. Working with this powerful visionary plant/vine/nature I began to see through POWERFUL visions my journey to come, the life I had already lived since birth including ALL my actions/choices/traumas/judgements/pain/hurt/sadness/victim programming…
This natural path I had found seemed to be showing me my entire life and what was to come in my “future” journey through visions. It was Powerful/Profound/Expensive/Humbling and for me this WAS my True Awakening, “SEEING/FEELING” myself for who I had truly been, how I’d acted, what I’d said/done to others/self my entire life. It was extremely intense to feel/see who I’d been yet it was also the most EMPOWERING experience of my life now seeing/feeling what needed to be resolved/dissolved/cleared from my reality so I could Fully Awaken/Ascend.
Although I did notice almost everyone coming to the ayahuasca ceremonies was into spirituality it did not require anyone to practice/be spiritual to attend ceremonies. Yet, it seemed we were all becoming more spiritual as the days/years/ceremonies went on because there was no other higher path out there being shared at the time that I could find relating to Awakening…
I spent a couple years practicing shamanism which became a spiritual practice of its own and in this time I found myself seeing many others take more and more spiritual courses/paths filling themselves with different teachings/modalities like yoga/Qi gong/meditation/reiki/astrology/tantra… feeling the journey was to become more “enlightened” filling up the “spiritual toolbox” in order to go teach these paths to others, feeling it was our mission to “heal” the world. For a few “years” I felt I was meant to “heal”others at the time too. It’s like we ALL felt inside that we were meant to “heal” others, so almost everyone around me kept taking more courses/workshops ceremonies so they could begin there “healing” practice healing others.
This is where my journey became VERY DIFFERENT/UNIQUE and took a MASSIVE SHIFT in a VERY different direction than anyone else in my reality/journey and this is actually where I began to EXPAND/SKYROCKET through my journey.
For me personally all the spiritual courses/teachings other than working with ayahuasca didn’t resonate for me, I just didn’t feel attracted to any of it the more I worked on myself looking within. Also the more ayahuasca ceremonies I did the more I could feel my teachers ego’s, the more I looked at spiritual courses/workshops the more I felt it didn’t resonate inside for me. This is when I realized for myself through lots of “Inward time” meaning my eyes were closed and I was choosing to have sacred self time, that I wasn’t meant to “heal” anyone except for myself (I used this inward space to connect to my higher self/Universe for answers). I saw/felt/knew VERY CLEARLY that I was meant to clear myself FIRST of ALL MY Dysfunction/Density/Traumas/Programming BEFORE I began guiding others through there journey. And this is when I had the BIGGER Realization for myself that NOBODY can “HEAL” ANYONE ELSE. A person cannot go inside another person and “heal” that persons traumas/hurt/pain/sadness/stored emotions… because it’s up to the person/soul that EXPERIENCES the trauma TO RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/CLEAR their/our OWN trauma. It then hit me SO BIG that the majority of souls coming to work with Ayahuasca (and other modalities) hold a jaded belief that simply showing up to ceremony/sessions/classes and/or drinking the tea “heals” you and fixes everything, you just have to sit through it/keep showing up, see yourself and somehow it’s all fixing itself inside you... I didn’t hear/see any shamans/teachers saying anything otherwise for the most part and this really started to throw me off because I was now Seeing/Feeling/Integrating this new understanding that WE must consciously Release ALL OF OUR OWN trauma/density/dysfunction OURSELVES through a very POWERFUL Conscious Awakening/Ascension process, seeing/feeling ourselves is literally just the OPENING/BEGINNING of the AWAKENING release/clearing process.
Once I Integrated this POWERFUL REMEMBERING it was time for me to move away from working with Ayahuasca and Start looking DEEPER WITHIN MY OWN SELF to RESOLVE/DISSOLVE/CLEAR/ALIGN my traumas/hurt/pain/sadness/density by TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for the creation of the dysfunctional energy and carrying it all forward through our lives as UnResolved Traumas/Density, to which NOBODY was remotely speaking to as a part of any Awakening processes in ANY spiritual modalities/paths out there.
This is when I Realized all our Density/Dysfunctional Energy/Life experiences/ego (traumas/sadness/hurt/shame/blame/guilt/judgement/lack/fear) held within our Energy body had to be CONSCIOUSLY Resolved/Dissolved/Cleared/Aligned/Released through OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE/DECISION/ACTIONS to LOOK INSIDE and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for UNKNOWINGLY CREATING it ALL and CARRYING it (density) through life as DISEMPOWERED stories/trauma/hurt/pain/sadness.., so we can then FULLY AWAKEN moving into our True Ascension process beginning with the Ascension of our CONSCIOUSNESS which is the FULL SURRENDER/RELEASE of the lower ego matrix as mentioned above. This all being MUCH MUCH MUCH different from ANY of the information I had found regarding “Spiritual Awakening” and this is where I REALIZED with all of my being that spirituality and the path of spiritual awakening only takes someone so far getting tossed around out there like it’s the only path. Which is why many are stuck in “limbo/dark night of the ego” not understanding why it’s all so intense and won’t go away, feeling it’s all part of there awakening that just keeps going on and on like I once did because the spiritual information being shared in the world says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Ascension being the next PHASE and having to FULLY SURRENDER the control of the lower ego to ASCEND our CONSCIOUSNESS, then beginning the journey of Ascending of PHYSICAL BODY from a 5Th Dimensional Embodiment to 12th Dimensional Embodiment as I will share below.
What I came to realize that brings this more into a much higher awareness is in “2012” the Ascension Portal/Gateways/Stargate’s opened up and our Earth/Gaia began Her Ascension. This POWERFUL SHIFT is what opened up the further pathways of now being able to FULLY ASCEND our Physical bodies which wasn’t possible before this. Gaia/Earth Ascended first raising her own frequency to 12D and beyond which opened up the gates for ALL OF HUMANITY to now Awaken then FULLY ASCEND back to our naturally intended state of Full Consciousness/Quantum Consciousness/Creator Consciousness/Universal Consciousness… before this as I feel/see it humans could not physically Ascend there bodies as Gaia only held up to a 6/7D frequency which is only the Ascension of the consciousness.
Ascension simply meaning to ASCEND our Consciousness UP/OUT of the lower Unconscious 3D reality by releasing/dissolving the control of the Lower ego programming/matrix (shame/blame/guilt/lack/control/judgment/fear/manipulation/conditioning/traumas/hurt/buried emotions/stories…) which is were many souls that have taken the “spiritual” path are currently stuck in “limbo/pain and suffering/hell on earth” because the spiritual Awakening path (from my experience and many others) DOES NOT describe how to release/dissolve the control of the lower ego as mentioned earlier, most teachings if any only share a partial pathway coming from jaded lower beliefs of what ego even is not being fully Realized through experiencing the TRUE FULL JOURNEY, just regurgitated from books/courses/texts/spiritual gurus that Have NOT fully Awakened/Ascended or they would have shared the FULL path… (it becomes our HIGHEST mission to share as we break through what others cannot or will not allow themselves to see due to holding lower beliefs. This is called being a Wayshower…). For the most part the “spiritual awakening” journey having fun playing in bliss/fairies/magic, not fully letting go of the 3D experience driven by money/material life, “healing” others before THEMSELVES (which is ego in itself) missing the Biggest most important part of the journey being RELEASING THE EGO…
This is where we will open up a Much BIGGER EXPANDED AWARENESS that cannot truly be seen/felt/accessed until the humans ego is released through a process we can call ego surrender or “death” as some will call it. I personally don’t use the words death because you cannot “kill” energy, but energy CAN BE TRANSFORMED/Shifted/Aligned which is exactly what we are doing by Ascending or Consciousness. However it CAN “seem” like WE are “dying” which in a sense becomes true because we are taking our POWER BACK from something (ego) we UNKNOWINGLY allowed to control our entire lives, then REBIRTHING through a MASSIVE REMEMBERING process from WITHIN.
To make this even more interesting and a big reason many are Unknowingly “stuck” in the ego release/surrender phase is because the actual description of ego that is being passed around to humanity is completely backward from its TRUTH and missing many IMPORTANT pieces to fully understand what it actually is and WHY/HOW we CONSCIOUSLY release it’s control which IS A TRUE AWAKENING.
The ONLY TRUE PATHWAY THROUGH to Ascension being ASCENDING OUR CONSCIOUSNESS through the RELEASE/SURRENDER of the lower 3D ego programming/beliefs/conditioning/trauma/density/dysfunction present within all humans. Truthfully WE (Humanity) HAVE CHOSEN to DECEND DOWN into this lower 3D reality FROM FULL CONSCIOUSNESS for the EXPERIENCE. As we are born we begin to build the ego and take IN EVERYTHING/ALL KNOWLEDGE/INFORMATION (all becomes manipulation) from outside ourselves which becomes our INNER Ego MATRIX PROGRAMMING. Our goal/role/mission is to Awaken through FEELING EVERYTHING as I will describe below then beginning the Beautiful/Powerful/Profound journey of RELEASING the Inner Matrix programming (outside world manipulation/all the traumas/emotions/disempowering victim stories/density/dysfunctional energy we created/accumulated through life (density/dysfunction) in order to begin to Ascend BACK to our naturally intended state of Universal Creator Consciousness/Oneness/Love/Truth/Purity.
Religion/spirituality have a very different belief of how this all works which is a BIG reason for many being unknowingly stuck LOOPING in the ego release phase binding themselves to 3/4D, blocking there path by holding very limiting beliefs/views/information that was passed down from the past. Yet the past is the block.. the old ways only align with outdated processes and beliefs that will not guide someone through there Full journey because it wasn’t even possible to go All The Way before 2012 as mentioned earlier. I share this because I speak from experience. The more I pushed myself into learning spiritual practices/beliefs feeling it was the path of Awakening/Ascension the more confusing and somewhat painful/uncomfortable it all got, the more I read about Awakening/Ascension the more lost I felt and the more I listened OUTSIDE myself the more Disconnected I felt… My “teachers/shamans” never seemed to have answers I was searching for about Awakening or Ascension yet they did always seem to be full of ego holding some sort of belief that they were guiding others to a higher path they couldn’t/wouldn’t describe to me which always pushed me back INSIDE MYSELF to ask for the answers, which is how I came through, TRUSTING MYSELF…
The MORE I looked WITHIN the clearer I felt… the more I looked OUTSIDE for answers the more lost/confused/disconnected I felt which was backwards to me at the time as I felt all information HAD to come from outside of us or where else would it come from..?
The answer to this becomes THE MOST POWERFUL/EXPANSIVE OPENING/REMEMBERING/ACTIVATION I have EVER had along my journey, this one understanding which actually became a KEY to UNLOCKING/REMEMBERING EVERYTHING, would become the “HOLY GRAIL” of my entire existence…!!! This KEY being our DNA and the REMEMBERING of its TRUE PURPOSE….
Keep following along as I open up lots more bringing this all into a clearer understanding and why I keep referring to REMEMBERING.
I always felt it very “tough” for me to take information from outside myself my entire journey as it always felt off in some ways. I’d feel some lovely parts and then it would get confusing/heavy feeling and I didn’t know why until I had a PROFOUND Activation many “years” ago during an Ayahuasca ceremony where my higher self came through to show me what ego REALLY WAS…
This was a GAME CHANGER for my conscious growth and when I started to REalize WHY the “spiritual” path I was trying to Pursue was so confusing and pushing me more and more AWAY rather than PULLING ME IN.
When we are given a VERY limited/jaded lower understanding/description of a WORD which actually becomes the BIGGEST piece of our journey (Ego Surrender/Release/“death”) to be worked through we will naturally get lost/confused until we are pushed/forced to look/search/feel/Remember from WITHIN to find our REAL TRUTH. 3D lower “reality” will say that ego is an arrogant/self centered/controlling person, yet that’s NOT EVEN CLOSE to the TRUTH of it all…
Ego shared from a higher perspective becomes the human inner “Matrix” or operating system that is ruled/governed by fear/judgement/lack/control over others/shame/blame/guilt/victim programming/manipulation/conditioning/anger/force/separation…. Which is what keeps us lost and confused UNKNOWINGLY being “victim” to everything in life acting like it’s all happening TO US rather than FOR US. Always being fed manipulation from an operating system (ego) that only knows negativity. All humans do is ask there “ego mind” for answers never really knowing where it’s all coming from missing the BIGGER point/truth that we as a species have chosen to take in/on/build this ego since birth.
I know this is A LOT to digest if this is new to you, yet it will feel Great/Relieved inside because you are being ACTIVATED to REMEMBER your Higher Truth from WITHIN YOURSELF. By Activated within yourself I’m referring to your DNA, as you are reading this your DNA is being ACTIVATED/LIT UP by my words/energy/truth guiding you to REMEMBER/FEEL from within.
Yes our DNA is the KEY to each of our own unique Awakening/Ascension journeys as I started to mention earlier, in Truth our DNA is our Living Library/Akash that we are eventually meant to search for/find/FEEL/REMEMBER at some point in our True Awakening so we can start to get the CLEAREST answers for our own unique individual journey/path not having to look OUTWARDLY for ANYTHING.
We purposefully built/coded/planned it this way before being born and taking human form because we KNEW that we would be born with Amnesia into an already manipulated world of jaded/backwards/negative 3D lower beliefs. So we neatly coded/packed/built in the answers to all of existence/our lives/journey/reality (past/present/future) into something (DNA) that could ONLY be accessed by US through a CHOICE to WANT TO KNOW/REMEMBER through a POWERFUL AWAKENING journey that once ACTIVATED (at the perfect time for each person) everything will now be FELT WITHIN, no more chosen IGNORANCE/AVOIDING as many humans became accustomed to through the years of willingly taking in all the manipulation/programming/conditioning as reality…
My Truth is that we ALL pre chose our point of Awakening that can not be avoided, yet this is where it gets very interesting and ties back to many on the spirituality/religious/nomad paths being stuck/confused in a very INTENSE internal battle because their lower beliefs/programming/ego are blocking them from taking in the higher information that would simply guide them to remember it’s SO MUCH BIGGER than a spiritual/religious path because those paths have been organized by regular humans with no TRUE EXPERIENCE of FULLY AWAKENING then ASCENDING which becomes a journey to Anchoring/Emboding the Frequency of 12D Quantum/Universal Consciousness by releasing the control of the lower 3/4D ego matrix held with each human. 5/6D becomes the beginning of the Actual Ascension journey by Ascending our CONSCIOUSNESS out of the control of the Lower 3/4D ego. Yet when I was on the spiritual path 5D or 7D was said to be the end goal depending what information you read… yet it’s missing the other 5-7 Full Dimensions of Embodiment bringing us through PHYSICAL BODY ASCENSION which takes many linear “years” to complete/work through to Full Embodiment OF 12D. The spiritual path ENDS at 5D MISSING the MOST IMPORTANT part of the journey where we are RELEASING the control of the Lower ego and Embodying our Universe/Highest Aspects/Selves and also MISSING the ENTIRE SELF MASTERY PHASE which is Achieved/Embodied between 6D-12D..
I myself was caught in this confusion for a while along my path, it become VERY uncomfortable because I kept getting different visions/understandings/remembering from within me that went completely against the spiritual beliefs which I got lost in for a while until I had ENOUGH and finally started LOOKING/FEELING/SEEING/TRUSTING EVERYTHING from WITHIN ME. It became so uncomfortable inside (for unknown reasons at the time) listening/reading/watching spiritual content that I finally decided/pushed/forced myself to listen to what was coming from DEEP WITHIN.
Because it FELT GOOOOOOD, not just good, all the information/visions I was having WITHIN MYSELF actually felt like what I will describe as “HOME”, and it was the TRUE FEELING of HOME because Home is a REMEMBERING we Embody/FEEL and bring forth through us into our outer reality, HOME eventually becoming TRUE FREEDOM from within. Some call this New Earth but for now we will call it the feeling of Home for this Activation.
This brings us to the ULTRA POWERFUL purpose of our DNA and why I speak to this as a Conscious Awakening/Ascension.
CONSCIOUSNESS is NOT a belief or set of beliefs handed down from the past and regurgitated to learn… it’s a CHOICE to want to Know/Remember/Trust, to be CONSCIOUS/AWAKE/OPEN to the truth, ALWAYS SEEING/KNOWING/TRUSTING/FEELING our TRUTH from WITHIN REMEMBERING our DNA holds the answers/guidance/knowing to our ENTIRE journey/reality/every experience, it knows what’s coming, what was and what will come (able to view different timelines) because our DNA is QUANTUM. What this means is that our DNA does not exist with the lower 3D construct of “time” as time is a creation of man for the purpose of control and to keep humanity from REMEMBERING we are ALL truly QUANTUM/UNIVERSAL beings that have “forgotten” our truth.
For the purposes of understanding, past/future are a human construct, truthfully we are meant to live in the present moment where past/future do not exist. Humans hold a past which is full of Trauma, they hold an unknown FEAR to what the future will bring due to allowing the outside world to control there reality. Once we Take Responsibility by Consciously releasing the trauma/dysfunction/density/emotions/stories/negative experiences of the past we realize/remember the future we were so fearful of was just based on manipulation/fear programming/conditioning we took in/on through life believing what we were told which caused us to see a dark “future”.
Higher Ascended Consciousness ONLY sees a VERY BRIGHT “future” because it has chosen to Resolve/Dissolve/Release/Clear/Align its entire “past” by Taking Responsibility for each individual trauma/experience/emotion/program/conditioning/victim story/false belief/manipulation/conditioning UNKNOWINGLY taken in/on since birth as they present themselves as Growth Experiences through our journey, because all of the above IS PART of THE EGO. The ego HAS to be CONSCIOUSLY released/Surrendered/dismantled FULLY which is how we ASCEND OUR CONSCIOUSNESS taking “years” to complete AFTER going ALL IN and CHOOSING to REMEMBER the TRUE PATHWAY REMEMBERING/TRUSTING that it’s not at all happening for us other than our souls pushing us Awake at a very specific point in the journey. The journey is now to dive into our DEEPEST hurt/pain/sadness/traumas buried from our life, working through it all by Taking Responsibility for carrying the dysfunctional energy/jaded stories/density/beliefs forward through life. This happens by peeling back the layers and seeing our part in it all and how WE actually MAGNETIZED all these past experiences TO US (our field) for the ONLY TRUE PURPOSE OF HIGHER GROWTH/REMEMBERING/EXPANSION.
So if someone (which is most of humanity) unknowingly holds a VERY LIMITED belief/understanding of what ego TRULY is then how can they Resolve/Dissolve/Clear/Align/RELEASE there ego programming, better yet how are they Ascending together if not doing the TRUE CONSCIOUS INNER WORK to release the ego which becomes the Ascension of our Consciousness.
Quick answer is that they are not…
Yes they are doing bits and pieces and having big emotional releases which is awesome but always stuck/confused in EXTREMELY INTENSE emotions/traumas/programming (ego) constantly looping/resurfacing from the past until they finally have ENOUGH and begin to listen to their INNER KNOWING/FEELING guiding them to their TRUE PATH Remembered within and being willing to except Higher guidance/pathway from someone who has already come through like myself and others that came through “ahead” of the masses.
I didn’t realize I was coming through ahead of many until I released my ego which took me a while to even comprehend and only happened through being guided to a soul that already Ascended before me that had laid out her path/journey as experienced and it resonated DEEP WITHIN me. My role then became to share my own unique journey for those willing to get out of the way of there own limiting beliefs/programming/conditioning and allowing themselves to FEEL the TRUTH being shared by other WAYSHOWERS like me sharing our UNIQUE POWERFUL PROCESSES. We aren’t saying it’s our way or the highway, quite the opposite. We are sharing what worked for us individually as this is not a linear journey by any means. Ascending dimensions (the cores structure of the journey) stays the same having to hold/anchor/embody specific frequency/vibration before moving into Embodying a higher dimension/frequency as what is required to Embody each dimension cannot be avoided or we do not move forward, yet we have all created many different approaches to sharing the tools we used or created/remembered to get through. We will share things in our own unique words from our own unique experiences because we are all UNIQUE individually with how we took on everything and how we see everything. I may share different tools/ways through a process than others yet all guiding you to the same point within. We’ve all had very unique lives/experiences so you’ll find you will be guided towards conscious Guides/Wayshowers that have had similar experiences in life because you can resonate/feel understood/connect deeper/let go/trust.
Everyone that comes to me for guidance has had very similar experiences in life because I’ve worked through and consciously aligned my entire life/growth experiences/dysfunction/traumas/programming/conditioning…, I see it all for what it is from the highest consciousness allowing me to break it all down so easily and simply for anyone that chooses to see/feel/know. A trust/bond/connection is felt and built and that’s when HUGE GROWTH begins.
Sharing this all as a Higher View for those either just beginning your Awakening journey or for those that have been on the spiritual/religious path but feeling it’s much BIGGER and ready to except/receive a higher pathway shared as simple Quantum Guidance Activating the Remembering/Coding in your own DNA allowing you to See/Feel/Remember YOUR OWN HIGHER TRUTH from within. I’m not saying spiritually or religion are off/wrong in anyway, what I am sharing is that the path for me only went so far and at some point it becomes painful being stuck wondering why I wasn’t moving forward but rather running in circles chasing my tail in constant loops of pain and suffering, Realizing that many spiritual practices/modalities are great pieces/tools to AID in the awakening process..but also Realizing there’s MUCH MORE to the BIGGER PROCESS.
I’m sharing what worked for me which Activates you to Remember for yourself. You read/listen to the higher guidance being shared by those that EMBODY their words through Experience and it lights you up inside, that’s called FEELING and it’s your BIGGEST most POWERFUL gift we ALL have access to, we just have to TRUST the “Unknown”, or what the ego mind feels is unknown. Yet it’s all neatly packed/coded in YOUR OWN DNA too, you just have to take a LEAP and TRUST it’s all within YOU, we Wayshowers are just guiding you back inside to find/feel/see/remember it all for yourself through our Experiences that brought us through.
This ENTIRE JOURNEY becomes TRUSTING what doesn’t make ANY sense to the lower ego mind, yet FEELS TRUE from WITHIN.
I recommend to take this information and Integrate it all, feel how it opens up/Activates within, close your eyes and feel your own truth/feelings that come up after taking all this in.
I share many gifted/free Quantum Activation Articles that guide a soul from a higher conscious pathway and also have created a members community for those that are serious about their Awakening/Ascension journey looking for daily Higher Quantum Guidance to guide you back HOME. As we Ascend our BIGGEST MISSION is to share our journey/pathway/experiences back to those willing to receive higher information.
In DEEP APPRECIATION and SACRED RESPECT for everyone’s unique journey…💎✨🌈✨🦋✨💖✨💫
Photo credit and HUGE APPRECIATION goes out to the son of a Beautiful Soul Brother while Awakening to this GORGEOUS Sunrise in Patagonia South America… 🤩🌄🤍