Sharing this to Activate a Higher Understanding as many are now getting UNKNOWINGLY pushed into the EGO RELEASE/SURRENDER phase of their Awakening journey and without a higher understanding this phase can get very INTENSE/UNCOMFORTABLE/CONFUSING/HEAVY as it takes 3-4 years to RESOLVE/DISSOLVE the control/power we have unknowingly given it to run our lives since early childhood as I will share.
To make this come together we must look at what the “ego matrix” TRULY is and not just what we have been programmed/conditioned/told it is because they are two VERY DIFFERENT things as you will come to see/feel for yourself through your process, as well as the reason many are UNKNOWINGLY stuck not progressing in their Awakening/Ascension journey, not being able to fully Embody the frequencies of 5D and beyond as we are meant to because until the DEEP ego matrix programming is Resolved/DISSOLVED through a VERY POWERFUL/PROFOUND process of TAKING FULL CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY that rips us to the ABSOLUTE CORE OF OUR BEING, a person cannot begin their Ascension process as the RELEASE of the ego programming/dysfunction/density IS how we ASCEND our CONSCIOUSNESS.
This may all seem/feel new to you as this HIGHER process/journey/path is not being shared in mainstream versions of Awakening/Ascension as I’ve shared in many other Activations/posts… in short, this is because what we are doing now as a COLLECTIVE has NEVER been done before in this earth reality, being to FULLY ASCEND in physical form to Achieve/Anchor/Hold a 12D FULLY ASCENDED EMBODIMENT.
2012 was when the Ascension portals/gateways/star gates activated/opened up and that’s when Gaia Ascended her frequency back up wayyyy beyond 12D, this is when physical body Ascension became possible in this Earth reality for all at there own pace, before this it just wasn’t possible to go beyond the Ascension of the Consciousness. This is why it’s an entirely NEW process not found in mainstream versions of Awakening/Ascension. Most believing that everyone is Awakening/Ascending all together yet this isn’t how it works at all… Truthfully we are meant to Awaken and find our own unique way through at our own pace, then Ascending at our own pace already set forth/planned BEFORE BIRTH with Everyone in very different stages of the journey as meant to be for so many reasons. The more inner work we do being a 24/7 process, the deeper we go into our process... Release of Ego control/power being the biggest piece to finishing your Awakening portion and then moving into your Ascension phase which PURPOSEFULLY takes MANY more years to complete as is also meant to.
To make a point, there are many people out there that awakened many many years ago (10,20,30 + yrs) and still not moved through their ego phase/process although some believe they have simply because they hold “mainstream/outdated” versions of ego AND Awakening that are MUCH MUCH DIFFERENT than what they truly are missing the biggest pieces of the journey. Theres no “right or wrong”, these are illusions/manipulations/limiting beliefs of the ego matrix. This is a free will earth reality meaning we get to CHOOSE our reality and whatever we TRULY BELIEVE becomes OUR REALITY.
This is why someone can get stuck UNKNOWINGLY looping in 3/4D not knowing there’s MUCH more to a journey/process. The true higher process pushed away because it’s not mainstream and not many are doing it, following the herd (that’s what humans do) and making money being a “healer” becomes the new norm as many are to fearful to take the road MUCH less traveled meaning to “HEAL” themselves COMPLETELY FIRST (which becomes the full release of the ego matrix)… while giving up EVERYTHING, ALL convenience, money, followers, material world, shopping, vacations, stimulants, friendships, attachments just to name a few… which I get as it was quite an interesting/intense/HUMBLING journey to let all of that go for myself for the last 10 + years. There is ZERO judgement to all this as it is a free will reality as mentioned above, we come through at our own pace when READY/WILLING to let go of the 3D matrix of control.
So what is the ego and what is it’s function…?
Ego itself consisting of many different low and negative frequencies/pieces/parts (ego matrix) and contrary to the mainstream belief/definition it is not as simple as arrogance/control or someone believing they are better than others etc… those are just the tip of the MASSIVE iceberg so to speak. Iceberg being a great visual because the top part above the water is the only part we can see which makes it “seem” small, yet the other 80% of it is hidden below the water where our eyes naturally cannot see through the depths/darkness, just like humanity PURPOSEFULLY being given a TINY FRACTION of truth/understanding of what the ego truly is and it’s function in this Earth Reality being what actually HOLDS/BINDS a person to endlessly living/experiencing 3/4D as reality UNTIL they Awaken and CHOOSE to RELEASE IT (Earth School).
Ego IS THE 3/4D matrix.., that’s it’s function, it is the “operating system” that holds a person in a very low frequency/vibration/reality, the MIND is the STORAGE FACILITY for ALL the MANIPULATION/CONDITIONING/PROGRAMMING taken IN from OUTSIDE OURSELVES, which is EVERYTHING we’ve ever learned/taken in/on as truth in our entire lives.
This trickery/manipulation keeping Humanity lost/confused MISSING the BIGGEST MOST IMPORTANT parts of a TRUE CONSCIOUS AWAKENING process (ego release/surrender/“death”) that require FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/UNDERSTANDING so we can eventually RELEASE the CONTROL/POWER that WE UNKNOWINGLY GAVE IT (ego) long ago as tiny children, then SURRENDER into our HIGHER HEART CONSCIOUSNESS where the ego CANNOT/NO LONGER EXISTS through a MASSIVE years long BEAUTUFUL process/journey. Some call this “ego death” but nothing is truly dying so I don’t use that term “death” because what we are really doing is TAKING OUR POWER BACK from GIVING IT AWAY, energy doesn’t die, it shifts/changes/expands/contracts but cannot die, it’s impossible, this is why I speak to it as Ego RELEASE/SURRENDER.
Also the fact that it’s always still there, yet by resolving/dissolving all the density/dysfunction of the ego matrix that we built/created we now TAKE its POWER away NEVER GIVING IT ENERGY/POWER/FUEL AGAIN through a conscious EMBODIMENT process, where over 3-4 years we are expanded/contracted/tested ENDLESSLY when we least expect it (the process of self mastery) by our soul/universe/higher self to push up ALL the HIDDEN/DEEPLY BURIED TRAUMAS/DENSITY/DISEMPOWERED VICTIM STORIES/PAINFUL MEMORIES/SHAME/BLAME/GUILT/LACK/FEAR/JUDGEMENT of self and others/SEPARATION/CONTROL/POWER OVER OTHERS/JEALOUSY/BURIED EMOTIONS/PAIN and SUFFERING… held and buried DEEP WITHIN the ENERGY BODY, which IS THE EGO MATRIX, everything just listed above is what makes up the Ego matrix of control.
Our new HIGHEST MISSION once this phase of the Awakening process is activated and we CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to go ALL IN on our journey meaning no more dipping your toes in to our journey once and a while but rather DIVING IN HEAD FIRST, which is about mid 4D and becomes a 24/7 process of working through/resolving/dissolving/TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for ALL of our UNCONSCIOUS CREATIONS/CHOICES/ACTIONS/THOUGHTS/BELIEFS/IDENTITIES/DENSITY/DYSFUNCTION, stories of SHAME/BLAME/GUILT/LACK/JUDGEMENT/CONTROL/SEPARATION/JEALOUSY/VICTIM MENTALITIES/FEARS/STORED EMOTIONS… and so much more as shared above.
So now in these VERY POWERFUL TIMES we have a ton of BEAUTIFUL souls getting pushed out of there COMFORTABLE reality/LIMITING BELIEFS/“healing journey”/spiritual awakening into a MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER/DEEPER/PROFOUND/HUMBLING process that must be ACCOMPLISHED/ACHIEVED FIRST before a person can begin to EMBODY the frequencies of 5D, Ascend their consciousness then physical body and then WAYYYY beyond to 12D physical EMBODIMENT, which I call a “CONSCIOUS AWAKENING/ASCENSION process because we are bringing CONSCIOUSNESS to all of our UNCONSCIOUSNESS, we are becoming FULLY CONSCIOUS from a confused/lost state of AMNESIA in a world purposefully held in 3D to keep us as slaves NEVER KNOWING OUR TRUE POWER/PUPOSE here in this Earth Reality or “Earth School” as some of us refer to it.
I have shared other ACTIVATIONS/REMEMBERING that describe the RESOLVING/DISSOLVING process and how we TRULY and CONSCIOUSLY TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our unconscious actions/choices/thoughts/beliefs/programming/conditioning/identities we’ve taken in/on/created on my website, can be found in the “Quantum Guidance” section where I share tons of gifted/free higher guidance for all that seek the higher pathway/support through a Conscious Awakening/Ascension process.
I’ll leave this short and stop here as I could keep going but want to give an opportunity to integrate/digest this new higher awareness ACTIVATING the REMEMBERING inside of your DNA/AKASH where ALL of this information is neatly coded for YOU to access as you release your ego matrix. The more you consciously work through/resolve/dissolve the MORE REMEMBERINGS/VISIONS that ACTIVATE from WITHIN (DNA) to guide you forward.
I call it the GREAT HUMBLING..!
Once you allow this to integrate deep inside you’ll start feeling pulled in a new higher direction by your soul/universe/higher self to keep finding and unlocking the higher/deeper/further conscious pathways/processes. Once I stopped looking OUTSIDE MYSELF for ANY information and began to TRUST that it was ALL WITHIN ME and I just had to start looking/feeling within, that’s when my ENTIRE REALITY SHIFTED HUGE and I began this ULTRA AWESOME/POWERFUL journey that brought me through my Conscious Awakening/Ascension and to my current EMBODIMENT.
I have also just written another couple Powerful Activations/REMEMBERINGS called
“The journey/path of the Wounded Healer..”
“What is a Conscious Awakening and What does it mean to Ascend…”
which will open up/activate much more of a remembering WITHIN as relates to the Higher Path not being shared in mainstream. They just might answer many questions you’ve had about your journey/process and how to keep making big progress rather than unknowingly looping in lower beliefs/mainstream understandings feeling stagnant/stuck/confused at times
Thank you for your commitment to your process/journey..
This deep work is not a walk in the park and IS truly meant to rip us to our core AND THEN SOME, just remember that everything you are working through/hold inside is what you’ve unknowingly created/magnetized to yourself/buried inside for the purposes of higher conscious growth, fighting/avoiding the higher process makes it all much more uncomfortable. Running from, avoiding working through and acknowledging your own creations just drags out the process until you are ready to walk into and face it all.
It comes in steps, it’s not a race, be gentle/compassionate with self and REMEMBER more than anything that your soul will not put you through anything that you can’t handle. It’s the mind/ego that keeps you stuck/looping/playing in fears/judgments/emotions shaming/blaming which blocks you from CHOOSING/WANTING to Take Responsibility…
PRESENCE and OBSERVATION of ALL of our choices/actions/thoughts/triggers becomes the way to catch it all and instead of always falling back into the victim role, we CHOOSE to SEE/FEEL it all and walk into it all KNOWING WE CREATED IT ALL so WE are the ONLY ONES that can RESOLVE/DISSOLVE it all.
In Deep Appreciation for your willingness to keep choosing the deep inner work and walking into what doesn’t make any sense to the lower mind ego and NEVER will…