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🔥🔥🔥 ~ADDICTION~🔥🔥🔥

Writer's picture: Jeromie MasonJeromie Mason

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

How to consciously release any and all “addictions”/addicted behaviours from your life, Forever!!



Let’s start by breaking down the actual word “addiction”, what it means and what it was created for.

Full Definition of addiction

: a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence : the state of being addicted

alcohol addiction

an addiction to prescription painkillers

drug addictions



gambling addiction

: a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly


WOW! I’m going to have fun guiding you to take your power back from a HUGE MANIPULATION created to keep people lost and confused believing some thing, want or need has power over them.

Let’s start with the definition

The word addiction and it’s creation are the basis for something that doesn’t truly exist.

I’m going to skip right to the best part, because saving it for last wouldn’t be as fun as knowing and feeling it right away.

It’s quite simple, addiction does NOT and CAN NOT exist as it is defined.

WHY? Because engaging in anything at all requires us to make a choice internally, that choice instigates the action. That means YOU are making the choice to do it, meaning it doesn’t hold power over you, is not happening TO YOU and only happening because YOU chose it. Basically the word “addiction” was switched out for the action and opportunity of CHOICE.

To feel or say a substance, place, or action holds power over you is to say you didn’t make a choice and didn’t have a choice. That is not true!

The simple fact is, everyone has the moment of choice/CHOICE PONT. No substance, place/environment or action can come into your head and say “hey, you better do this or else…”, it’s a conscious decision, not just the first time or couple times, EVERY TIME.

What happened was someone decided they could keep people lost and confused by creating a word, that word would be the “scientific” definition or explanation that would describe an “affliction” or “disease”.

When something is said to be a disease, it is assumed that something is happening inside the body or mind that is happening to you and you have no control over. the definition is written as a diagnosis yet the diagnosis was bought and paid for by people that didn’t have the general populations best internet at hand, but did/DO love making money by tricking people psychologically.

The only way to wrap your head around this is to look around the world and realize “medical science”, was never and has never been in the business of someone’s actual health or best interest of the population, rather it’s best interest was it’s own self and creating a BIG business. With BIG business comes BIG $$$ money. Why tell people the truth, when if they knew the real truth they wouldn’t really need the medical system as it stands. We only believe we need it because we were told it is the way or born into a society with it already built in, so we believe it is the True Tried and Trusted way or it wouldn’t be there… right??

Our new world medical system in the Western Hemisphere consists of always evolving new "diseases", pills and more pills…. Nothing to do with cures, only pills and more pills to treat the side effects of those pills since it’s inception in the 1940’s. The pills or what the industry calls “medication” are the $$ money maker, Disease is the manipulation (word and definition) made to get you on a pill and then pills. If it doesn’t require pills or some sort of treatment it doesn’t generate money. I could go on and on but don’t feel it necessary. It’s becoming quite evident at this point in life.

It’s quite simple, how would you keep an entire human race lost, confused and powerless so they would never stand up for themselves and realize there true selves, why they are here and the powerful gifts and knowledge they all hold. How would you keep them from connecting with the ONE very thing (Earth) that gives them life and holds the answers to their very existence. How would you keep these very people from ever realizing THEY actually have all the answers to there own life and body right inside them in there own DNA?

DNA you say, “but I heard that DNA had junk in it and they are really just starting to figure it out”, “I thought it was used to trace ancestors and test if a child is yours or who you where after death if your face and features cannot be identified”.

Our DNA holds the keys to all of existence, it is the portal to the universe and all that exists within it (your body and your reality), therefore all answers to our lives are found within. Bet you have never been taught that at school!

I wonder why that is…. Hmmmmm!

So how would you keep people from connecting to this truth and knowledge of self? Well, you would take away ALL ways of Remembering by disconnecting them from the very sources of the information. Those sources being your DNA the SUN the EARTH, this may all seem crazy to you reading this as unless we search deeply we will never find or never know.

We were told if we hear or engage with voices in our head we are “crazy” or have a “mental disorder”, ever wonder why someone would say that??? Well, your INNER KNOEING is one of your most powerful gifts as a human, it is your discernment, your inner and outer guidance system, it has and always has had ALL the answers you’ve needed for every experience in life. Why would we not be taught about this magnificent piece of ourselves..? Why would we not be guided into one of our greatest gifts only to be confused and question everything not ever knowing truth other than what we are told is truth?

Instead being heavily conditioned for many many years to let the mind do all the work… don’t trust or listen to your own self (intuition) as it’s not been proven by “trusted science”, if it’s not been proven by or through “science” and had a definition attached to it then it’s not excepted… just keep filling your mind with whatever we tell and teach you to and life will be A ok mentality.

Yet here we are living life in pain and suffering, you may not realize but we constantly live in pain and suffering and don’t even realize it to the point we ask for more and more without knowing and then complain about it. This is why many use distractions (addictive behaviours) to cope with life, because it’s already painful just to exist here, the systems are all built to keep us two steps back all the time.

Why would ANYONE EVER hide such knowledge of such a great gift inside all humans. A gift that lets each individual know there own truth and discern for themselves, not based on science and forced knowledge but based on the persons own REAL TRUTH.

If you control the flow of information you now control the narrative of life!

That can mean BIG BIG $$$ MONEY for anyone willing to engage in taking away/hiding the true human spirit and the powerful natural gifts it comes with through using fear power and control. So keeping people believing they have an endless diseases and sicknesses that need treatment and or pills keeps the business going, giving bandaids rather than cures.

Now let’s get back to the word addiction.

You’ve got a business not out for your best interest or to help you get better. They create words that hold definitions, those very words now get termed a “diseases” by “medical science” and because the word disease was created to be bigger than anyone and always have no cure, the uninformed of its true power human now believes what it’s told over what it knows/feels inside as his or her own truth.

Earlier on I spoke of choice!

Choice is the most powerful action we have in every moment. Choice is bigger than any “inclination” as defined above, inclination = want/choice. If we are present and choose to be present to our words and actions inside and outside ourselves we are able to see we ALWAYS have a choice point.

We then see as above, a word was created and a definition was given.

I will be very very clear here, that word and definition of addiction is an absolute manipulation to the human soul.

NOTHING in this world can hold the power of choice for you, only you do. If you give it away then you get what you’ve chosen, this is a freewill Earth Realiyy and we all have free will to process things for ourselves. If not then we’ve given our own power away to the systems and that’s what had happened to most of the human population after thousands of years of conditioning and programming. Every moment and experience has a choice point, there is no right or wrong way to do something. We do something over and over until we CHOOSE to shift that choice, WE are the change, nobody is coming to save us from ourselves, it’s impossible. It takes the will of our own selves to shift our own selves and our choices. We can call it whatever we want “addiction”, “affliction”, “disease”… they are just words we use to give our power away and not take responsibility for ourselves and actions pretending it’s happening TO US, when in actual fact we chose it and we are now in it because we chose it. Taking responsibility and choosing to change is where everything shifts, we have to keep making new choices and going against what we felt or thought was comfortable because it was taking us away from our life and problems but was really pain and suffering. Most people these days have just given up on life so to speak, they don’t feel they can make a difference so they just fall in line for the most part and just get through life, this is when addictive behaviors begin to form. No judgement, just speaking truth. I was one of those people until I made a choice to dive deeper and follow my own intuition and inner guidance telling me there was more to life. Before then I didn’t feel like there was a way out so I just did what I could (addictive behaviors) to avoid what didn’t feel good.

The words compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological are all distractions used to make someone believe they have an issue or outside force that is more powerful than them which is NOT TRUE on any level. Nothing is more powerful than your own conscious choice unless YOU choose to give your power away to it being bigger, this includes EVERYTHING. We’ve just been sold a massive lie and lies to keep us perfectly unhappy in the systems.

This is when it’s time to realize we have all given our power away to society, nobody is worse or better it’s all about the choices we make and most of all what we take responsibility for in our lives.

If we choose to have a drink and then 5, 10 or 20 more than WE CHOSE to have them, same for gambling, food, sex, drugs, cigarettes, talking, sports….. you name it, it’s ALL a choice (distraction) not an addiction. The moment we choose to say we are addicted we have chosen NOT to take responsibility for our own actions, we are using a word with a description to become a victim to our own lives in some way shape or form. This is called giving our power away. The only way out of choosing to be the victim is to take responsibility for ALL of our own choices, that means ALL. My truth, We are not victim to ANYTHING, becoming the victim is a chosen act and comes from not wanting to truly see feel and engage with the truth, looking for some sort of sympathy. All that does is create a victim story so we can wallow in self pity avoiding the truth so we can engage in what we call “addiction or addictive behaviors”. All because we don’t want to deal with the truth, we would rather create a story dragging ourselves and others into it giving ourselves a false reality to play in.

Let’s get to the root of WHY we choose to do things that end up being called an addiction. We’ve tried something and liked some part of it, doesn’t matter what it is, it’s all the same at the outset. If we had a drink (alcohol) smoked a joint, took some prescription pills, had random sex and liked it, 2 packs of cigarettes a day, did some heavy drugs… what did we like about it, was it the fact it took away our inhibitions, made our current day or problems slip away so as not to have to feel it at that time, did it feel great around people because we were more open then usual, is it a mechanism/reaction to cope with a trauma from the present or past, did it pass time in our day, I could go on and on… it’s the same for food, drugs and ALL “addictions”. We believe it all makes us feel better in the moment or does something for us or pushes something away for now and allows a good time to be had. Seems like the normal thing to do, I mean that’s what it seems most everyone else does to cope.

When confronted to deal with something it seems much easier to just avoid and find a distraction than actually deal with the intensity of feelings and emotions attached to something we are avoiding. Avoiding is avoiding, pushing something away is only asking it to come back again later, when we know this it means we are doing it on purpose sabotaging ourselves so we can do it all over again. That is a choice and that is what people call addiction.

The real truth here is that it became easier to avoid the trauma/event/experience rather than dealing with the true cause and source that had us fall into the “addictive behavior” in the first place. Through life as the the trauma/event/experience came up we immediately looked for an escape, that escape became a pattern, the pattern took on a “label” (alcoholic, drug addict, sex addict, workaholic) and the label now became and part of our identity. Now we can use this label as a victim badge whenever we want to have a pity party and wallow in self pity. Why do I say pity party? Because it’s a choice not to deal with things in the moment, it’s also a choice to avoid things every single time they come up knowingly taking or doing something to avoid dealing with them.

Here’s the kicker, if we are to just deal with the trauma/event/experience in the moment we would not hold memories and negative energy that cause us to avoid ourselves, we would not want or need to avoid anything meaning no need for “addictive avoidance behaviors” to hide from ourselves.

Now you may be saying “ya, but you didn’t go through what I did”, “you haven’t seen or felt what I had to see”, you didn’t endure the trauma and events like I did”… Maybe I did or maybe I didn’t, but I did have my own life, my own traumas/events/experiences that I pushed away over and over and saw what I created and chose to use to get away and avoid dealing with it all. I used drugs and alcohol to run and hide from my entire life and then used them even more because I didn’t really want to live, I chose to become a Victim to my life looking for sympathy rather than dealing with MY OWN issues. I wallowed in self pity for years and years (18 yrs) until I had enough and didn’t want to feel that way anymore. I then did everything in my power to break free of it all forever. Forever you say, yes forever because I had had enough. I made a choice to change and stuck to it, took every single piece of me and choosing to want to see me own stuff I was hiding from. Choosing to acknowledge I was running and hiding from my own life and experiences which I finally realized were all happening FOR ME to see and finally choose to break free.

We “use” things to get away from things until we realize dealing with those things allows us not to need things to deal with them.

I finally found it within myself to start acknowledging WHY I was choosing what I was choosing, I realized that if I kept running from my own issues I was in fear of my own self, things I had done and experienced. Running kept me in pain and suffering.

What was I really running from? Moments in my past, past meaning done and over with, holding the past choosing pain and suffering because it was somehow easier than just looking back into the experience.

No matter how painful something was and I say was because it’s done, we are just holding it to be victim to it over and over, then usually complaining about it like it’s happening to us and there is nothing we can do about it. That is called CHOOSING pain and suffering. The “disease” is the choice to keep something painful by avoiding it knowing you can simply choose to deal with it.

My truth, Disease does not exist! It is a word created to have people give away there power. Anything and Everything from our lives can be consciously dealt with resolved and released, we just haven’t been taught for good reason, $$$ MONEY!

When you begin to Remember YOU have all the answers you are looking for and YOU have always had the power to shift and change anything happening inside your own energy body life and consciousness then disease is nothing more than a shift in words from dis-ease.

Your whole world begins to shift because you realize you’ve been lied to and hidden from your most powerful self all for the love of control and money over an entire species. Yes there are some really really negative and evil people out there that really don’t like humanity. It just is what it is, at some point one must acknowledge this to move forward.

Over time conditioning and programming we became a species that does what it’s told and gets information from where it’s told to get it, getting information from anywhere else being labeled conspiracy or non sense as it doesn’t fit the framework (science) of the narrative to keep the masses in control. When you are being told what to believe and how to believe it, you can bet you are a slave to the very society you’ve trusted with your life and best interest. When you are shut down for what you believe you are a slave to what you allow to shut you down. When you are told things hold power over you that truly don’t and you give your power away believing it’s true, you have given your humanity and all that you came here to do and be away to global elites that control the slaves for their very own profit and control. That’s exactly what they want and exactly why the world and systems are in place the way they are.

Quite simply, addiction is not real!

Believing your mind is making you do something you don’t have control over is a BIG Lie. Everyone always has a choice especially when it comes to things we do, say and put in our body’s. Become aware of the choices you are making, it’s a choice in itself to even want to see them. Pay attention and become present to what your choosing and you will see you have the ability to choose whatever you like. When you allow yourself to remember you make your own choices and you can choose to be unconscious to your choices or conscious to your choices, you realize addiction does NOT and never has existed. We just decided to believe who we felt we should trust and went along with it all believing it was all bigger than us and we had no control.

I want to be clear, I’m not judging anyone here. What I am doing is speaking my highest truth from my own experience and embodiment so you may feel with all of your soul that you have the power to release all the lies and take your power back. You have the power to trust your own self and do what is best for YOU not for anyone else or what they say to believe. Trust your gut and what feels good. Start to listen to yourself and your body. You will know through feeling what’s good for you or not.

Let’s talk about AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or any program like it and how it is a death sentence, keeping you in the belief you are an addicted to things for the rest of your life.

You wanna talk about fear mongering and control!

Let’s start with these “programs” created to keep people enslaved in false reality believing there is no way out, programming and conditioning you to believe you are in a life sentence to your own self.

Why do you feel addiction centers (rehab) are always full and in a waiting list to get in? Because they tell everyone it’s a life sentence, people go in and come out, many end up back in again. Why?

Is it because they aren’t listening to the indoctrination or is BECAUSE they are listening to the indoctrination. When speaking to people that have been through the press you find It feels and seems like more of a cult or religion. You’ve got people that walk around spouting off the doctrine of the AA manuals like they are words from some God or something. It’s quite astonishing to say the least.

What’s the first thing they indoctrinate you to say at addiction counseling or at a weekly meeting?

“Hi, I’m _____ and I’m an alcoholic or drug addict, sex addict, news narrative addict……”

Listen to the indoctrination, from the first sentence you are being told to say YOU ARE AN ADDICT. That is how you get someone to believe they will never we ever come out of it and if they stop doing it they better be in fear of it because it will come back and get them like the invisible boogie man/women when they least expect it. That is what the news does, it makes up the future that doesn’t exist, puts in a nearly wrapped box and people now believe whatever it is. That is called a cult!

As I’ve mentioned very clearly and powerfully above, EVERYONE has the choice to do something, NOTHING is more powerful than your power of choice in every moment. NOBODY can take your choice away and NOBODY on this planet can tell you what your choices are going to be in the future except YOU, ONLY YOU!!

So all these programs are doing is having people believe a lie so they can stay in business pretending to help, but what’s actually happening is they are indoctrinating you with a life sentence that doesn’t truly exist.

To be clear, you can make a new choice anytime you want. That’s up to you, if you want to find the will to change than you must step up and make it happen, if you have had enough than make a stand within yourself to do so. Everytime you feel yourself going into an addictive type behavior force yourself to say no if that’s what you want to do. But if you don’t say no than don’t judge yourself, it just means your not ready to shift yet, doesn’t mean your an addict. It’s just a choice and when your truly ready to shift you will, this is something you must trust within yourself.

For me, once I realized I had the power within to shift and I was just being fed a bunch of lies and other peoples stories of failure to keep me lost in the system. I wanted nothing more than to take my life and power back. I was done using things to find something that wasn’t there and never would be. I just needed to know there was a way out and I found it through listening to my own self saying “you are bigger than this, this isn’t you, you’ve come to do much more than wallow in self pity and give up on life, you’ve come to make your mark in this world whatever it is but you wont do it if you don’t want it and don’t try, doesn’t matter what it is”. It’s all about the energy we are willing to put into change, what you put in, you get out. If you feel you can’t then you’ve already decided for yourself and that’s where you will stay until you choose to shift. Saying the word “can’t” is a life sentence as long as we use it, it’s also a choice and can be shifted if WE choose to shift and truly want to change. I will always be clear that NO ONE is coming to save anyone, we are the only ones that can make the change, we ALL have what it takes inside… every single one of us. I bet you were never taught that at school or at the AA meeting is you’ve ever gone. If you have heard that before than what are you waiting for…YOU are the answer you’ve been waiting and looking for!

In Love and deep Gratitude to you for your willingness to dive deeper into the unknown and Remember Your True Power Within…❤️❤️

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